Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius Nov-Dec 2024: What to Expect
- Details
- Written by Robert Wilkinson

At 6:42 pm PST on November 25, Mercury goes retrograde at 23 Sagittarius, beginning our review of all things Sagittarius in our charts.
Today we take a look at some primary factors in the coming retrograde.
An Overview of the Retrograde
The coming retrograde will give us a new look at recent signals and information that we sent or received in the house(s) where we have 7-23 Sagittarius. As with all Mercury retrograde periods, things from the past will be reviewed, re-examined, reevaluated, or understood differently. We can get a new look at how our imagination works, and may see some things about our subconscious mind or another’s subconscious mind and understand “inner life energies” from a new angle.
We’ll get new insights into all things related to our Sagittarius responses from now through early January, including another look at “the new land” we’ve entered in 2024 which has forced us to examine our attitudes and release lesser things “for the sake of greater selfhood.” This year has reoriented us in ways that will release potentials by the time this retrograde is finished. This will play out in the house where we have the span of 7 through 23 Sagittarius in our chart. This begins in the social-emotional level of “Transference” and retrogrades back through the actional-material level of the same scene and then the individual-spiritual and social-emotional levels of “Abstraction.”
This will be mostly great for planets we have in the middle decan of the Fire and Air signs. This will help us rethink parts of our lives from new Sagittarius perspectives in the house(s) where we have that signs, as well as where we have Gemini and Virgo.
Because our review begins at 23 Sagittarius, this will give us a “back to the future” look at the year, as that degree is where Mercury went stationary direct last January 1. As we begin the retrograde period, take a little more time to evaluate and plan things, coordinate things, discover things, give and receive information, and see things from multiple points of view.
Mercury is now ruled by Jupiter while in Sagittarius, and Jupiter is in Gemini, ruled by Mercury, putting these two in a Mutual Reception opposition, creating awareness but also a tension which goes everywhere and nowhere. Mercury in Sag is expansive and abstract, while Jupiter in Gemini sees opportunity in dualities and chaos. Welcome to this retrograde!
Mercury in the third decan of Sagittarius is ruled by the Sun with a sub-influence of Saturn. When it retrogrades back to the second decan, it’ll be ruled by Mars with an added dose of the Moon. When it gets back to the first decan of Sag, it’ll be ruled by Jupiter with an added dose of Mercury.
While Mercury is retrograde, it will continue to slow until the Inferior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at 15 Sagittarius on December 5, after which it begins to increase in speed, finally going stationary direct at 7 Sag on December 15. Once Mercury and the Sun make their Inferior conjunction, Mercury will again the planet which “leads the Light,” showing that a prerequisite to “enlightened action” at that time will involve “opening to a new love” in the social or emotional spheres.
The next 3 weeks will give us a new take on how we made it to where we are, and where to go from here. This is a liberating look from a different angle on how things are and how we want the future to take shape. Everything we’re reviewing and getting clear about, everything which needs to be researched and rehearsed, prepares us to move forward in January despite the generally slowed condition of Mars being retrograde from early December through late February. Because of the “back to the future” quality of Mercury retrograde, we may also get glimpses of how the last 3 months have given us a new look at “the message we’re here to deliver” now that our “practical adventuring” is done and we’ve “returned home.”
This retrograde period offers us a chance to round out our Sagittarius functions in some important ways. Mercury retrograde is great for taking a new look at past actions, feelings, ideas, and people to come to a different perspective about how these impacted our lives since then. As per all retrogrades, we’re done with the initial approach where “the stone was thrown into the pond,” and now enter a time when the ripples will return to source in multiple ways.
A Bit More
In the next 3 weeks, we can see what life has prepared for us since the last Mercury retrograde in August 2024. The next 3 weeks are a good time to take a look at our position within the larger emergent future in motion since January and examine the life in our ideas to see if they are bringing us living experiences or dying directions. This is a future oriented liberating retrograde which will help us see other alternatives for our future.
While in Sagittarius, Mercury is in its own 4th house relative to its Virgo qualities, and in its own 7th house relative to its Gemini qualities. So Mercury in Sagittarius is both grounding and externalizing, finding a basis for its Virgo qualities as it brings its Gemini to the surface. Of course, Mercury in Sag is in the sign of its “exile,” showing it’s as far away from its true nature as it can be.
I explain more about how Mercury functions in various signs in my pioneering work A New Look at Mercury Retrograde. Since it was retrograde in all three Earth signs last year and has split between all Fire retrogrades and retrogrades which began in Earth and went back to Fire, if you want to know about Mercury retrograde in various signs and houses, as well as how it functions in worldly events, please get a copy. It’s both fun and informative, and will give you “a new look” at all things related to Mercury retrograde! (Just make sure you get the 2nd Edition with the award on the cover published by 5th Ray Publishing rather than the much older 1st Edition published by Weiser.)
Summing It Up
For all of us, the next several weeks offer glimpses of new perspectives, new identities, and a new way to use our imagination to visualize what we’re doing. This is giving us an opportunity to take a second look at how our lower and higher Minds dance with each other, as the opposition from Mercury to Jupiter expands our awareness of possibilities and potentials. Mercury square to Saturn challenges us to “think big,” not letting our fears or assumptions of limitations hinder our vision. Of course, Saturn square both Mercury and Jupiter is the key to integrating the scattered energies, so create a precise and practical plan and stick with it despite the crosscurrents of the T-square. A lot of what happens these next few weeks will slow the momentum and create a lot of friction with criticism everywhere.
So welcome to many things being reviewed or coming back up from your subconscious mind or your connection to the collective these next three weeks thanks to the retrograde. This one allows us to get a new look at how we’re using Sagittarius energies in our lives, and review how we’ve moved forward since August and generally the entire year. As with all Mercury retrograde periods, this is a great time for new insights into how we’ve been guided to our Souls by what’s opened for us since the last retrograde.
Renewals, returns, reconnections, reunions, and a sense of responsibility for what our actions have led others to expect are promised by this retrograde, with new opportunities to appreciate someone or something due to Venus making favorable aspects with Uranus and Neptune during the retrograde. I’ll write more about this Mercury retrograde period over the next few days, including Sabian Symbols, Jones Pattern, aspects, and how it will impact all birthdays and signs!
Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames
Because Venus is on a degree of releasing our inhibitions and making a favorable quintile to Neptune, we should be able to let go of whatever rules are inhibiting us from achieving the abundance which is perfect for us. Its quincunx to Jupiter helps Jupiter make the adjustments required for personality integration, with productivity found in going deeper, connecting with source, accepting the transfigured life we’re already leading, finding protective mechanisms as we rest “after our gold strike,” and unveiling whatever needs to be unveiled of the bigger picture.
She plays a big part as the dispositor of Uranus, helping us to a greater appreciation of uniqueness, freedom, and the ability to step outside of obsolete rules and requirements. Still, Venus in Capricorn loves “to do the right thing,” and should bring organization amidst the scattering tendencies of the Sag/Gemini opposition. She’ll definitely help us to turn away from unnecessary conflict, as well as help us admire differences rather than get into confrontations.
If you would like to know more about how to use your inner Venus power to shape your relationships and make them better than they have been in the past, please get your copy of my book Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames. Venus helps us eliminate difficult relationships by helping us see our changing vanities and values so we can attract more ideal friendships and responses when dancing with the countless Soul Mates we encounter throughout life.
It was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers, and will help you understand why you have attracted what and who you did, and how all your relationships have led you to open your heart and mind to encourage your ideal expression in your interactions. Each time you read any section of this book you will find new insights about your power to steer your personal evolution and have more perfect relationships in the future. You will understand how to throw off all the attitudes which have held you back from finding your ideal friends and partners as you fulfill your destiny as an Eternal having human experiences!
To order your copy, go to the The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames page on Amazon, or you can always go to your local bookstore which is even better! The ebook is available through Kindle. And if you would, please write a review on the Amazon site, since the more reviews, the bigger the boost on their site.
It is the most comprehensive book on Venus ever written, and explains the foundations of long term healthy relationships and friendships, why Soul Mates come into our lives, and how to know the difference between a Soul Mate and our Twin Flame. Even if you’re not looking for a partner, this book will explain why certain people with certain traits came into your life and what they taught you about yourself.
It has chapters on the qualities of each sign’s natural mate, the qualities of Venus in each sign, and when crucial choices and changes are made, affecting who we attract in the future. It was written for both astrologers and lay people, and as it has a thousand gems for better relationships, with self, others, and Source, please consider getting your copy by going to the link above! (And when you’re done, please leave a review on Amazon, since it helps the book and all other books on astrology as well!)
See you soon with the next installment on Mercury Retrograde, with the Sabian symbol, aspects, and more!
Reprinted on with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected.
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson
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