Mercury in Sagittarius Astrology Update
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- Written by Robert Wilkinson

Astrology in November and December 2024 and January 2025.
At 12:18 pm PDT on November 2, Mercury left its cocoon in Scorpio and now flies free in the fiery sign of Sagittarius. This begins Mercury’s long dance in Sagittarius which will last until early January when it finally enters Capricorn. Mercury in Sagittarius now brings Mutable Fire to the forefront of any planets or houses we have with Gemini or Virgo prominent.
Mercury’s entry into Sagittarius shows it’s already slowing, preparing to go retrograde at 23 Sagittarius on November 25, which begins our look back at the themes of 2024. Remember Mercury went stationary direct at 23 Sagittarius in January, so this gives us a review of the entire year from a Mercury RX angle.
Mercury in Sagittarius may get scattered, but it can open a thousand perspectives, adventures, truths, and visions. It is opportunistic in its search for knowledge which can provide a wider set of possibilities. Just don’t overlook what’s right in front of you while staring at a distant vision, and make sure not to ignore important details in what you’re reading or hearing. Learn to focus when you most want to run free through the fields of infinite ideas, and bring optimism to every interaction.
Mercury will enter its shadow zone at 7 Sagittarius on November 6/7, so take advantage of the coming days to get all your ducks lined up, your purchases made, and your paperwork straightened out and submitted before then. Once Mercury goes retrograde, we’ll get a new look at the entire year of 2024 to see how well we “immigrants entered the new country.”
The themes of the August Mercury retrograde are still in play until the next SRX. That recent retrograde helped us take a new look at how we were using our imagination to see a different way of doing our spiritual work, or adjusting our habits to welcome a new perspective. We were all taught a type of discernment about our actions, and left on a platform of “coming home” after a time of spiritual adventuring. Since then we’ve had our Mercury experience of Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, and now enter a new Mercury in Sagittarius experience.
This begins a slowing of all things related to Mercury in our charts. Because it is rapidly slowing at this time, take your time as you coordinate things, discover things, give and receive information, and see things from multiple points of view. Now that it’s after the Superior conjunction, Mercury is no longer the planet which “leads the Light,” having yielded that position to Mars, since there are no planets between Mars and the Sun. This positioning will hold through the next Inferior conjunction, when Mercury will again be the entry to the Light.
While Mercury’s in Sagittarius, it will recreate the Mutable T-squares when it opposes Jupiter while square to Saturn, generating a power void in Virgo. The good news is that it will be in good aspect with Venus the entire retrograde except for the brief semisquare Dec 4-6. And though sesquisquare Mars, the end of November and beginning of December, the most aspects it makes is to Pluto, as it creates a novile, semisquare, and septile while it’s retrograde, and then makes them all again in late December and early January.
While in Sagittarius, Mercury is in its own 7th house relative to its Gemini qualities, and in its own 4th house relative to its Virgo qualities. So it’s very interactive and willing to dance with others in Sagittarius, which helps it ground the ideas it needs to maintain the precision and practicality of its Virgo side. I explain more about how Mercury functions in various signs in my pioneering work A New Look at Mercury Retrograde. Since it’s been retrograde in all three Earth signs this year and about to shift patterns into a combo of Earth and Fire, if you want to know about Mercury retrograde in various signs and houses, as well as how it functions in worldly events, please get a copy. It’s both fun and informative, and will give you “a new look” at all things related to Mercury retrograde! (Just make sure you get the 2nd Edition with the award on the cover published by 5th Ray Publishing rather than the much older 1st Edition published by Weiser.)
Also, remember Mercury now rules Jupiter, so each sign change Mercury makes affects how Jupiter expresses itself. While Mercury in Leo gave Jupiter a Fiery backdrop, and Mercury in Virgo made Jupiter more practical, it was made more balanced and pleasing while Mercury was in Libra. After the Fixed Water intensity of Scorpio, it now gets to fly free in Sagittarius. As it’s in a Mutual Reception with Jupiter, use the closed loop energies to open your mind to many views and truths.
So enjoy the pace, get plans in place, and get focused. This is a preparation for the shifting tides of late 2024 as both Mercury and Mars slow to go retrograde even as Pluto goes direct and Saturn prepares to do the same in November. For now, face forward and prepare for a different pace as Mercury slows down. With Jupiter in Gemini now ruling Mercury, it’s time to learn, to talk, to research, rehearse, and take a new look at what 2024 was all about. Keep speaking your truth in the world, having fun and seeing the humor in things. A new love is on the way in December!
Reprinted on with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected.
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson
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