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Why Cannabis Autoflower Seeds are perfect for Home Growing?

Why Cannabis Autoflower Seeds are perfect for Home Growing?

Auto-flowering cannabis is those cannabis indica species that can grow and flower independently of the normal light schedule. Their flowering depends on their age and not on the quantity of light they receive on a day. They, therefore, have the qualities to be grown as outdoor crops that can be harvested soon. Currently, this kind of crop is getting a lot of attention and good reviews. But why are they preferable for home growing? Read ahead to find out why?

 1. Harvesting time is short

Cannabis auto-flowering have significantly a shorter life span than the usual photoperiodic cannabis plants. According to Medium, germination of autoflower seeds takes about four months to reach maturity as opposed to photope4riodic cannabis which takes between 6-8 months. This means that you don’t need to enjoy the precious buds when the patient is lost. You can also plant two or three seasons in a year.

2. More harvests per season

Adding to what we just said above, sooner harvests means you have the possibility for fitting more harvests in one season. That beats logic, right? Under normal circumstances, only one harvest can be fit in one season. That is different from auto-flower cannabis. If you grow in climates with short and cold summers then you will find this useful to you.

3. They are well suited for perpetual harvests;

Since flowering does not depend on the hours of the amount of light they receive, you can do away with the need for a mother and a flower room. You can keep plants of all growth stages in the same garden. If you want perpetual harvests, start with some plants and as they grow, add new to the same room. Just before the first ones are harvested, you can plant new ones and the chain continues. This will ensure you have many harvests a year.

Autoflowering Cannabis Strains

4. Size more manageable

Medium also states that auto-flowering cannabis doesn’t exceed a height of 1-1.2m. This is an advantage to the growers. Their short sizes make them suitable for growing in cupboards, basins or even in beds alongside other crops.

5. Resistance to weather and disease

This is why it is easy to grow. They are known to better withstand colder climates and they also have a greater resistance to diseases of all kinds. If you have problems dealing with fungi, bacteria, pests or pathogens then you should consider growing auto-flowering cannabis seeds. Sounds incredible, right? This can really save you from a lot of worries and stress.

6. It’s medicinal value

Just related to the above reason is its capability to resist diseases. It’s a good source of medicine as it can be used to make antibiotics and ant-fungal drugs. The high-quality CBD oil has the ability to relieve pain when taken in the right quantity. It is due to the medicinal components that make it useful in the drug manufacturing industry. Vaping cannabis from the best portable vaporizer also helps in pain management.

7. Selling an auto-flowering cannabis

What do you think of the market availability of such important seeds? Well, they can fetch good money. Their irrefutable functions and values will always keep their demand on the rise. Their markets can be found everywhere. Just ensure you read all the laws governing the sales pertaining it in your state. Their values are always on the rise.

8. It is good for stealth growing

You may find it necessary to hide your crops from the police and untrusted curious neighbors. Growing a more-than- than two meters tall plant would only land you into trouble. A short auto-flower plant can, however, be useful as it can be grown in cupboards. These qualify to be very discrete grows.

9. Online catalogs and guidance.

Many catalogs are available online for farmers to choose which products or subspecies of auto-flowering cannabis is best for you. Many websites also publish nice articles that talks and stalks on auto-flowering cannabis. According to the website, there are varieties of the plant such as blueberry auto-flowering seeds and one needs to understand each type.

However, it can be explained why auto-flowering cannabis is not as popular as the regular cannabis sativa. The strains in auto-flowering do not produce large yields as many would want. Higher electricity bills also contribute a lot.

However, with improvements, one should find a good reason to give auto-flowering cannabis a try.


Kathy T. Cooley BIO:

Kathy has been closely studying the cannabis industry trends from quite some time. Intrigued by the booming growth of this sector, she takes interest in penning down her views providing quality insight on current marijuana trends, particularly medical cannabis.

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Kathy T. Cooley.

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