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How to Recognize Quality Marijuana Seeds?

How to Recognize Quality Marijuana Seeds?

Since the cannabis legalization in the US, growing marijuana and reaping a good harvest from it has been more often determined by the quality of the seed you use.  A standard genetic seed will produce high- quality cannabis. Top-notch research is required to ensure that healthy, viable seeds are purchased to maximize these chances.

As mentioned, one of the essential factors to achieving tip-top cannabis plants is by planting high- quality seeds. Other factors like adequate watering, good lighting, and nutrients, of course, come to play, but sowing good seed is crucial. To avoid dud seeds, you need to source the seeds from the right place to ensure you get the exact genetics you are looking for to time and money.

You can extract cannabis seeds from large commercially purchased bags. Alternatively, consider acquiring seeds from a reputable company or order weed online from dispensaries like www.cannabisowl.com for high-quality cannabis seeds.

Purchasing high-standard seeds can be daunting and time-consuming. These tips will, however, guide you on how to get weed out high-quality seeds from the low-quality buds.

What to Look for in a Cannabis Seed

What to Look for in a Cannabis Seed

These are some of the qualities and factors to consider when purchasing cannabis seeds:

  1. Appearance and Color

One satisfactory way to gauge the quality of seed is to look at its outer part. Some details are easy to figure out while others take time. High-quality cannabis seeds have specific aesthetic characteristics that set them apart from unviable low-quality ones. High standard genetic seeds are tan, brown or dark. Shades of grey and dark are signs of a good seed. They will also have dark spots or stripe patterns. A healthy sheen on the surface, like wax coating, should be noticeable when held under a light.

On the other hand, a bad seed is either green or white; a sign that the seed has not fully matured. You will know the seed is low quality if you see it breaking, cracking, or have dents.

  1. Size and Shape

Comparing seeds side by side can help see the difference between them. The best quality seed will be teardrop-shaped. A high-quality seed will also be sizeable and have more energy stored in them. A seed that weighs a gram or ounce is a standard seed and will likely grow into a productive plant.

A small, flat and misshapen seed is a sign that the seed is immature and hence low quality. An old seed will lose moisture and nutrients, leading to overall weight reduction. A quality cannabis seed will be more massive because it has all the necessary qualities required for growth.

A point worth noting- Indica strains generally produce larger seeds as compared to the sativa strain. Ensure you make comparisons among seeds of the same variety. 

  1. Texture

A quality seed will have a hard outer shell with a smooth intact surface to protect the pre-emerging life inside. A bad seed is tender and will crack and crumble under pressure. It will break into tiny bits, under pressure, and if planted, will yield very poor harvest if any.

Quality Marijuana Seeds
  1. Float Test

One method to separate quality seeds from the bad ones is by putting them in water. To conduct this test, put room temperature water into a vessel deep enough to cover the test seeds. Put the test seeds in the container and leave them for a couple of hours. Quality seeds will sink to the bottom while the bad ones will still be afloat after the time has elapsed.

Only conduct this experiment to plant the seeds soon afterward because moisture crosses over the protective membrane signaling the seed to grow. Wet seeds become unviable when stored, and will never be planted, regardless of its quality.

  1. Age and Storage

Age always matters when it comes to seeds.  Seeds degrade over time, and the freshly harvested ones are the most viable and likely to grow. While cannabis seeds can be usable for a decade or more, the best seed in terms of productivity is one not more than 18 months old. Storing seeds for long duration lender them unviable and hence, not worth planting.

The viable seeds should be stored in a cool, dark place, so they don’t get mold or rot. Storing seeds in a freezer can prolong them.

  1. Cost

As always, you get what you pay for. Quality cannabis seeds are not cheap. Be wary of extremely low-cost seeds for they may cost you the yields you are hoping to get. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t get overpriced low-quality seeds. Do intense research and ask other growers who know, to ensure you buy your seeds from a reputable source.


Acquiring high-quality cannabis seeds or budget buds from a reputable source can be a hard nut to crack, but it is no brainer with due diligence. With some homework, you are sure to get what you’re looking for in the long run.


Kathy T. Cooley BIO:

Kathy has been closely studying the cannabis industry trends from quite some time. Intrigued by the booming growth of this sector, she takes interest in penning down her views providing quality insight on current marijuana trends, particularly medical cannabis.

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Kathy T. Cooley.

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