5 Common Myths About Cannabis
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- Written by Kimberley D.

The word "cannabis" always sparks a controversial notion in our minds. For years, cannabis or marijuana has been deemed illegal in the United States, restricted only to medicinal use. However, in recent years, governments across the world have lifted bans on cannabis after recent studies show a myriad of health benefits from cannabis's two major compounds - Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). As a result, you see so much news about cannabis nowadays on the internet. In the wake of such news worldwide, it is common for most of us to feel confused about what to believe and what to ignore. But don't worry, we have curated a list of top 5 common myths about cannabis and have busted them scientifically for you.
Myth 1: Cannabis causes a lack of motivation and emotional apathy
There is a general belief in most blogs and websites that cannabis users become emotionally indifferent and are usually inactive.
However, the truth seems to be different. CBD (the non-psychoactive component) derived from cannabis plants has been used in multiple treatments of patients with depression. In depression, the hippocampus or the emotional center of the brain shrinks, and the neurons in the vicinity undergo damage. A study shows that regular use of CBD can reverse this damage by neural regeneration and restoring the emotional center of the brain. Therefore, contrary to the common belief of emotional apathy, cannabis with high CBD content might be effective for your emotional well-being.
When it comes to lack of motivation, cannabis again refutes this myth. An article from the reputed Nature magazine shows multiple pieces of evidence pointing towards the fact that many athletes and fitness enthusiasts benefit from smoking cannabis before their workouts. The athletes say marijuana helps them achieve Runner's High and motivates them to exercise for longer. Make sure to procure Cannabis from trusted canadian weed dispensary to reap all the benefits.
Myth 2: Cannabis degrades your cognitive abilities
This myth accentuates more when you look at weed users who are in college. Most students who are using weed are usually doing it for recreational purposes, and the majority of these cases, the students are not focussing on their academic work. Hence, the blame falls on cannabis instead of the lack of studies.
However, if you look at scientific studies, you will find the same psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, THC, that produces the recreational high among users, is a potential cognitive booster in the long term. Agreed that THC in cannabis produces short-term mind-altering effects can hamper your ability to grasp new information at that moment. But, an Israeli study on rodents found that in the long term, a low controlled dose of THC can help in neuroplasticity. THC may be able to regenerate neurons in various cognitive centers of the brain like the hippocampus (memory center), frontal cortex (judgment center), and cerebellum (cognitive attention center).
One of the best ways to take THC at low dosages in your body is through Cannabis Concentrates.
Myth 3: Cannabis makes you fat and lazy
Thanks to Hollywood, most of us have this notion that a cannabis smoker is an obese person in his shorts, surrounded by smoke and lying on a couch and watching TV the whole day. Nothing can be further from the truth than this myth.
According to a Men's Journal article, consuming cannabis with a high content of CBD can help in curbing your hunger cravings. Taking cannabis that is high in CBD content also shows an increased carbohydrate metabolism, controlling the blood glucose levels and hence aiding in weight loss. In addition to this, another study shows that cannabis also aids in converting the white fat deposits in the body into healthy brown fat, contradicting the obesity myth of cannabis. Furthermore, an article from NBC sports showed that a majority of professional basketball players in America consume cannabis, which does not make them lazy.
So, there is no scientific proof that cannabis can make you lazy or fat.
Myth 4: Cannabis damages your lungs
More than a myth, this is a piece of incomplete information. According to the American Lung Association, smoking marijuana might have harmful effects on the lungs. Although no study indicates that cannabis damages the lungs.
The smoke of any form can harm the lungs in the long term, be it cigarette smoke, a burning plastic smoke, or similarly a cannabis smoke. However, when you use cannabis in vaping form or the form of CBD oil, cannabis is useful for a variety of inflammatory illnesses and in alleviating pain. Therefore, the damage to the lungs has nothing to do with cannabis but the smoke from combustion. A study goes further to demonstrate that administering CBD oil derived from cannabis helped slow down the growth of lung cancer and also might support radiotherapy for different forms of cancer. Another study shows that cannabis might help in the dilation of air passages and help alleviate breathing issues in asthma patients.
Also, the most effective way to enjoy the health benefits of cannabis is through vaping, where the CBD enters your lungs directly and gets to your bloodstream without any harmful toxins. Plus, vaping can help smokers in quitting cigarettes.
Myth 5: Cannabis is addictive and leads to other drugs

Cannabis addiction is also not entirely true for everyone. According to this Healthline article, less than 10% of heavy marijuana users develop an addiction. Dependency on marijuana only develops once the brain gets used to cannabis overdose, wherein the brain has depleted the production of EC receptors. It is because of this reason several people choose to buy indoor marijuana seeds online and germinate them at the comfort of their home.
Cannabis use does not necessarily lead to the usage of other illicit drugs like cocaine, LSD, etc. According to this study, less than 1% of the total number of cannabis users are addicts to other drugs like LSD, heroin, etc. It is a coincidence that illicit drug addicts used marijuana before turning to cocaine or heroin. Therefore, the myth that cannabis is a gateway drug to other illegal drugs is not valid.
Final thoughts
The above myths show that a lot of the information available on the internet mostly refers to extreme cases of cannabis use. While cannabis might not cause addiction or smoking weed might not lead to cancer, but still, it is advisable to consume cannabis only in moderation. Always consult with your doctor about the right dose of cannabis for your body and ensure that you buy CBD oil or any other cannabis products from authentic certified stores only.
Submitted Exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Kimberly . © 2020 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.
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