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7 CBD Myths Busted!

7 CBD Myths Busted!

CBD is one of the most common Hemp or Marijuana products. Unfortunately, it is also one of the products with a lot of misconceptions around it. CBD is a good product with positive effects for users. Knowing what is real and what is not about CBD can help users appreciate it more. Below are some of the most common myths people have created about CBD, which are not true. Equipping yourself with the right information is the easiest way to beat the stigma around CBD and other cannabis-related products.

1.  CBD is a Miracle Cure

Have you been looking for CBD to help you get your miracle cure? Well, CBD is a great product that can help improve certain medical conditions, but it should not be mistaken for a miracle cure. Note that CBD helps relieve chronic pain issues but is not a one-fix solution for all kinds of illnesses. Claims that it cures all sorts of diseases are false and misleading. It may be packed with numerous benefits to one's health, but users must not substitute for a different medication. It should instead work as a supplementary treatment that can aid with certain diseases.

Research is still ongoing concerning CBD's exact effects on various illnesses; hence, it may be too early to conclude that it is a solution for all diseases. However, CBD may have great potential for treating and managing certain illnesses, including heart conditions, reducing acne, alleviating cancer symptoms, relieving anxiety and depression, and relieving chronic pain, among other benefits. It helps to discuss with your physician before incorporating CBD in your treatment, especially if you want to get proper guidance on dosages.

2.  CBD is a Psychoactive Agent

This is one of the most common myths on CBD that prevents people from enjoying CBD's benefits. While it is popular, it is not valid. Using CBD will not trigger a mind-altering high like what happens to people using pure marijuana or cannabis. This high occurs due to high levels of THC. On its own, CBD is not psychoactive, hence will not cause the undesirable effects that make most people shy away from using it. Instead, it works harmoniously with other components to increase serotonin production, which is the feel-good hormone that boosts one's mood.

3.  CBD and THC Have Similar Effects

7 CBD Myths Busted!

Most people assume that CBD and THC will react the same. This could not be far from the truth. While they are both components of cannabis commonly referred to as cannabinoids, they have varied effects. THC is psychoactive, which is why it causes users to be high. On the contrary, CBD is not and can counter the effects of THC. Most legit CBD products will have recommended THC levels below 0.3%; thus, the CBD product will not cause users to get high. Both components have their medical benefits and side effects. It is helpful to discuss with a licensed physician before choosing a product for your condition.

4.  CBD Does Not Have Side Effects

While it is true that no major records of CBD side effects have occurred, making it very safe to use, it still has side effects users need to know. Some of CBD's common effects include feelings of nausea, irritability, and fatigue. However, most of these effects are not severe enough to discourage users from discontinuing, especially considering that the benefits are more.

5.  More CBD is Better

There has been misleading information regarding CBD's use, where people believe that more CBD is better. This is not necessarily true. Getting the right dosage of CBD in the form of CBD Gummies, Oil, tinctures, etc(we recommend Sunday Scaries) for an individual may be challenging and may need time to happen because people differ. Studies show that CBD is generally safe to use. However, several aspects affect the amounts one should consume, including the condition they are treating, their weight, the CBD concentration, and body chemistry. The best approach when using CBD is to start with a small dosage and increase gradually as you observe your body's tolerance levels. While it is almost impossible to overdose on CBD as confirmed in consequent research, there are concerns about CBD's interaction with other medication and its effect on the liver. Whenever you are on a different medication, ensure that you discuss it with your doctor first before using CBD.

6.  CBD Will Make You Sleep

People have shied away from using CBD to fear feeling drowsy and affecting their daily output and productivity. On the contrary, CBD, when used correctly, will not make you feel sleepy. Instead, it helps you stay focused and energized during the day while allowing you to have a restful night. Different people may experience other things, but drowsiness is not a common phenomenon.

7 CBD Myths Busted!

7.  CBD Works Immediately

Expecting CBD to work immediately after use may be a tall order. Like all other drugs, CBD will require some time before its results register. Naturally, you may experience some effects after 20 to 30 minutes of use, depending on the ingestion method. However, for full effects, one should keep using CBD for 30 or more days to notice a difference.

Final Thoughts

CBD is one of the most useful substances one can adopt. However, there is a lot to learn about it, including quality and sources. The bottom line is not to be cowed by myths.



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Liz Thomson

Liz Thomson
Health & Content Specialist

Submitted Exclusively to CrystalWind.ca  by  Liz Thomson.  © 2021 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

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