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How Does CBD Massage Calm Your Body?

How Does CBD Massage Calm Your Body?

When people hear the term massage, they connect it with the luxury of life, which isn't for everyone. Also, they believe that this is something to be done on a special day, not for pampering yourself. But does anyone know what health benefits a single massage session could offer?

Getting regular massages could help you get healthy and improve conditions such as pain, stress, and anxiety. Additionally, when you get a CBD massage, it turns out to be a heavenly combination. CBD would penetrate your skin and work wonders for all your problems.

Different massages, therapies, and methods can utilize CBD oil to help you get out of your mental and physical worries. Researchers suggest that getting a massage feels nice and has science-backed benefits. Indeed, you can not fall into the argument with science as they prove facts, but if you are still confused, this text will help you out. This article will look at the benefits of getting a CBD massage and who can gain benefits from this pro-treatment.

Does CBD Massage Calm Your Muscles?

Significantly, after a long day at work, you might feel your body hurting a lot, and you would turn to those famous prescription medications to beat it. Over-the-counter medications can quickly fix muscle pain and soreness but are they apt for your health? Not really. These medications accompany a list of side effects that could further worsen your health. Instead, you can use substances like CBD strains, also known as cannabidiol. It is proving itself a great alternative to the pain killers available. To understand the effects of CBD as a relaxant, you must understand its interaction with the human ECS system. The human body consists of an endocannabinoid system that is crucial for all the processes occurring in the body. Certain researchers and studies now well recognize its importance.

Different neurotransmitters oversee different body functions and look after brain functioning. The ECS system present in the human body has several receptors. In contrast, CBD interacts with the CB2 receptor present in ECS. A muscle is known to contract at the point when chemical messengers are transmitted from the Central Nervous System. While there is the excessive flow of these chemical messengers leads to issues with muscles. Hence, CBD could slow down the supply of chemical messengers and increase the supply of endocannabinoids. It will further calm down your muscles and reduce spasticity in muscles.

How Does CBD Massage Calm Your Body?

The other way through which CBD could help you relax muscles is its interaction with the endocannabinoid system. It interacts with ECS through enzymes and hormones. It could alter the functioning of cannabinoid receptors and increase the amount of anandamide and 2-AG. Hence this could further ensure better signaling to reduce muscle tension. Studies have also analyzed that consuming CBD could help with issues like multiple sclerosis.

A review conducted in 2017 found that using an oral spray of THC and CBD can help normalize muscle fibers and deal with pain related to multiple sclerosis. Most of the studies focus on a cellular level for relieving muscle tension, but what if it is caused due to exposure to stress. Also, if it is caused due to chronic stress CBD can calm down muscles indirectly. It can work through serotonin receptors and ease physical discomfort due to anxiety. You can use CBD either as an oil or topical for massaging to relax muscles. Additionally, CBD can have other health impacts, making it a perfect fit for your daily routine.

Does CBD Massage Help With Physical Soreness?

A person who works out five days a week and runs daily might always be physically sore, and there's no harm in it. But physical soreness could lead to an urge to not move out of the bed. Hence it would be best if you found a way to overcome it. It is where a massage with CBD oil can help. Using CBD as a therapeutic massage agent can help relieve soreness to a great extent. It is believed to have multiple topical benefits when used in the right way and amount. It is useful to cure several inflammatory conditions like eczema, wound healing, itching, pain, and skin disorder.

When you feel you are having pain, you might try getting a massage that could relieve it instantly without any major side effects. It can be used both as a pre-workout or post-workout massage, and you will find amazing results. It will relax all your muscles and help you increase the efficiency of your workout session. And after working out, it would reduce inflammation giving you a sense of calmness and reduction in pain. CBD is believed to be non-psychoactive and non-addictive and hence can be suitable for therapeutic uses for anyone around. Also, there are plenty of studies that can support this fact.

How Does CBD Massage Calm Your Body?

A recently conducted study revealed that CBD could be an effective option for people dealing with pain due to multiple sclerosis. Although the studies had modest results, the participants noticed a great improvement in their symptoms. A group of researchers conducted a series of researches, and they said that there is enough evidence to back up the fact that CBD could be a great treatment option in any form to treat physical soreness. Not getting enough sleep can also worsen soreness, and thankfully CBD can help here too.

Several studies have shown that CBD is an effective way to recover from disturbed sleep patterns and can enhance sleep quality. When you decide to get a CBD massage for muscle soreness, it's better to consult an expert. Also, pick the best CBD topical possible and from an authentic brand. You can take it after an intense workout or before undertaking a workout. You can run balms, creams, and roll-ons post-workout and relax for a few minutes to calm down your muscles. Take a small amount of lotion and massage it slowly in a circular motion to be absorbed easily.

How Can It Relieve Your Mental Stress and Calm Your Mind?

Researchers noted that 7 in every 10 Americans are under stress, and many of them aren't aware of it. Having continuous stress could lead to a disturbing state of mind. All thanks to your boss, your MIL, or any irritating person. Every person has mental stress due to different reasons. It can lead to different symptoms such as headache, increased blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, and chest pains. Although you can go for over-the-counter medications, what about the side effects? Hence CBD massage can be a lucrative treatment as it might not cause any side effects.

How Does CBD Massage Calm Your Body?

CBD is derived from the cannabis sativa plant and has gained immense popularity. After extraction, it turns colorless and crystalline and can be turned into different products. You can utilize the CBD derived from the hemp plant containing 0.3% THC to relieve stress. Being under stress can affect your social and physical health. At this point, getting a CBD massage can be your savior. It isn't just a baseless claim; there are many pieces of research to prove its worth. Research conducted in 2010 has proven that CBD can relieve anxiety without any side effects when used in any form. Also, it didn't only solve the temporary condition but also improved how your brain reacts to the anxiety. Your brain is affected by the changes in the blood flow during stress and anxiety conditions.

Another study shows that appropriate topical application of CBD could have effects like an antidepressant. It was a study performed on animals and hence can make limited claims. Again, a study conducted in 2015 showed that CBD could be an effective option for all kinds of stress. But before you decide on any treatment, you must be aware of what your body is going through. Is it stress, anxiety, or any other mental health issue? While CBD holds promising effects, you must consult a doctor once if you are suspicious about it.

Researchers conducted a series of 83 research on CBD usage for mental issues. These researchers looked at six different medical conditions that are:

  • Depressive disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Tourette syndrome
  • post-traumatic stress disorder

They found out that using the pharmaceutical CBD could help deal with the symptoms of these ailments. All the studies conducted on CBD had few participants and no significant results, but that doesn't mean it isn't effective enough.

Who Can All Benefit From CBD Massage?

CBD contains an active ingredient known to lay positive impacts on the human body when applied topically. THC is a psychoactive and intoxicating compound, while CBD is a relaxing and healthy compound that does not accompany any high-like effects. As everyone knows that CBD can help people with joint pain, it could easily be used as a massage oil for several issues. Soothing CBD massages to relax and calm your muscles down can be more effective than over-the-counter medications. When you massage CBD oils on your skin, it relieves pain and will moisturize your skin to a great extent. It also contains traces of several minerals and can help your body in plenty of ways. Here's a list of people who can benefit from a CBD massage:

  • Athletes

People fall for the myth that using marijuana-based products can degrade your sports performance. It's just a misconception; instead, the truth is something else. Using CBD-based products could improve concentration and help you perform at your best. Athletes can get the most out of a CBD massage session in physical and mental relief. Participating in an event can acquaint you with mental stress and physical exhaustion. Hence getting a CBD massage before or after your performance could be helpful. When you play sports, your muscles and joints undergo extreme efforts, which could lead to small lesions leading to pain. With a CBD massage, you can improve the recovery rate from that pain. 

  • People with anxiety and stress

If you are a person who is subjected to anxiety and stress, then CBD massage can be a good idea for you. This compound is known for reducing the symptoms of anxiety and stress and can be more effective when used topically. It will induce a soothing effect without making you feel high. You will feel de-stressed and relaxed with just one massage session. Hence you could use CBD as an agent to ease your mental health conditions.

  • People with tension

The most important reason to get a CBD massage is to reduce physical and mental tension. The active compound in CBD will make you feel better and, hence, your mind's state. While you get a massage, you are less likely to get psychoactive impacts. Hence you can beat your endocannabinoid system through the skin and will relax your muscles. As it contains numerous benefits without any fear of side effects. You can enjoy the afterglow of a massage and flaunt it your way.

  • A person troubled with sleep

If you struggle to get enough sleep, it's your sign to get a CBD massage. Several researchers have proved that CBD will enhance your sleep pattern and help you relax better. Many people turn to medications or cups of tea when dealing with sleep issues, but that isn't a cure. You can sleep better when your muscles are relaxed; hence CBD massage can do it. It will enhance blood circulation, decrease stress hormones and make you feel better by releasing endorphins.

Final Thoughts

If you are not getting CBD massage regularly, your body will let you know it in the form of different signs and symptoms. Listen to your body's needs and get an appointment with an expert to make your body free from all the issues. Massages are no more for luxury; they are the basic need for your physical and mental health. And what could be said about CB? Its popularity is proven by several pieces of research conducted to date. If you have never tried a CBD massage, it's your sign to go and try out this amazing experience.

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Isabella Brooks.

Photos from Pixabay

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