Ostara: Matrix of Pain is Transmuted
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- Written by Arthura Hector

Spring Equinox: Harness the Renewal of Light
Experience the transformative power of the OSTARA, a time of renewal and new beginnings. As the sun aligns, bringing Divine Light and harmony to Earth, feel the amplification of the planet's magnetic field.
During the spring equinox on March 20, 2024, the sun will align the Divine Light from harmony to the earth. These waves of photon-charged particles have amplified the magnetic field on Earth. Sunlight plays an important role in the manifestation of the new birth of the earth.
The old knowledge from Le-MU-Ria opens and is now renewed, your DNA receives these codes and this wisdom comes to life in your system. A new reality is emerging. A beautiful reality in which man regains its strength, as it was once intended. These ancient civilizations emerge and they will guide everyone who is open to them.
The dream time is a reality where everything can take place and from this dream time you can now manifest. When the new codes come in to you from a very old wisdom, all kinds of clairvoyant gifts open. New parts in your brain are activated, a new layer of consciousness enriches your ability.
The dream time is a healing reality, with which you can now connect.
The self-healing ability is a living consciousness and it controls all kinds of energetic and physical impulses. It communicates with the many layers, such as the organs, the circulatory system, the brain, the nervous system, the heart, the cells, and all the invisible atoms in your body... Everything that you consist of, your energy, it makes a connection with that and all parts also communicate with each other. Everything is moving and flowing.
The inner voice is part of the self-healing ability, when it speaks listen to it or you are still too insecure and you don't know if it is correct. Again regain confidence in your own strength and inner consciousness. Train yourself and see what it gives you.
Let everything be born again in this light of spring and the power of Ostara. I lead you to a new goal in your life, I get up every year to guide you. Welcome the new year and the new birth in yourself.
Earth's cosmic clock starts over spring every year equinox. This is the real new year. Spring is the beginning of a new force and at that moment every person can manifest again for the whole year, so that your gaze can realize what you need. You may then create your abundance together with the earth. The earth would like to meet your needs, in collaboration with all life that lives above, in and on her.
The old agendas are not consistent with the original energy of the Earth. Many times other illusions have been placed about the original cosmic calendar, to place everything in the hands of another power, from which pain and suffering arise.
The disturbance is clearly visible and it becomes exhausted, the matrix of pain will eventually be lifted. When the illusion is broken and man decides for herself which way to go. In collaboration with the Earth and in connection with the cosmic consciousness.
In this way, the matrix of pain can cease to exist, but be aware that there is also a opposition to disrupt all this. Many lies are put down, usually wrapped in a particle of truth. The inflection of truth is what you hold and put back in the maze of pain. Break through this matrix and step out of the illusion, many emotions are fixed in an illusion. This loop keeps tempting you to an exit of despair.
There are many lives that you have lived and many experiences that you have gained, in this way you obtain great wisdom. Everything in the cosmos consists of gaining experience and growth.
Do not be fooled when it is said that you are dependent on karma from other lives. In this way, the suffering is put down, your energy is reduced and everything is repeated from a negative point. Every new experience produces wisdom and new knowledge. It enriches your consciousness and the soul light. It ensures growth, so that your light will shine even more.
Negative Influence
Every life is unique and born from the Divine Light, only when the matrix of control encloses your mind does suffering arise. The negative influence comes from a different angle, where they want to work against people. The controlling powers do not want man to rise, they have been working against man for eons in her Ascension.
Think carefully, why would it be?
What beautiful power is there in a single person, let alone in a whole mass? What are they so afraid of and who are they? Find your own original core and budge who you really are. Your search opens you up and in this way you can disconnect the illusion in your own system.
4-4-4 PORTAL
The 4-4-4 portals in March are on March 1 and 10, 2024. On these days shifts in consciousness will arise again. These Angel portals cause the angle ( angle ) of the disturbed Angel star to shift on Earth. The cosmic clock is restored in human consciousness.
Arthura Hector
©Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.
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