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Simple Solitary Sabbats


Suggestions on how to celebrate the Wiccan Sabbats simply as a solitary. Especially useful for teenagers and people with roommates.

Celebrating the Sabbats can easily be done as a solitary, because celebrating doesn't have to be extravagant and complicated. The spirit of it is the most important thing. Start out simply. In this way, you can build up your own special holiday traditions. Having simple celebrations also is courteous to people you may live with who are tolerant of Wicca, but don't share the same beliefs.

The following is a condensed summary of what each Sabbat pays tribute to, along with ideas of how to symbolize that in your own celebration.

On the Winter Solstice, the Goddess gives birth to the God, the Sun. This is a time of promise and hope. The Winter Solstice is the first day of Winter, and the daylight hours begin to increase after this day. This can be marked by lighting candles or a fire, and putting up strings of lights. Decorate a Yule tree, make a wreath, decorate your space with ivy, holly, and mistletoe.

On Imbolc, February 2, the Goddess recovers from giving birth. The God is now a young boy. We can see at this time the first early signs of Spring. It is a time of purification and inspiration, and for fresh change. Place a broom by the front door to symbolize sweeping out the old and welcoming the new, make a Brighid's Cross and Bride's Bed, do some Spring cleaning. This is also a perfect time to do an initiation or dedication ritual.

The Spring Equinox is the first day of Spring. The Goddess enfolds the earth with fertility. The Spring Equinox is about beginnings and putting plans into action for growth in your life. Traditional activities include dyeing eggs, planting seeds, ringing bells, and buying a new besom.

Beltane, on May 1, marks the God emerging from adolescence into manhood. The earth and sun have an abundance of energy. The God and Goddess fall in love and unite, and the Goddess becomes pregnant. Beltane celebrates vitality, fertility, passion, love, and desires consummated. Gather flowers, make a Maybasket, enact the Great Rite. Collect river water or spring water and wash your face with it for health, luck, and beauty. Decorate with flowers, ribbons, and a maypole.

The Summer Solstice has the longest daylight hours of the year, being the first day of Summer. Nature is at its peak. It is marked with festivals of fire, celebrating fertility, health, and love. Spend time outdoors by going on a picnic, leaving food out for the Fae, and gathering herbs. The Summer Solstice is a classic day to practice all kinds of magick for various goals.

Lammas, on August 1, is the middle of summer and the beginning of the harvest, a time to reap the fruits. Summer is waning, and the God begins to lose his strength. Lammas is a time to give thanks for all we have been given and is a reminder that nothing is constant. You could visit fields, bake bread, make a corn dolly, offer thanks through a ritual.

On the Autumn Equinox, Fall begins. The harvest is completed, and Nature, the God, and the Goddess, ready for their time of rest. This is also a day of rest after our hard work. Try your hand at making wine, take a walk in the woods, scatter offerings in harvested fields. Decorate with acorns, pine cones, and vines.

Samhain, October 31, is the Pagan's New Year's Eve. The God is slain, yet lives on inside the Goddess as her unborn son. Samhain is a time for reflection, looking back over the past year, and coming to terms with death. Practice a form of divination, honor your ancestors, roast nuts and pop some popcorn. Decorate with hazelnuts, seeds, apples, and pumpkins.

Also, certain foods and beverages are traditionally associated with the Sabbats, so it's always fun and gives a feeling of connectedness to partake in those. To practice rituals in a tight space like a bedroom, move furniture out of the way and spice up the place with seasonal decorations.

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