Mabon in Modern Times: Fresh Takes on the Autumn Equinox
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The Mabon season begins somewhere around the 21st-22nd of September and continues until the end of October in the Northern Hemisphere (March 18-22 until the beginning of May in the Southern Hemisphere) marking the Autumnal Equinox.
Season of Preparation and Gratitude
Mabon marks the decline of the growing season and the gathering of the final crops of the year. It is a time of deep reflection and thankfulness for the bounty of the past season. It is also a time to recognize the need to share the bounty with everyone in preparation for the cold, dark winter season that lies ahead.
Modern Interpretation
This is the appropriate time of year to have a feast of thanksgiving and to create and share symbolic winter provisions with friends and family. Since Mabon comes earlier than the Thanksgiving holiday of most of North America, you probably won't have any trouble with scheduling conflicts. In fact, some people refer to their Mabon feasts as "early thanksgiving" when inviting non-Pagan guests.
Decorations often include symbols of the harvest season such as pumpkins, gourds and squashes. Centerpieces are frequently baskets filled with fruits, vegetables and grains -- particularly the horn-shaped baskets known as "horn of plenty" or "cornucopia."
For people who strictly follow the custom of "sharing the harvest," this season is a time to can fruits and vegetables and then give them as Mabon gifts.Their intended recipients are supposed to then hold on to their gifts until Yule (Winter Solstice) in order to bring comfort on the darkest, coldest day of the year.
People who are not as gifted in the kitchen may create other types wintry provisions by knitting sweaters, scarves and hats. The specific gift is less important than the intention and feeling behind it. The main idea is to share your blessings and talent with others to show your gratitude to the Universe for the bounty that you have been given.
Use your imagination to find ways of expressing "thanks" and "preparation"
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