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Weekly Planetary Energy Guide: March 24 to 30, 2025

Weekly Planetary Energy Guide: March 24 to 30, 2025

MAJOR TRANSITIONS: The astrology of the coming week speaks of profound endings and beginnings, completions and initiations.

These themes are always highlighted during eclipse season, but are given special emphasis with next Saturday's Solar Eclipse being in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. 

Underscoring the Aries motifs is the planet Neptune, which will enter the sign of the Ram next Sunday. This change of signs represents a major shift in the foundational cosmic energies that we work with on a daily basis. It will be the first time Neptune will be in Aries since its last transit of the sign, from 1861 to 1874. 

While these two major events appear to support new enterprises, it is important to remember that both Mercury and Venus are retrograde right now. Even more significantly, both planets will re-enter Pisces this week and also conjoin Neptune before it exits the sign. As Mercury and Venus return to the last sign of the zodiac—after having dabbled briefly in assertive Aries energies—the universe is telling us that there is vital information and gifts we must gather from receptive, spiritual Pisces before we fully embark on any new enterprise.

SOLAR ECLIPSE: Our second eclipse of 2025 is a partial Solar Eclipse that accompanies next Saturday's New Moon. The lunation will be precise at 3:57 a.m. PDT on March 29, when the Sun and the Moon align at 09°00' Aries. 

Both luminaries are tightly semisquare radical Uranus at the time of the event. These aspects challenge us to be more fully authentic, to act independently, to listen to our intuition, and to have the courage to rebel against herd mentality. 

Uranus also urges us to let go of old traditions, behaviors, and attitudes that we may have held onto because they are familiar and comfortable, or because we believed that they kept us "safe." This theme of opening to the new is underscored by the Sabian symbol for the degree of the lunation, which reads: “A teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional images: Attitude revisions at the beginning of a new cycle of experience."

Restlessness, sudden or surprising events, and nervous energy are always heightened when Uranus is activated, so be sure to use your preferred grounding techniques and tools around the time of the lunation. It can also be helpful to realize that the changes and course corrections that occur at the time of a Solar Eclipse have larger purposes than we may be aware of at the time.

NEPTUNE IN ARIES: Neptune is the planet of compassion and charity, dreams and the creative imagination, spirituality and mysticism, illusions and fantasies. As Neptune enters fiery Aries this week, we collectively experience a surge of energy in these areas of our experience. 

Throughout the Neptune-in-Aries years (2025 to 2039), we will likely observe both the positive and the shadow potentials of its transit through the sign. Here is a list of those possibilities that I created for my webinar in January: 

Positive Potentials

  • Spiritual renewal, inspired action, having the courage to pursue a dream
  • Visionary leaders, the awakening of the spiritual warrior, willingness to fight for an ideal, heroic actions
  • Actions motivated by compassion, altruism
  • Seeing the reality behind the illusion
  • Creative innovations, new developments in film, photography, virtual reality
  • New individual experiences in metaphysical or paranormal realms

Shadow Potentials

  • Tilting at windmills, ineffectiveness
  • Feeling physically ungrounded; confused action based in fantasy or illusion
  • Leaders who are elusive, ineffective, delusional, or have dementia
  • Romanticized aggression
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Escapism, addictions, self-deception, misuse of opioids and other drugs
  • Floods, dangers associated with water events and the oceans

Neptune will station retrograde at 02°11' Aries on July 4. It will revisit the last degree of Pisces from October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026.

ASPECTS THIS WEEK: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects, day by day: 


Sun conjunct Mercury (Rx): This conjunction is the halfway mark in Mercury's current retrograde phase, and thus represents a turning point. We may receive important information now that will help us make decisions about our next steps. Communications and research are highlighted.


Mercury (Rx) sextile Pluto: The mind is insightful and perceptive with this aspect. We are drawn to investigate, to seek the truth, to understand deeper purposes and motivations.


Mars square Chiron: Insecurities and frustrations can trigger a deep anger or resentment. People may be especially defensive or protective today.


Venus (Rx) re-enters Pisces and conjoins Neptune: Sensitivity and compassion are heightened now. We value that which fulfills a spiritual or creative need. Romantic visions can be inspiring, but may not represent what is possible in reality.


No major aspects are exact today.


Solar Eclipse / New Moon: The New Moon occurs at 3:57 a.m. PDT, when the Sun and Moon align at 09°00' Aries. 

Mercury (Rx) re-enters Pisces and conjoins Neptune: Intuition is heightened and our minds are strongly influenced by the subtle realms. Conversations could lack concrete direction and information might not be received or conveyed accurately.

Sun semisquare Uranus: We could feel a strong restlessness and a sense of urgency with this aspect. It is tempting to act impulsively or out of frustration, so be cautious in making important decisions now.


Neptune enters Aries: Neptune will travel through Aries from March 29 to October 22 of this year, at which time it will return to Pisces as part of its retrograde phase. Neptune will re-enter Aries for the long term on January 26, 2026.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Mental activity, communications, teaching, and learning are all major themes for this year; however, many of your efforts and experiences in these areas may be internalized or could take place behind the scenes. Journaling or writing a book are two examples of how this influence could play out, or perhaps using both your intellect and intuition to plan a new class. That being said, you may also feel a sense of urgency and a need to make changes quickly, due to an underlying restlessness and a need for change in your life. While new experiences are encouraged, be sure to take your time with all long-term or major decisions. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Mercury, semisquare Uranus)

In peace, love, and gratitude,


Aspects of Note This Week:

All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

  • MONDAY: Sun conjunct Mercury (Rx)
  • TUESDAY: Mercury (Rx) sextile Pluto
  • WEDNESDAY: Mars square Chiron
  • THURSDAY: Venus (Rx) re-enters Pisces, Venus conjunct Neptune
  • FRIDAY: No major aspects are exact today
  • SATURDAY: Solar Eclipse / New Moon 3:57 a.m. PDT, Mercury (Rx) re-enters Pisces, Mercury (Rx) conjunct Neptune, Sun semisquare Uranus
  • SUNDAY: Neptune enters Aries

WEBINAR NEXT WEEK: My webinar on the second quarter of 2025 airs live on Wednesday, April 2! "In the Deep: A Prelude to Transfiguration" will cover the planetary energies we'll be working with in April, May and June. For a full description, please see below or visit: https://events.humanitix.com/pam-april-may-2025

Already registered? You should have received your confirmation and the calendars in emails from . If you have any questions before the class , please contact Elsie Kerns at  or call 609.744.6787 (talk/text), Eastern Time Zone.

DAILY ASTROLOGY: For my daily astrological insights, including lunar aspects not covered in this Journal, please follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/pamyounghans/ 

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
Feel free to share this NorthPoint Journal with others who may enjoy it! Please forward it in its entirety, including all contact and copyright information.
To learn more about Pam's work, please visit www.northpointastrology.com

NorthPoint Journal copyright 2025 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.

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Posted with written permission from Pam Younghans.

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