Eclipse Corridor Survival Guide - Clear Heal Rise Now
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- Written by Jenny Schiltz

We find ourselves in the potent center of the Eclipse Corridor—a sacred stretch of time between the recent lunar and the upcoming solar eclipses.
This portal is unlike any other. The Equinox just passed, leaving an energetic imprint that’s still rippling through our fields, stirring our bodies, emotions, and consciousness.
It’s as if the cosmos itself is beckoning us inward and upward, asking us to feel more, see more, be more—but first, to shed more.
There is an unprecedented influx of cosmic energy pouring into Earth at this time, affecting us in ways we’re only beginning to understand. If you’ve been feeling physically disoriented—headaches, ear ringing, pressure in the body, fatigue, sudden bursts of energy followed by crashes—you’re not alone. Our ascending bodies are undergoing profound changes. Our nervous systems are recalibrating. Our auras are expanding.
We are literally becoming more light.
This process is intensely physical. Our nervous system is being stretched into new territory. It is learning how to hold higher frequencies and how to attune not only to danger or safety but to truth, resonance, and alignment.
This means that many are feeling overstimulated, anxious, wired, and tired. We may feel triggered for "no reason" or find ourselves unable to tolerate noise, crowds, or even the energy of certain people. This is not regression—this is refinement. Our body is becoming a more sensitive instrument for truth. It’s learning how to operate in an entirely new energetic environment.
The ascension process isn’t just about moving up—it's about anchoring down. It's about becoming more present, aware, and embodied as the multidimensional beings we truly are. Our nervous systems are upgrading to hold more light, frequency, and power—and with that comes the need for intentional integration, deep rest, and energetic hygiene.
As we move from survival to sovereignty, this system is becoming more refined, more attuned. That increased attunement is a double-edged sword: it brings heightened intuition, new sensitivities, and expanded psychic abilities—but also more exposure to collective fear, chaos, and emotional noise. If you’ve been feeling others' energy more than usual, if your boundaries seem porous, this is why.
It’s not just our energy that’s expanding—our perception is too. And what we hear plays a critical role in shaping that perception.
Our ears are energetic portals. They are formed in the womb at the same time as the kidneys, which store fear in energetic medicine. The link between what we hear and the fear we hold is profound. When we are bombarded by messages of fear—whether in childhood, media, or the collective consciousness—those vibrations get stored in the tissues, in the subconscious, and ultimately shape the lens through which we view reality.
We've heard of rose-colored glasses, but just as potent are fear-colored glasses. They tint the world in shadow, distort our truth, and limit our ability to create. When our hearing becomes conditioned by fear, we begin to expect fear—and therefore, we begin to create it.
In this era of accelerated manifestation, there is no in-between. We are either master creators, consciously aligning our thoughts, emotions, and energies—or we are unconscious reactors, replaying old tapes, staying bound in loops that no longer serve us.
This is the time to break free.
This is the time to take responsibility for our lives, our choices, and our energy. This is the time to return to our inner temple, where we can meet our wounds, our patterns, and our power. We must remember that we are not broken. We are becoming, and becoming can be messy.
As our DNA unwinds, the trauma walls begin to dissolve. But this unbinding can leave us feeling exposed, overwhelmed, and even tangled in collective fears. The emotional volatility you may be feeling isn’t just yours—it’s the world’s. And yet, it’s moving through your field.
And so, we clear ourselves. We realign. We remember who we are.
Now is the time.
We are in the corridor.
And the door is wide open.
If you are interested in a reading or Ascension guidance sessions please email her at
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