Beings of Light: Guardians of Earth in Times of Turmoil
- Details
- Written by Marie-Josée Andichou

We greet you, dear children of planet Earth. We continually have new messages of comfort and help to transmit to you in this highly turbulent period in your country and in your world.
We know what is happening in the minds of certain government leaders, we know what they wish and desire in order to further establish their power over your minds. As we specified in our previous message, you are living through a psychological war. Remember, four years ago in your earthly time, your French president told you: “we are at war,” and that was due to a virus spreading across the Earth. Currently, he is provoking your fear of war by “promising” you a new physical war. This word “war” has a devastating effect on your minds and lowers your morale.
Once again, we tell you not to heed these words, which are, in fact, only a means to muzzle you further. He knows very well that by uttering this word, your hearts will beat with anxiety, and at that moment, it will be easy for him to debase you with laws entirely to his advantage. Children of the Earth, wherever you live, in whichever country you reside, be in serenity, for the more you are in fear, the more it will spread around you and prevent you from seeing clearly through the statements of your leaders.
Fear is a very powerful tool for those who govern you to manage your life without you yourselves being able to have a pure and clear view in your thoughts, in your actions. Fear has no place right now. Reflect carefully on what is happening: A leader wants to militarily assist a country to defend itself against another. This means that this and these government leaders wish to show themselves as masters of a part of the Earth. But we repeat, truces will be established to gradually lead to negotiations for peace treaties.
Your life on Earth is highly turbulent right now, but we tell you that we are keeping a very attentive watch over everything that is happening, particularly over the decisions and desires of certain leaders. You do not see us in our ships, yet we are very… very close to you, in your sky. We are conducting “patrols,” as you call them, above the strategic points we wish to protect, such as nuclear power plants. We are watching over them greatly.
We tell you all this so that you understand that you are not alone in this troubled moment of your life on Earth. You are surrounded by a great, very great number of Light ships destined to protect you with Love.
But we repeat once more: The sooner you release your fears, your moral suffering, your egos, your negative thoughts about what is happening and even toward your leaders, the sooner we will appear to you, and the sooner you will encounter the New Earth.
Know, however, that we are monitoring the secret discussions taking place between European heads of state. Some of us, your Brothers of Light, are part of these discussions in order to mitigate and calm those who might be too inclined toward violence.
As you can see, you are not abandoned, but you too have your part to play by softening your hearts and your minds. We thank you for this.
We love you.
Translation By
Marie-Josée Andichou
© 2025 & Author | All Rights Reserved | No reproduction without permission | Awakening Souls Since 2008.
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