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Twin Ray Soul Mates

Twin Ray Soul Mates

After a reading last week where my client was told by her Akash that she has met her Twin Ray soul mate, she asked her Akash yesterday if they could give her more information about Twin Rays because she couldn’t find much about them online.

This is what her Akash said:

“Twin-Ray soul mates are the highest-level romantic soul mate. The Twin Ray is what the Twin-Flame soul-mate relationship prepares you for. Twin-Ray relationships are the blissful, dreamy romance that never dies. Twin Rays can only attract each other when both individuals have mastered 5D vibration and an equal balance of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies. Twin-Ray soul mates typically have no soul contracts with one another because they have no karmic lessons. The only contracts Twin-Rays may have with one another is to love one another without conditions and to live in bliss together, once the proper vibration is achieved.

No one really talks about the Twin Ray, or they confuse the Twin Ray with the Twin Flame as being the same thing, but it’s absolutely not. The reason there is not a lot of information about the Twin Ray is because humans have not been able to rise into high enough vibration to attract them until recently.”

After receiving her permission, I posted this on my personal Facebook page and my FreerSpirit Facebook page. Now I am receiving a flood of questions and have been asked if I can get more information and post a blog about it, so… Here. We. Go!

The following information was received from the Ascended Masters of my personal Akashic Team and received through my higher self.

You’ve talked about Twin Flame soul mates and Twin Souls with us, but what can you tell us about the Twin Ray soul mate? How are they different? How are they the same?

The Twin Ray soul mate is the purest, truest romantic soul mate out there, and they can only be attracted through 5D vibration and consciousness. If you’re still experiencing fear, worry and doubt and have not yet mastered unconditional self-love, you are not yet able to attract or interact with a Twin Ray soul mate. There may be telepathic communication between the two of you, and there may be an understanding through this telepathic communication that you are the next-level soul mates for one another, but until the above-mentioned mastery is achieved, it is likely you will only remain in a highly spiritual, telepathic relationship.


Twin Flame soul mates are one soul, split into two halves. This is the first level spiritual relationship. It is usually romantic, but also very difficult. There is a lot of push/pull and mirroring in the Twin-Flame relationship as personal issues and insecurities are brought to the surface for reflection and release. Remember, the other half in this relationship is YOU (in a different physical body), and the spiritual goal of this relationship is to get you on your spiritual path to unconditional self-love. This is to strengthen you in the areas of self-worth and move you from awareness of self (3D vibration and consciousness) to awareness of spirit (4D vibration and consciousness) and finally into 5D consciousness (unconditional love for self and others, oneness and service to others). This is phase one of the spiritual journey – meeting another version of yourself to reflect back to you all that you need to accept, integrate, embrace and love about yourself in order to walk your ascension path.


The Twin Soul is the ascended Twin Flame. In other words, once you are able to love and accept that polarity side of yourself (represented by your Twin Flame) – be it dominant masculine or feminine energy – you are then able to attract your Twin Soul mate who has done the same work and achieved the same higher vibration and consciousness as you. The Twin Soul is the whole soul and may even be you AND your Twin Flame in ascended form, or it could be another aspect of your whole-soul self in another human body. Whether you realize it or not, many of you have incarnated in multiplicity and are living many parallel lives simultaneously. You may be happy with this relationship and desire nothing more, or you might find yourself wanting more, and, believe us, there definitely IS more when it comes to romantic soul mates, and that is the ultimate Twin Ray.


First you think your near twin is “the one.” Then you meet your Twin Flame, and you believe, oh THIS is THE ONE. And that may be true in some aspects, because they are “the ONE” other half of your soul that you need to integrate with fully in order to move onto the NEXT one, which is your Twin Soul (as described above) which is likely “the one for right now” UNTIL you ascend into the highest possible version of your embodied human self. THEN, and ONLY then, you will attract your Twin Ray soul mate, who is the purest, most loving romantic soul mate you can attract.

How can we recognize when we’ve met a Twin Ray? What are some specific traits of this type of soul-mate relationship that may help us discern between the other two listed above?

The Twin Ray is brighter than the sun! The Twin Ray is the epitome of “love is patient; love is kind,” and that is because they have mastered the human-ego and ascended and fully anchored into 5D vibration AND consciousness.

Once you encounter your Twin Ray in the physical, it is likely you will begin your relationship through crystal-clear telepathic communication that will prove to be very real when you ask for verification through some physical type of communication (this includes text messages or some other form of social-media messaging) from your Twin Ray.

Synchronistic signs will be very clear and understood without doubt. If there is doubt, your guides will set you straight. Immediately.

Astral body visitations will appear in living color, and the light around the astral body of your Twin Ray will be clear/transparent light with possible gold and silver light, depending on their level of spiritual mastery.

You will experience an openness with your Twin Ray that you have never experienced before, from both sides. There will be no walls, no deception, no disingenuous behavior. There will also be no jealousy, judgment, competitiveness or insecurities. Your Twin Ray is the most authentic soul mate you can experience.

Physical encounters with one another are comfortable, even in total silence. Twin Rays communicate with one another telepathically on the regular, and it is easy for them to stand in complete silence, face-to-face, knowing what the other is thinking and feeling.

Energetic sexual exchanges and bonding are common between Twin Rays. Physical sexual exchanges are deeper on the emotional level, and more pleasurable than ever experienced with any other partner because the sacred sexual Kundalini energy shared between Twin Rays is on a higher level than any human has ever experienced.

And lastly, DESIRE. Twin Rays attract one another out of pure desire to share a loving relationship. As we said before, there are no soul contracts between Twin Rays other than to be together to share a blissful, romantic relationship. There are no Karmic lessons to share between Twin Rays, and there is no ego-attachment, for all trauma is healed before Twin Rays can even attract one another.

So the Twin Ray soul-mate relationship does manifest in the physical/linear between embodied humans?

Yes, indeed, it does, and it is definitely something for many to look forward to after the winter solstice of 2020 as humanity officially enters into the Age of Aquarius.

Is it possible for Twin Rays to meet/attract one another before that time?

Indeed! A select few of the first-wave Twin Rays have met and are enjoying their higher-level relationships already. What we mean about “timing” (Age of Aquarius) is that it will be easier for humans to begin attracting their Twin Ray soul mates after the final stages of their personal ascension into 5D vibration and consciousness – if ascension is their goal and aligned with their soul purpose for this lifetime.

As we said before, some will only go as far as the Twin Flame or Twin Soul relationship experience for their current lifetime. Twin Rays are more highly evolved and may not be part of the divine blueprint for every human who has chosen to experience ascension because some do choose to simply fly solo in 5D.

Are you wondering what kind of soul mates you have experienced so far? You can find more information about Twin Flames and Twin Souls here.

If you would like an Akashic Soul Mate Reading, you can book one here.

freerspirit.com Jen is a spiritualist and professional writer. She channels her Pleiadian higher-self Scarborough, who is most know to humanity as Master Sarah, the master of Collective Unity. © Jen Freer 2019| FreerSpirit.com | Pleiadian Message Series | All rights reserved by the author, Jen Freer, who gives permission for this blog to be shared far and wide as long as a citation is included that links back to the author’s website, FreerSpirit.com

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