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Twin Flame Ascension Report: Winter Solstice Gateway

Twin Flame Ascension Report: Winter Solstice Gateway

Dearest beautiful brothers and sisters,

Greetings of the most high. We come forward in this moment of your time with much news to share with you, ever-evolving humanity.

We have just come out of the extremely powerful auspicious, and life-changing 12:12 numerological portal date, and we are now rapidly galloping towards the solstice gateway.

The word solstice refers to the sun standing still, as sol means sun and stice means standing still.

This is arguably the most powerful and important time within the ecliptic cycle when the sun changes position in the ecliptic sky and begins its upward ascent through the sign of Capricorn, the mountain goat.

Why is this relevant to all of us on the ascending path?

Our ancient ancestors understood deeply the reasons why we work so closely with the ecliptic cycle. And that is because, ultimately, the sun mirrors our soul. In many languages, the sun means soul, and the sun mirrors our own soul’s journey in the sine wave, also known as duality.

When the sun reaches its lowest point, this is a time for us to go into deep hibernation and to nurture the seeds that will fuitify in the coming spring and summer months.

This is very important for those of us, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, that we work closely and intimately with these solar cycles.

They will help us deeply recalibrate our consciousness back to the zero-point field, the point of singularity, from which all ecliptic cycles are born.

The solstice gateway is very potent and is connected to the awakening divine masculine consciousness.

There have been a huge number of divine masculine's that have been trapped in horrifically tortuous karmic relationships based on the fact that they have given up on the divine memo that they have incarnated into this planetary realm to unite with their highest spiritual partner in the universe and experience wave upon wave of perpetual everlasting bliss.

So many of these divine masculine's have completely 100% forgotten the spiritual memo and have bought into the secular marriage system, which quite frankly means that you have checked out on a spiritual level on your true spiritual partner.

A secular marriage is a marriage of convenience and a marriage that is connected to everything superficial, such as looks, financial status, and positioning within society and culture.

Many of these toxic karmic relationships are collapsing in real time now as the highest self of many of these souls is coming forward to deliver information that, indeed, these relationships are over.

If you do not take heed of these messages, then your higher self has no choice but to make the message louder and more dramatic.

Many divine masculine's are awakening to the truth of the divine memo that they are here to unite perpetually with their highest celestial partner in the universal matrix system, that which is known as their duad ego or their twin soul.

Many divine masculine's are having extraordinary visitations by their twin flame in the dream time. They are receiving specific instructions via their highest self to end these toxic relationships to make themselves free and available for their highest divine counterpart.

Please know that we are now working with energies of the solstice gateway, and I have been guided to host a very powerful solstice transmission.

In this transmission, we will be working very deeply to clear out some insidious toxic sexual hooks that have been implemented into your auric field via toxic previous sexual partners.

We have to learn the etiquette of maintaining our sexual well-being and auric field as we move into the new earth, and we have to understand the implications that are inflicted upon us through every intimate encounter.

Every time we are intimate with another person, and we kiss them, we are essentially downloading through the saliva all of their past thoughts, experiences, and, indeed, consciousness. So, therefore, if this person was abused or was an abuser, that will be being transferred onto you.

These are very insidious hooks that get locked into the auric field, and in the solstice transmission, we will be clearing a huge number of these blocks.

We will also be working with the timeline of disclosure, disclosure about what is beyond Antarctica, disclosure about Mount Meru, the Arctic North Pole, and the truth of the Earth’s positioning within the universal matrix, that we are the center of the Torus field.

We will be focusing on manifesting the timeline of disclosure in toxic relationships, – disclosure that your divine partner is the one that God has ordained for you to be with.

This is a very, very important ceremony you are invited to participate in. It is essential that the ground crew find their positions on their grid points on the 21st of December, which is the solstice point.

Please see below for all details on how to book onto the solstice transmission.

We are the ones we have been waiting for and praying for, brothers and sisters. And the work that we did in the 12:12 transmission was life-changing and monumental.

I have received many messages from people in the community who have miraculously come into contact with their twin flame due to the powerful work that took place in the ceremonies.

If you haven’t participated in a global transmission before, you really, really are missing out on the opportunity to increase your source vibration exponentially.

Which is the entire purpose of why we have incarnated back to these realms, to amplify and increase our connection to source energy.

We are all on a journey of spiritual growth as source beings, and the transmissions offer us all an exceptional opportunity to experience life-changing spiritual growth and transformation.

I look forward to being with you all on the 21st of December; in love and light, Jen Gi.


The solstice transmission

The solstice transmission will take place on the 21st of December at 8.08pm UK time.

In this transmission, we will be doing a huge protocol to clear many, many sexual hooks that have been inflicted upon us by unconscious sexual partners. We will also be anchoring the disclosure timeline and working with our divine imaginable consciousness to ensure this timeline anchors swiftly for all.

This powerful work is offered on an energetic exchange basis and there is a bursary fund, and no one is ever turned away from the sacred work.

I look forward to being with you all on the 21st, in love and eternal light, Jen.


MataHariji Jennifer - Jen McCarty is a leading luminary in the ascension and twin flame community. She teaches and guides pioneering and  leading changemakers in the spiritual community. Jen experienced a life-changing kundalini awakening aged 21 in the Himalayas in northern India [from] chanting the mantra Om Namah Shivaya. From that moment on, she passed over the threshold from 3D consciousness to stabilising into 5th dimensional consciousness. She is now in her 40’s and has devoted her whole adult life to the spiritual awakening path, mastering many disciplines along the way...Source Here

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