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Transcendental Love Redefined: The New Era of Soul Relationships
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- Written by Judith Kusel
- Views: 1009

The relationship paradigm is shifting toward wholeness within, emphasizing the union of Divine Masculine and Feminine energies. True love stems from inner completeness, detachment, and soul empowerment.
In higher dimensions, relationships transcend physicality, focusing on freedom, authenticity, and cosmic connection. Ascension brings new ways of relating, merging souls in divine harmony. ~And-El
Relationship Paradigm Shift occurring…
What is imperative to understand from now on and in the next ten years leading up and into 2032, is that there is a huge shift now, into the wholeness.
I experience this every time I do a relationship reading now, just how deep this change of dimension is affecting our relationships. This is a paradigm shift in the highest degrees – which will now intensify!
When I mention WHOLENESS, it means wholeness within!
The deep sacred union of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within. This is where the most sacred of union lies. Within. Not so much without.
This has a profound effect on the whole.
So many are still seeking desperately for the ONE AND ONLY who will fulfill them, make the whole. Who will bring that happiness that they so seek. Yet this is in truth illusion.
For the ONE AND ONLY is already there within you!
It is an intense shift here: it means that we now are healing so deeply within that we finally learn to take full responsibility for our own inner happiness, our own wholeness, and living life fully soul empowered from within.
For the 5th dimensional state and the 7th, brings a totally new way of loving to the fore, and in the context of loving relationships, this means that there will be no marriages anymore, nor marriage contracts, for these are old manmade things, which do not apply in the rest of the Universe nor creation. Every soul is sovereign, and every soul is a true Son and true Daughter of the Prime Creator. You cannot belong to another soul. It is impossible. You can only stand fully empowered in your own light.
What this means is that when we choose to walk a path of love with another soul, we will give them the freedom to be simply themselves. We are so soul-empowered from within that whether they are in our lives or not, we will still be happy and content, as we are responsible for our own happiness and not expect them to make us happy. This brings transcendental love, love with great tenderness, where we do not place restrictions on each other, but encourage the other to shine in their uniqueness, in their soul glory, as we do as well.
So many souls will find that they finally in the New Golden Age, should they choose to ascend, now can be with their true Twin Flames again, as so many never had their Twin Flames incarnate on earth. As these Twin Flame were of a much higher dimension than on earth, they could only reunite in their sleep state, although the twin was always with them, as higher guide. As we now take on our new Light bodies, we will be able to interact with the Universal Intergalactic Races again, and they can walk amongst us, without the danger of us disintegrating or not being able to see them because they are of a much higher dimensional embodiment.
Therefore, understand that every soul has its own choices to make now. If you wish to ascend, then know the current partner may choose not to. That is perfectly ok. IN their own time and space, they can choose when and where they wish to do so, or not. Many will choose not to ascend and that is ok. No soul is ever lost for the Prime Creator is within them too, as much as within you. Give them the freedom to make their own choice. You cannot piggyback them into the New Earth, no matter how much you try to.
You can love someone dearly and wholly, without needing to attach. Indeed, the greatest of all love gives the other the freedom to be. To make their own choices, with the full knowing, that love is eternal. One does not need to be in the same place, in order to love.
The new relationships in the New Earth will be a SOUL merger. It is a totally whole new way of relating which is opening up, and it is transcendental. We do not have anything like it as yet on earth, yet our soul has always remembered, and this is why we always searched for such a loving relationship on earth and yet never found it. Some may have a glimpse of it, even now – but it is still a glimpse.
I am experiencing this now, how cosmic love, true love is divinely on such a level, which defies words nor description. More than this I will not say, for words fail me and this is not on earthly levels.
This is awaiting us. But first the total shift needs to occur within us.
And that is find the (w)holiness within us and shifting fully into the 5th and 7th dimensional state, and we will indeed find that it goes way beyond anything physical, and into the realms of purity and true love, we simply could not access in the third dimension.
So do the inner preparation work and become whole and complete within and allow the sacred union between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within to occur and then concentrate on the ascension pathways, and as you are ready, the path will open.
This is one reason why one cannot predict at this moment whom you will be with in the future. For the future indeed is already manifesting in the here and now within you, and your own choices of whether to stay in the Old Earth or whether to fully ascend into the new.
And even if you make such choices, if your partner or the person you are interested in or see as potential partner, may not choose the same option.
Do your own inner work and allow the miracle to unfold in perfect Divine timing and far greater than you can even think of or dream of right now!
Judith Kusel
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