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Twin Flame Truths from Archangel Azrael

Twin Flame Truths from Archangel Azrael

Twin flames are a topic that I often see online in the spiritual community.

Many people are looking for answers trying to understand their own experience and sometimes also wishing for an encounter of their own. Often times it is romanticized and comes with a lot of issues and pain which then lead to confusion and repulsion of the whole concept. It has gotten a bad reputation and there are a lot of misconceptions regarding the twin flame union. People have done it into something that is unreal and in my opinion completely missing the point of it all.

I have my own personal experience with it and through this journey more than anything I have learned that it is nothing that comes from the outside. Time and time again I have been pushed to go inside and discover this deep connection within myself with my own twin flame energy, which is NOT an energy outside of myself. I was able to release false beliefs, (karmic) pain and trauma, bloodline relational trauma and even other dimensional past lives through this unique connection.
Twin flames exist within and can exist without. There are no limits or boundaries to the unconditional love that is within our soul. We are in constant connection whether we are aware of it or not. It is impossible to be disconnected from your twin flame energy: so the love isn't something to be looked for in another person to be able to feel it.

I decided to ask some questions to AA Azrael to explain it from his perspective and this is what the answers are.

Keep your mind and heart open when reading. You already know the truth in your heart. Feel free to share this message with friends! 

Q: What does the twin flame union do?

Azrael: “It brings connection and it shatters the walls of the thickness of the ego. Whether this is inherited or created in this lifetime or over lifetimes. It destroys illusions and goes to the core of it all: the heart, the love, the unconditional presence of the SELF. Nothing is left over when the “twin flame” has touched the layers of built up resistance to receiving and giving love from a selfless and devoted place. It connects you to your soul by shattering beliefs that stand in the way.

At this time this is what is needed to happen to further evolve and grow in consciousness. The world / humanity has been standing still long enough and falling deeper into a pit of dense creations that fail to reflect the purity of the soul.

So then the twin flame energy is awakening within certain souls to help and awaken others around them. It is not about passion and a sexual connection, although this is can be part of it, it is all about gaining awareness of the completion of the soul within this lifetime. With this memories will flood in and access will be gained to the higher truth of life itself. It is about transcending the human mind and moving into the truth of the soul: your own essence.”

Q: Are twin flames about having a relationship?

Azrael: “It is about having a relationship with the SELF. It is about discovering radical self-love and not being wavered by outside expectations and desires. The twin flame union will push you deeper into your own essence. It is NOT about external union and romanticizing the relationship so it becomes an obsession or a dream of a fairytale existence. Though it is understandable these feelings come up when first connecting it is about looking deeper into yourself and finding your own truth in this matter. The truth is already within you, so even when you are overwhelmed and doubt comes up: go back to what you feel inside of you. There is always peace and there is always clarity even if your mind is clouded with doubtful thoughts.

The union, whether this is a physical experience for you or not, always has the same purpose: to reveal into the love that you have within you. To discover and uncover your beauty and wholeness. And to release all attachments that keep you bound to traditional and false beliefs of what a relationship truly means on a soul level.

The twin flame union is about the union with your soul: on every level that you can possibly imagine. Do not hold on to the physical, it is just temporary and you will not experience it if you chase it.

Look within your own soul; you will find that this is the most magnificent relationship you will ever experience. Your union is already within you: unite there, take the invitation to search deeper because that is the connection you are truly looking for. Everything else will fall into place at the time it is supposed to but your happiness does not depend on external factors. The focus should always be on YOU. Everything else is a result of the union that you find within yourself. Your soul has chosen to experience it and so it will in a way that is the best for you. Trust the universe, your guides and your soul that the magical love you are looking for is already there.”

Q:Are unions happening?

Azrael: “On multiple levels, yes. They will continue to happen as awareness grows and as people are ready for it. Those who have chosen to experience this connection will do so at the right time. Each time, each generation, will have easier access to the energy as those before them have cleared the way, such as yourself. You are not only in union for yourself but for your children too because they will receive the wisdom of your experience and will go through it in a different, more open manner then as you did. You are doing the HARD work, breaking through walls of resistance and it is admirable. The work you are doing is not to be underestimated. Be proud of yourself: you are doing what the generations before you were not able to.”

Q:What should people be aware of when it comes to unions with the twin flame?

Azrael: “Don't get lost in anything labels, what the signs or symbols are, who the runner or the chaser is or what you see online that doesn't ring true to you. Learn how to listen to your inner voice, the subtle whispers of your soul to find out what is in your heart. Trust your inner guidance to find the way to the right information, ask for help from those who have the knowledge to share their wisdom but don't lose yourself in what people say that are rules and laws when it comes to twin flames. It's all about the heart and discovering the love within yourself. Each path is different, each experience is different, there are no set ways and beliefs when it comes to any form of (unconditional) love. There is one universal truth: you are LOVE and everything else is to be taken with a grain of salt, especially when it comes from an outside source.

Let yourself be guided by your heart and build up the strength and belief in yourself so that you have faith in your path of self-love and self-discovery.

And take everything I said here with a grain of salt too: discover and FEEL what is right for YOU, that is all that matters.”

Dana Grozdanova: My Spiritual path has begun in 2010 where I was shown how Spirit operates in my life and how it is a force that has always been present with me since the moment I was born. Angels, spirit guides and other light beings began making their presence known and guiding me through my life. They have been giving me information, explanations, signs, hope, courage, love and much more that I needed on this journey of life.,

I have been creating intuitive art to help people connect to their own soul and feel their own power. My journey is forever changing and I am here to share what my soul wants to express with the world.

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