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An Important and Timely Reminder


A Note from Neale...

My dear friends... 

I’d like to share something here that you may have found elsewhere in my various writings, but that I consider to be the single most important message that I received in the 3,000+ pages of Conversations with God. If you’ve read it before, think of this as an important and timely reminder. If this is the first time you’ve heard this from me...well, ALSO think of it as an important and timely reminder. 

CWG told me that the purpose of life itself is to “recreate yourself anew in every golden moment of now in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are.” 

If this is true, then your most powerful spiritual response to what is now happening in your life — no matter what that is — is gratitude. 

For what Life has done here is create a context within which you can fulfill the Agenda of the Soul. This has nothing to do with what you are doing in the exterior of your life. 

I was into my fifth decade before I understood something incredibly important. In CWG I asked God (“begged God” is a more accurate description) to tell me: “What does it take to make life work? What have I done to deserve a life of such continuing struggle? And somebody tell me the rules! I’ll play, I promise, I’ll play. Just give me the Rule Book!” 

God smiled at me (I could hear the smile in Her voice) and then said, very gently: “Neale, Neale, Neale...it’s really very simple. You think your life is about you.” 

“Of course it’s about me!”, I answered. “Who else would it be about?” I was now demanding an answer from God. And He said: “Your life has nothing to do with you. It is about everyone whose life you touch, and the way in which you touch it.” 

That moment, that single insight, changed me forever. 

When you see every event of your life as an opportunity to do something for another, to offer something TO another, to heal something IN another, you will understand what you are doing here on Earth. 

The problem is that many of us have been living A Case of Mistaken Identity. We have forgotten Who We Really Are. We think we are simply physical beings fighting for survival. But that is not Who You Are. Who you are is an Individuation of Divinity. A Singularization of The Singularity. An Expression of God. 

And you are not here to find a way to survive. Your survival in guaranteed. Your Eternal Life is a Given. It has been GIVEN to you by God. What, then, are you doing here? Why have you come to live on Earth? 

Consider this possibility: You have come to the room to heal the room. You have come to the space to heal the space. There is no other reason for you to be here. 

Humanity, you see, is a very young species. We do not yet fully understand much. We do not understand why nothing we are doing is working. Our politics are not working, our economics are not working, our social constructions are not working, and saddest of all, even our spiritual constructions, our religions are not working to produce a better life for us all. In fact, they have actually produced exactly the opposite. 

This is because we do not yet know who we really are. We imagine that we are simply a form of physical life, each of us plunked down here without having a say in the matter, and each of us having to fend for ourselves in an endless struggle of survival until the end of our days, when we can only hope that we have done well enough to be allowed to return to where we came from. 

And some of us don’t even believe THAT. We don’t know WHAT to believe about what is going on here. But I can tell you what is going on here, and it has nothing to do with what is going on here. It has to do with what you are BEING while what is going on here is going on here. 

Did you follow that? The purpose of your life is to express and experience Divinity. That is, to embrace and embody your True Identity. The conditions, circumstances, and events of your life provide a Contextual Field within which you have the opportunity to do that. 

Once you understand this, you see everything differently — including the challenges and difficulties of your own life. You suddenly stop being concerned with your survival, because you realize that “survival” is NOT, after all, the Basic Instinct. Divinity is. 

Let me create a scenario here. Imagine that a person is walking down the street and suddenly notices that a building off to the left is on fire. “Oh, my God,” they think, and in the next instant they hear a baby crying from inside the building. Now do they stand there and weigh the odds? “Let’s see...if I run in there, I could get caught in the flames. I might not even find that baby. If I stay out here I can get on my cellphone and get somebody over here. Or maybe I can do both. 

On the other hand, if I do not get in there really fast, that baby may die. Gee, I wonder what the odds are that...” Is that how we think? 

No, of course not. Psychological studies have shown that the average person would race into the building immediately, with no thought of their personal safety. This is because humanity’s fundamental instinct is not survival — it is the expression of Divinity. The question in that moment is not whether you're going to live or die, but how you're going to live or die. And that question answers itself in the blink of an eye, precisely because the response is instinctive

Now the secret to life is to consider every moment a Burning Building Moment. It is as simple as that. 

All of which is another way of saying, “Your life is not about you. It has nothing to do with you. It is about everyone whose life you touch, and the way in which you touch it.” 

You see, as a spiritual being your survival is guaranteed. It is not a question of whether you will survive, but how. The answer to that question reveals itself in the process called your evolution. 

Now, what does all this have to do with what may be your circumstance of the moment? Everything. 

If you consider this a Burning Building Moment, you will find yourself asking: How can I best express my Divinity in the situation I am facing right now? And if you understand that your answer has nothing to do with you, but with everyone whose life you touch and the way in which you touch it, you will start to think of how you can turn what you consider your bad fortune into the good fortune of others. 

The irony of all this is that, inevitably, what creates good fortune for others creates good fortune for you. What goes around comes around. That is because there is only One of Us. 

I could, of course, be wrong about all of this. It is merely my own understanding. The journey in life is about reaching one’s own understanding, coming to one’s own conclusions, acting on one’s own awareness, and expressing one’s own consciousness. Please do not take my word for anything. The purpose of the Conversations with God material is to lead you to your own innermost truth. You will feel that when you know it. 

Look to see what part of your own innermost truth this article may have led you to. 



© 2017 ReCreation Foundation -  Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. His With God series of books has been translated into 27 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.
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