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Recipe for Happiness: Laugh and Bond with Your Family

Recipe for Happiness: Laugh and Bond with Your Family

Life is full of various challenges, and every person needs a base from where he or she will draw strength and courage to overcome all obstacles. That base is a family, and that’s why it’s crucial for you to spend quality time with your children, enjoy all the little things that make you and them happy and make memories that will last for a lifetime.

Talking and Building Trust

Talking and Building Trust

Conversation is one of the best ways to resolve all misunderstandings or learn about the problems your kids may have. Your children should be able to trust you and seek your advice or help no matter how old they are. If you notice that they are silent and withdrawn, ask them what’s wrong and listen carefully to what they say. Try to focus on the positive things and avoid being judgmental, because kids can close up even more if you act like that. Respect their emotions and listen to them before you judge. Of course, you shouldn’t avoid setting limits if your kids are doing something wrong.

Have Family Meals

Have Family Meals

It may sound like a cliché to you, but family meals are actually the times when some of the most precious memories are made. It’s not just about sitting and eating your food, it’s about including your kids in the making of lunches and dinners. Pour ingredients in a bowl and allow your kids to stir. Teach them how can they prepare various meals, and you may be surprised when your anti-vegetables little ones decide to actually eat the broccoli, just because they helped you make it! Set the table together, show them how to make a flower out of a napkin and enjoy talking and laughing during these family gatherings.

Create a Family Oasis

Create a Family Oasis

When you think of home, you think of family, and feelings of warmth and belonging runs through you. That’s why every parent should provide their kids with a safe oasis, a place where they can relax, cry and laugh. Start with some events that are unique for your family, like having a movie night on Thursdays or Saturdays. Make some popcorn, sprawl across a King Living sofa in your living room with the kids and enjoy the movie. Afterwards, let them snuggle up to you and ask them how their day was. This is actually a great opportunity for them to confide in you about their problems or admit that they’ve fallen in love. Hug them and make them feel safe by listening and helping them.

Laugh Together

Laugh Together

One of the most honest sayings of all time must be that laughter is the best medicine. No matter how tired or upset you are, your children’s giggling will definitely bring a smile back to your lips. As a parent, you are entitled to set the limits and teach your kids discipline, but you also need to have fun with them. A sense of humor will contribute wonderfully to their personalities and help them become resilient, fun adults who will easily communicate with other people. Your kids will have more self-confidence if every now and then you all laugh until your bellies hurt!

Spend Time Outdoors with Kids

Spend Time Outdoors with Kids

Even when your kids outgrow family trips, you should still spend time outdoors with them. If you can’t organize a summer vacation for the entire family, then at least make it a tradition to go camping or on a picnic during the weekends. Teach your children about things they see during your adventures. For example, if you are camping, show your kids their surroundings, tell them more about the way people live in that place and what kind of traditions they have. Every trip or picnic should be saved from the oblivion by your camera. Make silly selfies with your kids, videos of them learning how to catch a fish or start a fire. And, most importantly, have fun together.

Show Affection and Encouragement

Show Affection and Encouragement

You love will help your kids believe in themselves and set a strong basis for their future. Encourage them to speak their mind so they wouldn’t be insecure, and hence easily influenced by the others. If they are able to think with their own heads, they will achieve a lot and be successful in all spheres of life. Hugs, kisses and cuddles will show them how much you love them too and build their self-confidence.

As people grow older, they often remember their carefree childhood days. After everything is said and done, life isn’t about luxuries, money or status – it’s about love and memories. Make each moment with your family count; make memories that will bring a smile to your lips whenever you or your children remember them.

traceyc1About the author:

Tracey Clayton is a mom of three girls. She feels she knows a thing or two about raising happy, healthy and confident kids. She’s also passionate about traveling, fashion and healthy living. Her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live."


Submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Tracy Clayton © 2019 crystalwind.ca

About the author:

Tracey Clayton is a mom of three girls. She feels she knows a thing or two about raising happy, healthy and confident kids. She’s also passionate about traveling, fashion and healthy living. Her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live."

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