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Connect With Who You Are - Messages From Montague

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Montague’s Messages Every Sunday, Montague brings through a message of hope and support for all who are willing to listen.

It is happening, my friends, the great awakening of all that was kept hidden. One by one, those within the Cabal are being exposed, and those who have supported and covered for them are falling. You are seeing people who only a few years ago you had trusted, being exposed as evil monsters who drink the blood and eat the flesh of your precious children. It is all a big game to them. They live on Earth on the suffering of the human race. They use everything in their control to make you suffer. The energy they gain from your suffering is the oxygen of life to them. You are only just beginning to see this for yourselves as they clamour for World War 3, as they need the energy they will gain from it. The only person telling you the Truth is Mr Trump, at great risk to himself. He has taken it upon himself to help save you from total disaster. The truth of this is there for all who want to see it.

The Cabal owns your TV and newspapers and will only tell you their version of what is actually happening. Not a word of truth will you find on TV or in the newspapers, as these are weapons of the Cabal to be used against you. You must admit they have been very successful in creating fear and keeping you under control. Once you begin to question everything, their game is up, and they are exposed. Then you will ask yourselves, how you could have accepted and believed such blatant lies.

The Cabal has had 2000 years experience of lying to you. Everything you learned was based on those lies. They did not sit easily with some of you. I know, my dear, that you could not accept them, and long before you met me, you began your own journey to find the truth. You knew in your soul that the Irish history you were taught was not true. Your soul would not accept it as true, so you questioned it and found the real truth which is totally amazing. Michael Tsarion's research on ancient Ireland reveals who the Irish are and what Ireland is, and the reason for the destruction of the Irish DNA, which is paramount to the Cabal.

Once the Irish wake up to who they are, the Cabal is finished. The Jesuits went to a lot of trouble to create a HOLOCAUST that almost succeeded. This, you were told, was a famine. The Irish have been kept down by the British Crown for many years. Now, Leo Varadkar has been put in place to destroy the Irish DNA by flooding Ireland with DNA that does not belong there. It is being done before your eyes. He is not hiding it and you are not seeing it for what it is.

What will it take for the Irish to wake up? You are holding the rest of the world up, by refusing to face the facts that are staring you in the face. 2000 years ago, you were leaders of men. You taught the world. You knew who you were. You owe it to all those who are  suppressed and controlled, all over the world, to take back your power from those who took it from you. Stand tall in the knowledge of who you are.

Read: IRELAND: TEMPLE  WITHOUT WALLS  by Michael Tsarion.

Americans are having to face the unpleasant truth that their Presidents have not served them, but the Cabal and the New World Order. But that road is now blocked to the Cabal by Mr Trump. The New World Order lackeys are rushing to visit him in the hope that they can change his mind with flattery and praise, but it does not wash with him. May God bless and protect him. Humanity needs him.

Give time and effort to fully connect with who you are, and why you are on the Earth at this time. You have a very important job to do. You have undertaken to rescue humanity and the Earth from the control of the Cabal. There are enough of you awake now to take back control. You know they are not trustworthy, so stop giving them your trust. Remove the scales from your eyes and look at it as if your life depends on it, because it does. Look at everything the Cabal imposes on you. Look at the demands it makes on you. You know that 2018 is the year that you must take back control. Everything will be put in place to make it as easy as possible. We, on this side of life, will be with you every step of the way. All the ancestors from the four corners of the earth are supporting you. It has taken a huge effort to bring this transformation about.

Without World War 3, the Cabal will lose its powerful hold on humanity. Their survival on Earth depends on killing humans, as they need the energy they get from it. They will lie to you to get what they want. Never forget the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION: do not be fooled again. Anyone who advocates for war is no friend of humanity, no matter how they try to persuade you that it is justified. Make peace your priority. There is no need for anyone to be hungry, homeless, or uneducated, in 2018. It was by design that parts of your world were deprived of all that humans need to survive. When humanity takes back control, all the needless suffering will cease. All will live in peace and harmony.

There are good people in your world who care, who are working towards a better future for all of humanity. There was a very important conference in London last week which was planning for the future. They came from many parts of the world to discuss how to go forward.

My dear, they are using desperate measures to try to prevent humanity's survival. Sadly, they are being helped by those who have failed in life, who are desperate to justify their miserable existence. Such people are to be pitied. Pray for them.

Success is ours. We will do what we set out to do in our own time, not that of the naysayers. We know when the timing is right.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Note from Veronica

Dave wants to thank you for your kind wishes and support. It means more to him than you can know. Thank you.

The Foundation was registered in April of 2006, and has received direct guidance for its mission from Montague Keen since his passing in 2004. There are currently two offices, one in London and the other in New York. Since July 2004, the name "Montague Vernon Keen" has been trademarked and his work copyrighted, and are therefore protected under all applicable laws.© The Montague Keen Foundation 2014 Source Here

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