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Welcome To Your New Reality!

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4 Cimi, 9 Kayab, 13 Caban

Dratzo! Everything continues to move forward in its own fashion. Those in charge of the secure counting and proper delivery of currency are confident that it is to be completed in a timely manner. The only delays are being caused by the methods chosen to finish complicated assigned tasks. We are assured that a number of procedures are being processed efficiently. Just remain patient and ready to receive prosperity funds at the right moment. Those who are managing the abundance program are committed not only to completing the RV and the GCR but as well to setting up the American NESARA Republic.

The major mass arrests are awaiting the formal declaration of the NESARA Republic. Until then, each potential arrestee is being carefully watched and readied for this grand deed. The only thing left to do is to actually finish the back-end of delivery and permit this wondrous process to conclude as planned. We are simply assisting all who are now given these hefty tasks. We expect completion within the heavenly time schedule assigned. So all that is truly left is for you to help these energies and be patient with this immense process! Hosanna! Hosanna!

As this complex process moves forward, we are faced with a simple problem. It deals with the sheer vastness of delivering the amount of funds to everyone involved. Those in charge are immediately confronted with how the old, outdated banking systems were set up. To move these amounts of funds requires that the older SWIFT system be abandoned and that banks change the way they normally operate. There is nothing in place yet to meet the current needs that are now required.

As you can see, there is now a new, developing financial system that is quite capable of handling problems accrued due to the new, more prosperous reality occurring worldwide. These new requirements need this new system to be birthed and utilized as we count and deliver this prosperity to all who have had the due diligence to bring this new system to its fullest potential. This is why we know that what lies ahead is destined to be spectacular and immensely satisfying to you. Welcome to your new reality!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! What we are to talk about is the dubious fate of the illuminoids and their friends. These scalawags know how Heaven culled them from Earth's humanity. Their fate is slowly to descend upon them. It is, as they say, not one to write home about. As we stated earlier, the rise of the Republic and your prosperity are assured. What is taking so long are the odd limits and similar accoutrements of the old order's Neanderthal banking reality.

Despite all the difficulties encountered, remain calm, and divinely understand that you are heavenly blessed and, therefore, are to eventually receive your sacred blessings. Those now winding their way through this morass know that you feel deep in your hearts that you are to indeed be paid the financial immensities promised you. Be well aware of this and know that the old order is finished and awaiting its ginormous fate. Do not believe otherwise. The new, wondrous reality of yours is assured its God-like reality!

We have watched for millennia as this old order ran roughshod over you. Those times are finished, and as we have continually emphasized, an inglorious fate awaits them. So, concern yourselves not with this scandalous lot. Rather, just be wise and positively await the immense funds and new governance promised you. Do not get caught up in the special drama of these unholy roughs. Be more concerned with the freedom of your new reality and how we are gently delivering these blessings to you.

Today we have continued to report to you what is happening around this precious orb. Be ever aware of what lies ahead for you and therefore aid all by holding your most wondrous energies in place! Realize that a most precious gift is to be shortly given you. Know dear Ones, that the countless and never ending supply of Heaven is indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! And Be In Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA Voicemail: 530-327-9432 | E-mail: | Website address: www.paoweb.com
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