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We Stand Today On The Very Cusp Of Victory

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Selamat Balik. We return to report on what continues to unfold behind the scenes. The dark cabal, overall, is losing their power over humanity. A new and radiant Light is forming, allowing many new events to manifest. The occasional strategies that we have employed are designed to systematically defeat the dark cabal. As a result, the currency revaluation, growing closer to its release every day, will result in turn in a global currency reset. Our Earth Allies and their friends are methodically preparing to safely transform this world as you know it.

We stand today on the very cusp of Victory. Patience and guile (internal wisdom) are leading us toward manifesting the galactic society that we all have long worked for. It is ready to become a truly wondrous reality based on the principle of Unity consciousness. The dark's total arrogance is proving to be their downfall. They thought we were playing chess: in reality, we are playing Chinese Checkers, which employs multiple players and strategies. You are prevailing. Know this in your heart of hearts. Ultimately, the cabal has no chance of survival. We are in the course of observing their defeat. 

We wish to address a couple of current ascension symptoms that many of you are experiencing. They involve the throat chakra and your newly activating "well of dreams" chakra, located in the area of the occipital lobe (at the base and back of the head). First, the throat chakra. Some of you are experiencing on-going dry coughing fits. These don't originate in your lungs, but from irritation in the throat and larynx. This chakra helps to collect prana energy that invigorates and purifies the body. It also serves as the communicator for your consciousness, activating your power to speak your Truth with confidence and unconditional Love. The throat chakra also coordinates energies of your body with the regulatory consciousness energies of the head ? a symbiotic dance.

New vibrations are on the rise, affecting the head chakras, especially your "well of dreams". With this activation many are experiencing vivid dreams, headaches and/or sleeplessness. Some, particularly those with psychic abilities, commonly get headaches from information 'bottlenecking' that creates discomfort in this region. It is important to recognize these symptoms and to surround their center with great spiritual protection. As you assimilate these upgrades, it is best to be kind to yourself and your families, drink pure water, rest, and be in nature. We encourage people to share their experiences with each other, as coming together in groups is indispensable. The head chakra assists new energies to flow into our consciousness. The world is changing quickly now. Please ask for our assistance. We are with you.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! The time has come to thank Heaven for what is about to be revealed. The old corrupt political process is doomed to disappear, to be blessedly replaced by a new one, called NESARA and GESARA. You are to bask in the divine light of freedom, and have the capacity to fulfill your joy. This inner passion drives you and is to be Heaven's most magnanimous gift. It is a sign of just how much Heaven Loves you and deeply wishes for your utmost personal success! It will be the reward for everything you do, to thank Heaven for its marvelous work in fulfilling your dreams!

Your increased inquisitiveness is a wonder to us and is changing your age-old perceptions of this realm. As a result of the new energies you have acquired, the world does not seem balanced and just, and uncalled-for wars no longer stir you. Those who have long ruled this world no longer perceive you as docile puppets, but as people who must be reckoned with. This is yet another series of signs proclaiming that what used to be normal no longer applies. Now, too, you also possess a more insightful understanding of the ways of grace. 

Be patient. Know within that a momentous sacred plan is underway that is meant to sweep aside all who vigorously oppose what it represents. What unfolds is the reformation of this new and prosperous reality. Each day, many sacred decrees have been pronounced and made known. An unsullied new world is to manifest, and all existing obstacles are to be transformed. Enjoy what is occurring and allow this gracious new reality to appear. Let us accomplish this task in the name of all that is sacred and profound. Hallelujah!

Today, we reported yet again on what transpires around your world. Events long promised by the Light are at last to begin manifesting around you. See them only as initial confirmation of an astounding, free and prosperous new realm. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) 

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA Voicemail: 530-327-9432 | E-mail: | Website address: www.paoweb.com
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