Working With The Retrograde Phase Of Saturn
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- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

June 23rd ~ 30th
In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. I realized through it all, that in the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger ~ something better, pushing right back. ~ Albert Camus
On June 17th, Saturn stationed for its retrograde phase at 7º Pisces 13’. It did so while making an almost exact sextile to Jupiter at 7º Taurus. When Saturn stations for its retrograde phase, it makes it all too clear what is or is not sustainable. We back out of unpleasant situations, withdraw from agreements that are not working out, and become much more aware of what is or is not possible. It is not unusual at this time to regroup and go back to the drawing board. Plans need to be revised, redrawn and rescheduled.
This year the retrograde station of Saturn was being modified by the sextile to Jupiter which became exact on June 19th. Jupiter represents our big vision for the future, our high hopes and aspirations. In the sign of Taurus our hopes and aspirations take on a simpler, more practical and wholesome aspect. In the time of Jupiter in Taurus, the primary focus is on sustainability and security. Saturn shows us what is, or is not, realistically achievable under the current circumstances. Together they are conspiring to create a strategy and a plan. And if this plan includes cutting back in some areas, or stepping back in order to reassess our progress, then so be it. Sometimes things just stop.
It is not unusual with the stations of the planets that events in real life mimic the symbolism of the planet and sign involved. As was the case with the missing submersible that captivated our attention for the days following the station of Saturn. Just one day after Saturn’s station, the submersible descended into the deep waters off the New England Atlantic coast, and then disappeared. All contact was cut off. And the submersible was nowhere to be found. Saturn stationed in Pisces, the diluvian sign of the watery depths, invisibility and disappearances. We have since learned that the submersible imploded most likely from the unbearable pressure of the water. But it was the unknowableness of it all, that captivated our fears and our imaginations.
During the retrograde phase of Saturn which lasts from June 17th thru November 4th, we could find ourselves steeped in our own uncertainty. And we are also likely to be finding ourselves going back over old territory, reassessing our obligations and responsibilities, and re-negotiating our agreements and promises to others. Practical considerations will need to be sorted out, and adult decisions will need to be made, even in the midst of unknowable outcomes.
The Saturn retrograde cycle works in stages. Initially, as it stations we may either be filled with a sense of relief or an urgent and oppressive foreboding. Relief can come because a project, problem or event is finally brought to a final conclusion. Foreboding and oppression arise because we realize that certain circumstances in our life are no longer sustainable as they are. Overcome by exhaustion, despair or malaise we look for a way out. On June 28th Saturn will trine the Sun. This is when we arrive at a point of adjustment and acceptance of the current retrograde phase. We come to realize what our limitations are, and within the coming months come to realize what must be done to honor or accommodate these.
This is also when we come to appreciate the necessity for cultivating our own inner Saturn, while learning the value of things like patience, organization, self-respect and self-restraint.
On August 27th, in the middle of the retrograde phase, the Sun and Saturn will be in opposition to one another. At that point, the Sun will shine a light on what is standing in the way of our progress, and what we can (or can not) do about it. Saturn can overwhelm us with negativity if we focus only on what we cannot do. But within the parameters of the boundaries and limitations, we are also being shown what we can do. And in this way, Saturn can also empower and strengthen us.
For the months that Saturn is retrograde we have the opportunity to grow in ways that we might not have thought possible, developing our leadership skills, gaining a deeper appreciation of what it means to be responsible, honing our skills, and attaining maturity and purpose Like a grown up. Like a grown up with a plan and a goal.
Character - the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life - is the source from which self respect springs. ~ Joan Didion (Slouching Towards Bethlehem)
For the retrograde phase of Saturn which lasts from June 17th thru November 4th:
Just say No: We are given permission to say No More, to set appropriate Limits, and be clear to others and ourselves about where we need to cut back, leave or even withdraw. Sometimes we willingly relinquish those things that have become too burdensome. But it can also feel for some like things are being taken away, leaving us with feelings of deprivation, or separation from what we want and/or need.
Delays: It can feel like we have to take a few steps back before we can go forward again. Some will even feel as if they are stopped in their tracks. It may be that some very important details need to be sorted out first before we can then proceed. The past may come back to haunt us or taunt us. You may even feel like you have to take care of some things that you had thought already sorted out. But yet here they are again. Starting new ventures can be riddled with all sorts of delays and extra work if begun during this period. But if it is worth it, and you are up for the challenge, there is also so much to be learned.
Confronting our inner Saturn blocks: Confronting our own Fears, our attachments, and our resistance to change. Overcoming stagnation, avoidance, and procrastination. And allowing ourselves to let go of the need to be in Control. All that stuff that holds us back.
Cultivating our internal Saturn: Activities and experiences that foster or challenge us to develop self-discipline, self-restraint, organization, responsibility, a strong work ethic, self-respect, and being an example for others to follow. Saturn teaches us to be self-reliant, to be the grown up in the room, rather than looking for others to have all the answers. Saturn requires us to be Patient, and to think in the long term. Work or goals that requires us to focus on the details, perfect our skills and develop self-discipline and concentration are just what Saturn loves most. We might all ask ourselves: What long term goals or objectives that require a little extra self-discipline would I like to aim for over the next 5 months? What strategies and goals am I wanting to achieve?
Mars square Uranus
On Monday, June 26th, Mars at 21 Leo makes an exact square to Uranus in Taurus. It will be in effect at least from the 20th of June thru the 30th. It is likely to be strongest leading up to the 26th. Those people who have sensitive points or planets at 19-23º of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) are most likely to notice this transit, but we may all be aware to some extent. Volatile and changeable, Mars/Uranus can sometimes be disruptive, often surprising, and occasionally explosive. It is hard to contain. Be prepared for unexpected changes.
Because of the erratic nature of Mars/Uranus transits, there is a lot of restlessness and impulsiveness that can lead to actions or outbursts that will later be regretted. Sudden changes can feel chaotic and unexpected. This is good to know! So pace yourself in order to accommodate the fast pace that this transit is known for. And channel the energy into positive expressions of Mars/Uranus. There is a sense of adventure and a willingness to go in a new direction with these two stirring things up. Liberation. Innovation and excitement are yours when you are willing to step out of your usual ways of doing things. Use this week to try something new, and/or do something in a different way.
For Saturn’s retrograde phase for the signs and/or natal house, click below:
Image: “Rocky Mountains” by Albert Bierstadt
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