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Which Planets and Signs Correspond to the Musical Notes and Keys?
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- Written by Robert Wilkinson

Today we take a journey to revisit the world of music, planets, and signs to find the key to how astrology assigns which to which!
I last gave this to you about four years ago. If you are at all interested in music and astrology, this will open a hundred doors or more!
Every sound and every piece of music is composed of notes, even percussion. Everything we hear has a key and a sequence of tones, and therefore notes. It is said that the “Song of Nature” is in F, and the sea you “hear” in a shell is F. F correlates with Virgo, and of course the natural world is very “distributive Earth” in bringing forth all we can need in very practical ways.
Every sequence of musical notes is a thought-form in itself, since they show us a sequence of astrological energies. Light and color too! Music, like words, feelings, and thoughts, move various centers of consciousness in people depending on how the notes, words, feelings, and ideas affect the individual chart.
An interesting thing to note is that at a concert, the sequence of key signatures of the different songs in a musical set is a unique thought-form in its own way. For those of you interested in how the astrology signs correlate to the notes, here are the correspondences courtesy of the venerable sage and Kabbalistic Master, Paul Foster Case.
Aries - C
Taurus - C sharp/D flat
Gemini - D
Cancer - D sharp/E flat
Leo - E
Virgo - F
Libra - F sharp/G flat
Scorpio - G
Sagittarius - G sharp/A flat
Capricorn - A
Aquarius - A sharp/B flat
Pisces - B
You will find that different keys and notes make you feel different ways at different times. For those who know something about astrology and are interested in how this relates to your chart, you may want to explore how your changing preferences in songs and tones at different times in your life were indicated by the changes in the transits and progressions to your birth chart at the time you shifted preferences.
I ended the original article here, but got to thinking that I’ve given you the sign correlations, but not the planets. I was sure the 7 planets had to have a fundamental “tone” as part of their qualities, and so went back into the Case material to find out how he correlated the planets. In the process I found that each represents a color on the spectrum as well, so include those here for your consideration.
Moon – Blue – G# or A flat.
Mercury – Yellow – E
Venus – Green – F# or G flat
Sun – Orange - ? (no attribution for the Sun in the text)
Mars – Scarlet – C
Jupiter – Violet – A# or B flat
Saturn – Indigo (Blue Violet) – A
I found these interesting, since the colors seem to fit, while the notes are assigned in a seemingly irregular way. The Mercury, Mars, and Saturn correlations all relate to how the notes are assigned in the signs. The peculiarities are found in Moon, Venus, and Jupiter, and of course the Sun’s note is a mystery, unless we default to E for Leo, in which case it shares that note/key with Mercury, which is not likely.
So I turned to the great reference work The Rulership Book by Rex Bills, and found this:
C- Sun - Do
D – Saturn - Re
E – Mercury - Mi
F – Moon - Fa
G – Mars - So
A – Venus - La
B – Jupiter - Ti
Doing a little research, I found this is the generally accepted scale as it was allegedly offered by Pythagoras.
As you can surmise, this information can be very favorably applied in your meditations. There may be some days when you want to play music in one key, but something else in another key on another day. You may want to experiment with music in different keys depending on the placement of the transiting Moon or your progressed Moon, or the sign Jupiter occupies in your chart.
I once heard a great spiritual musician state “Light and Sound are nutrients.” If that’s the case, it would seem that color, sound, and yes, smells can “flavor” your meditations, if you’re into such things. By all means, let your imagination lead you through a musical meditational adventure!
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