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Uranus Retrograde Power Surge at 28 Taurus

Uranus Retrograde Power Surge at 28 Taurus

On September 1, Uranus goes stationary retrograde at 28 Taurus, so we're already feeling this major sea change in our Taurus sector!

This is a major phase shift when we begin to review what has revolutionized and/or awakened in the Taurus part of our charts. This one has brought us to a “genuine rejuvenation” and life renewal as we stand on the threshold of our Uranian review of the shadow zone between 28 Taurus and 24 Taurus. Our review begins with the technique of individual-spiritual confirmation which will help us get a new perspective on life leading us back to a degree of expertise and command of powerful natural energies.

Uranus represents our eternal ability in the NOW to individualize our lives and consciousness. It is the Divine Fool, forever stepping off the precipice into the unknown, a Revolutionizer within us that is directly connected with Spirit. It shows us how to live in a truly free way, not reacting to the world’s inertia, but instead moving into the eternally renewed adventure where we are forever free to explore, discover, and revolutionize our lives and consciousness.

Uranus is the Higher Law, Jupiter is the guide out of old ways into greater futures. Uranus helps us break free, break out, and break through the binding force Saturn represents as our “Ring Pass Not.” Uranus is Divine Wisdom, working together with Jupiter and Saturn to perfect our personalities so we might become vehicles for bringing Spirit to Earth in our own unique way. I discuss the dance Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus do in our lives to bring us to spiritual adulthood fully living our higher purpose in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend where you can find more about this process.

What Has Uranus Awakened in 2017-2024?

Uranus now begins to re-trace ground it’s covered since May 2024 when it entered its shadow zone. It will retrograde back to the degree where it went SRX in August 2023, so we’ve all been learning how to use the energies of 24 Taurus with expertise.

It’s solidly in the third decan of Taurus through early July 2025. This is the Capricorn decan, ruled by Saturn with an extra dose of Saturn. It first entered this decan in May 2023. Since then, we’ve explored the emotional-social span of 21-25 Taurus, as well as part of the individual spiritual span from 26-28 Taurus. Now that it’s retrograde, we will take a new look at what Uranus has awakened in us since May 2024.

2018 and 2019 were a transitional period, as Uranus danced between the end of Aries and the beginning of Taurus during this time. In 2017, we began to awaken to our part to play in “the Cosmic Choir.” It was activated in April 2018 when Uranus again transited 29 Aries, went SRX at 3 Taurus, and retrograded back to the degree of “the Cosmic Choir,” where it went direct in January 2019, providing us a platform from which we can sing our part in the larger harmony. Whatever was awakened during that time has been developed through the North Node in the first eight months of 2023

That brought us to “a new quality of being rendering the old patterns obsolete” in 2020. We “returned to ancient sources of Being” while getting glimpses of the future. We learned to use knowledge and skill to anticipate what was coming, an ability to create happiness in dark hours, and a dedication to a greater work.

The last half of 2020 gave us a look back at the themes which were awakened in 2019-2020. 2021 saw Uranus move from 7 to 15 Taurus, and then retrograde from 15 back to 11 Taurus. 2022 saw it move forward from 11 to 19 Taurus, retrograding back to 15 in January 2023. That completed a review of the actional-material level of “Confirmation,” and began an awakening of the emotional and social level of “Confirmation.”

In January 2023 it went SD at 15 Taurus and moved forward, going SRX at 24 Taurus, where we got the first exposure to the Uranian themes of 2024. It retrograded back to 20 Taurus where it went SD in January 2024, giving us all explosions of awakening of much higher levels of experience and at times, even ecstasy.

From this retrograde station at 28 Taurus, it will retrograde back through its “shadow zone” between 24-28 Taurus, giving us a different way to view the Uranian developments set into motion in May. This will last through January 2025, when it goes SD at 24 Taurus, launching its last year in Taurus as Uranus heads toward its entry into Gemini in July 2025 where it goes SRX at 2 Gemini in September.

It will retrograde back into Taurus in November 2025, finally going SD at 28 Taurus in February 2026, giving permanence to the life renewal we’re embracing right now at the SRX station. It then moves forward and re-enters Gemini in late April 2026, and stays in that sign until 2032 when it enters Cancer.

Uranus occupies its stationary degree from now through September 26. 28 Taurus is the synthesizing degree of the individual-spiritual “face” of the second half of Taurus. From late September through late January, it retrogrades back through 27, 26, and 25 Taurus until it goes stationary direct at 24 Taurus.

The Sabian Symbol for the Uranus Retrograde Station

The symbol for the 28th degree of Taurus is “A woman pursued by mature romance.” In the original Jones class notes from The Astrology of Personality, Rudhyar says this is a degree of “new perspective on life, genuine rejuvenation,” “the compelling charm of mature experience,” and “rebelliousness of inner hopes.”

In The Astrological Mandala, he goes on to say that this degree symbolizes “man’s capacity to rise in consciousness and feelings above biological limitations.” He offers that after the previous two degrees of “the youthful and aged approach” to using whatever we can in our culture, this symbol is about our “capacity to rise above the limitations which both biological nature and the ‘normal’ social pattern of behavior have tried to impose” on us.

He states that the woman symbolizes the receptive nature of consciousness at this phase, and that this symbol indicates we “should freely open (our) mind to the possibility of always new rebeginnings,” where we embrace “a more mature response to the new possibility of experience.” He says this degree falls in the Span of Enjoyment, Act of Differentiation, and Scene of Confirmation on the Individual-Spiritual level.

Dr. Jones offers this is a degree of “the eternal promise underlying all objective existence, since the fullness of life is ageless and the human spirit immortal in its functioning.” He says there may be “danger of disappointment whenever any deprivation is taken as final, or when (we) no longer can be stimulated to the effort able to bring (us our) rewards.

He says “there is here the heightening of appreciation which comes with genuine maturity, and offers us the keyword PERSUASION. He states when operating in a positive manner, this degree is “the soul’s effective capitalization on its more enduring potentials.”

From this symbol we see the theme of this Uranus threshold state involves some form of rejuvenation or life renewal, a promise where we find a greater “fullness of life.” This period will awaken a new energy about what confirms us, our spiritual potential suited to our individuality, and can do what we must to stabilize those skills that make our individuality and spiritual life more secure. We now get a 5 month review of our process to see what can be renewed which substantiates our spiritual individuality.

What To Expect For the Rest of 2024

This retrograde station begins a Uranian phase of looking at past and current ways we renewed ourselves in the past, or how we need to reflect on renewing it in the future. This will help us review how something of heart’s desire and wisdom has been confirmed in the past few months, as well as the “new times, new ways, and new beginnings” promised by the “message from Spirit” we began to get in April. We will again take a look at how we offer our wisdom to others, how well we’ve defined “role, function, and imagery” precisely in the past to attain at least part of our heart’s desire, and see how to enjoy what we have as we prepare to “pick up the challenge” in January and February leading to all of it being solidified by May.

We’re all awakening to a new individual spiritual expression. Some will get concrete rewards between now and March 2025, while others will enjoy the possibilities of the new life which began in April.

By January 2025 when Uranus goes direct, we’ll stand on a platform of expertise and command. We are all in a process of long term awakening to a new day in our lives as a result of Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 22 Taurus which will power up in a big way as transits trigger that degree next Spring. As you renew your life in your late Taurus sector of your chart, take command of your genius, accept the rewards you have coming, and greet the coming of a new day in a new land with a new view and understanding. Let go of everything which has become obsolete to enjoy a new power and new potential. We are all at the beginning of a rejuvenation and renewal coming the second half of 2024 and first half of 2025!

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

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Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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