The Second Jupiter Conjunct Pluto
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- Written by Robert Wilkinson

Welcome to the second of three Jupiter conjunctions with Pluto in 2020!
We’ve been dealing with this long term energy which is transforming our world for all time since January’s first great compression in Capricorn. That led us directly to the March compression when Mars conjuncted both Jupiter and Pluto in late Capricorn, setting this deep yet expansive transformational energy into motion in all our charts!
In March, Mars conjuncted Jupiter at 23 Capricorn and Pluto at 25 Capricorn, the same degree Jupiter conjuncted Pluto in early April. Jupiter then went retrograde in mid-May, and is now back in its second conjunction with Pluto at 25 Capricorn. It will go direct in September, and will make a third and final conjunction with Pluto at 23 Capricorn in November, after which Jupiter will enter Aquarius and conjunct Saturn at 1 Aquarius, setting a new 20 year Aquarian and 200 year Air era into motion!
Jupiter is expansion, and Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld. A Jupiter conjunction with Pluto, this “expansion of the Lord of the Underworld,” has many different implications. It could mean an expansion of the forces of chaos and anarchy (which it has, with no signs of it abating this year), or an expansion of the forces of purification and transformation. It can bring completion to an old period of disintegration or an entirely different understanding of the purpose of the cycles of birth, growth, decay, death, and rebirth of the seed in new forms in the future.
The April direct conjunction set major material, emotional, and ideological volatility into motion, while this one revisits the conjunction from a Jupiter retrograde perspective. Unfortunately, the "return" that a retrograde represents is showing up as a spike in the number of infections and deaths in the US after the relaxed socializing which began on Memorial Day coupled with misguided politicians trying to "return to normalcy" believing the economy is helped by hundreds of thousands of people infecting each other and dying.
As two of the three Jupiter conjunctions with Pluto fall at 25 Capricorn, clearly the themes related to this degree will be very important for the coming 12 years. As the theme relates to finding a “transcendent security” in relatively comfortable settings as a reward for our spiritual diligence, we’re all structuring or restructuring how we conceive of “transcendent security” amidst global insecurity. These extreme "expansions of seeds of purification and annihilation" are showing us all the blessings that a disciplined response brings to our life despite extreme conditions.
Jupiter symbolizes our spiritual teacher in this world. Pluto represents the transcendent force of Shiva in the eternal dance of death and rebirth through the Ages. Jupiter is usually merciful, but in Capricorn, it's teaching us some hard lessons about self-discipline and obedience to common sense. The conjunction with Pluto has brought widespread reports of those who are undisciplined and refuse to observe socially responsible behavior, with many thousands more now infected and dying unnecessarily. One would think a simple discipline like wearing a mask and washing one's hands wouldn't provoke violent rebellion, but unfortunately it seems hundreds of thousands of people just don't have any self-discipline or consideration for others.
This is a good “real world” example of how one transit to transit conjunction affects each of us according to our level of response. How non-spiritual beings respond to the extreme potential of Jupiter conjunct Pluto is different from how spiritual Beings respond to the same potential. Observe how Jupiter expands the Plutonic seeds at each conjunction wherever it falls in your charts, and you’ll see where your long term transformational potential is.
The outer planet conjunction cycles are an entire sub-branch of Astrology, since they affect us globally across long wave periods of time. While Jupiter makes an entire transit of all 12 signs every 12 years (mas o menos), every time Jupiter conjuncts a planet outside of its orbit, it sets major collective expansions into motion for the next 12 years.
The last time Jupiter conjuncted Pluto, it was December 2007 when both were conjunct the Galactic Center! That launched Capricorn purifications and transformations on a global level which were triggered every time a planet crossed the conjunction point. This begins yet another 12 years of Capricorn triggers, so kick back and enjoy maturing into a more perfect group work and purpose driven life!
We are truly living on the edge of time at the intersection of Fate Street and Freewill Street on a corner of Eternity Boulevard! The Capricorn cycles set into motion this year will provide the structural framework for all which develops after the Grand Mutation of Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 1 Aquarius. Because Mars conjuncted Saturn on that degree on March 31, it began the Aquarian pulses which will take shape as the new 20 and 200 year era to come via the Grand Mutation.
So during this time of maximum intensity when death is literally in the air and all around us, remember the blessing of learning not to fear the underworld. This can help us get a good discipline to expunge fear and selfishness from our energetic field, and purify our spiritual intention to the core of our Being. Be cheerful as you move through the intense depths of Pluto, and remember that this too will pass into a new 200 year Era by January 2021 after the final Mars square Pluto in December.
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