The Magic of Venus - Karma Influences Our Relationships
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- Written by Robert Wilkinson

I recently read “Karma results in electrical charges between humans resulting in attraction or repulsion.”
That inspired this brief look at karma and why we are attracted to various things, people, and behaviors, and why we are turned off by various things, people, and behaviors.
This actually cuts to one of the primary questions of my youth and why I took up the study of astrology to begin with in 1971. After plowing through all the college psychology classes I was legally allowed to take, I still had two unanswered questions. One was “Why do things happen when they do? Why not yesterday? Why not tomorrow?” The other was “Why are we instantly turned on by certain people, ideas, and behaviors, and instantly turned off by certain people, ideas, and behaviors?”
Then I discovered astrology, which gave me a sense of the timing on things, answering my first question, and why we are or are not attracted to things, answering my second question. The attraction factor is governed by Venus, though our Sun, or heart center, radiates an attractive force due to it transmitting the Light of our Soul/Spirit.
Venus is countered by Mars, that which aggravates us. The dance of Venus and Mars helps us find the balance between what we are attracted to and how annoyed we get when it comes or is denied. The Sun isn’t really “countered” as much as it seeks expression in form, which is specifically the function of the Moon, which reflects the Light and Love of our Sun.
I’ve explained these things and more in my books The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames. and Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. In The Magic of Venus I offer that our attractions are natural both to what is similar and what is different, since we like what we like and we want to attract what we feel we lack.
Of course, this plays out differently based in the level of awareness and spiritual intention. The lower ego is attracted to whatever the desire mind believes is good. Those desires lead us into situations where we find that what we thought we wanted isn’t working for us. These experiences generate karma which impacts what we can and cannot attract in the future.
On the other hand, truth seekers, regardless of their Path, are attracted to whatever will illuminate the awareness, for better or worse. Because those walking the Way learn from healthy as well as unhealthy interactions, they use all of it, the attractions and repulsions, as grist for the mill of Soul. The truth seeker always finds understanding and wisdom from their experience, and use these to break free of the chains of mental slavery and become the masters of their destiny.
There’s an entire chapter in the Venus book about how seductions work to pull us and then push us toward or away from another. Many times antagonism between people results from the unfulfilled expectations of one or both people’s subconscious mind, which wanted a seduction and didn't get one. This creates a tension which demands fulfillment in either a healthy form or an unhealthy form, since fulfillment is the goal rather than the satisfaction of comfort.
All relationships are a contract, and as such must be fulfilled. As we walk down the road of shared experience, we actualize and fulfill that contract. Once the spoken or unspoken terms of the interactive "contract" is fulfilled, then either we find a new potential together or we don't, in which case our subconscious mind turns away from the relationship to find something else which will fulfill it.
As long as there is a subconscious hope for a desired fulfillment, a person will hang in there. But “when the energy’s wrong” then it results in a repelling magnetism rather than the previous attraction factor.
We are attracted to what we like; AND we are attracted to that which we lack. This is where our personal “little k” karmas, as well as our “Big K” Karmic wounds and how we’ve dealt with both of these does affect our magnetic field. Our Saturn “frequency” of wisdom and understanding does impact what others are attracted to in us, since when our understanding is in harmony then we find harmonious interactions and when our understanding is not in harmony with another then we usually try to find a way out the door if we can’t find common ground.
Both books explore the nature of karmic attractions, and why we have to experience certain desires in order to understand where to go and where not to go. Through our Venus, we are attracted to things, people, and behaviors for both conscious and unconscious reasons. In fulfilling those attractions, we find doors of understanding opening so that we can choose the greater over the lesser, and as per Venus’ duality, Wisdom over Folly.
Through our Saturn, we understand the value of patience, perseverance, and focused determination to fulfill our unique Dharma, or “Truth of Being.” In its dance with Uranus, Saturn allows us to embrace Dharma, or Tao, and know our eternal freedom to grow, dancing with life knowing what to say “yes” to and what to say “no” to as we fulfill our purpose for being alive on Earth, an Eternal having a human experience. Then we attract opportunities to serve the greater good, and no longer generate attractions which bring difficulty. Karma and Dharma are then fulfilled in each moment.
Thanks to Adam DeFranco of The Wisdom Retreat Center for the inspiration!
Reprinted on with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected.
© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson
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