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Sun Conjunct Jupiter in Aries

Sun Conjunct Jupiter in Aries

On April 11, the Sun conjuncts Jupiter at 22 Aries. This is important, because after a year of rehearsing, saying goodbye, tuning into the collective feeling-field, and feeling overwhelmed from time to time, we now have a year of optimism and fewer inhibitions wherever we have 22 Aries.

Each year the Sun conjuncts Jupiter, illuminating and powering up the Jupiter lesson of that degree for the next 13 months. Where the conjunction falls is where we get a new set of truths, higher and/or broader understanding, or maybe just opportunities to expand our lives.

Obviously, as Jupiter moves through the signs, it brings a different “tone” to the houses where we have Sagittarius and Pisces. Think back on recent years and see how each year Jupiter occupied a given sign that “colored” your experiences in Jupiterian ways. As Jupiter shifts signs, it also changes the backdrop to planets we have in Sagittarius and Pisces.

In 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and January 2021, we had the Sun conjunct Jupiter in the first decan of Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius. In 2022 and 2023, the Sun was/is conjunct Jupiter in the second decan of Pisces and Aries. In 2024, the conjunction will fall in the third decan of Taurus.

As the Sun conjuncts Jupiter, it lights up the Jupiterian promise, or message, or grace, or possibility in those parts of our life. The degree of the conjunction becomes “an enlightened promise,” or “illuminated adventure” in the life area shown by the house it falls in. We now power up a new truth, a new vision, a new freedom, a new promise, and a new quest on our eternal “Hero’s journey.”

Past, Present, and Future Sun-Jupiter Conjunctions

Because of irregularities in Jupiter’s orbit, the conjunction doesn’t always fall in successive signs. In 2010, the conjunction was at 10 Pisces in late February. In 2011, it was at 17 Aries in early April. In 2012, the conjunction was at 24 Taurus in mid-May. In 2013, it fell at 29 Gemini in mid-June. In 2014, the conjunction was at 2 Leo in late July.

That means there was no Sun conjunct Jupiter in Cancer during this period in history. The last one was in 2002, and next one will be 2025 when the Sun skips a conjunction in Gemini and conjuncts Jupiter at 4 Cancer. Those first decan conjunctions will continue through 2030. Because of the speed of Jupiter's orbit, every so often a sign will be skipped, which has its own interesting implications.

Resuming the string of conjunctions, in 2015 it was at 4 Virgo in late August. In 2016, it was at 4 Libra in late September. In 2017, it was at 4 Scorpio. In 2018, it happened at 4 Sagittarius. Last year it happened at 6 Capricorn. We didn’t have one in 2020 and resumed the string with the 2021 conjunction at 10 Aquarius, obviously activating a larger expansion based in what we left behind since Mars went retrograde at that degree in June 2018. Last year’s 13-month cycle began at 15 Pisces, which has been in play until this one at 22 Aries. This 13-month influences will last until the next conjunction in May 2024 at 29 Taurus.

How the Conjunction Manifests After the Event

Each of these conjunctions lights up a “hot spot” of illuminated opportunity, truth, or adventure in our charts that lasts a year. However, it is triggered different times in different ways by the transits of other planets over the degree of the conjunction.

In fact, often we will see major results of that promise activated as Mars transits the degree, with the other planets each bringing elements of that promise via its “department of labor.” This can mean through people or opportunities in circumstances described by the sign of the conjunction.

For example, the 2016 conjunction at 4 Libra wasn’t really activated until the subsequent Mars transit in October 2017 and boosted in October 2019. The 2017 conjunction at 4 Scorpio was activated in a big way when Mars transited Scorpio in December 2017 and boosted in November 2019. The 2018 conjunction at 4 Sagittarius was activated by Mars in January 2020 and again in December 2021

The December 2019 conjunction in Capricorn launched in February 2020 and got a renewed boost in late January 2022, and the 2021 conjunction at 10 Aquarius was crystallized by Saturn in early March 2021. This one will activate when Mars transits 22 Aries in May 2024.

Sabian Symbol for the Conjunction

This conjunction is at 22 Aries. The symbol for the 22nd degree of Aries is "The gate to the garden of desire.” In the Marc Jones class notes from The Astrology of Personality, Rudhyar says this is a degree of “joy and utter lack of inhibitions in objective life,” and “self-exaltation or bondage to the craving for happiness.”

He goes on to say in The Astrological Mandala that this refers to “abundance made possible by human togetherness and cooperation.” He offers that this is “a symbol of apparently wide-open and effortless fulfillment,” where as we join with others, we can in time fulfill at least some of our desires.

He continues that at this stage, “the goal of happiness dominates the consciousness of cultural man, the more validly so the more modest his desires,” making this a symbol of “cosmic optimism.” He states this degree fall in the Span of Examination, Act of Differentiation, and Scene of Potency on the Social-Cultural level.

Dr. Jones says this is a degree of “uncompromising faith in the fact of (our) being, and of (our) naïve optimism as life opens up one or another of its opportunities for (us).” He states this symbol is one of “self-fulfillment in the realization that there are always unlimited days ahead and that immeasurable frontiers are yet to be crossed.”

He continues by offering that “personality forever reassures itself by an enhancement of its dreams and a strengthening of its deeper expectations.” He offers us the keyword PROSPECT, and states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree is “a high quickening to every possibility of individual discovery and experience.”

So, the theme of this conjunction shows the Light of wider, brighter, and more intensely future oriented Jupiter energy over the next year is illuminating a year of seeing limitless opportunities that could offer us various forms of fulfillment, and a wider vision of the promise of self-reinvention. Here the Illumination principle unites with the Expansive principle on a degree of focalized social power, so be optimistic, adventurous, leaping out of the past into the NOW to make the future real.

Of note is that 22 Aries is the degree of the next Mars/Chiron conjunction in May 2024, so we’ll see not only a Mars activation of this Sun/Jupiter conjunction, but we’ll also have Chiron teaching and mentoring us in some way related to the opportunities, vision, and adventure opening up in the next year.

Summing Up

So, we’ve completed Jupiter’s transit of the “harvest zone” in Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, and already got glimpses of Aries in late Spring and Summer 2022. In Capricorn we organized truths and visions into organized effective power. Then we moved into a great promise related to the emerging Aquarius energies in 2021, expanding into compassion, forgiveness, and allowing many things to close when Jupiter was in Pisces. It’s currently in Aries, a sign which is grounded in the NOW and direct action to fulfill the promise.

Any conjunction to Jupiter ends an old view and begins a newer, broader vista of perception as a result of our movement since the last conjunction. Five years ago, we had a year of Stable Water. Four years ago, we had Distributive Fire, three years ago we had a year of Activating Earth, two years ago we had a year of Stable Air, and the past year has been Distributive Water. We now have a conjunction in Activating Fire!

So, consider a new adventure has been launched wherever you have 22 Aries in your chart. This adventure will be easy or hard on other parts of your life depending on what aspects are in play. Much that is promised by this conjunction will become evident in March, April and May 2024, as the inner planets plus Mars transit this degree during that time.

This is the third Sun-Jupiter conjunction in the new 200-year Era! The organized structures we built in 2020 which yielded new visions, new group work, new future-oriented efforts in 2021-2022 now allows us to move forward, unencumbered by many past considerations and ghosts which have gone during Jupiter in Pisces. We now have a new way of navigating the collective field, where we can each do our thing in our own way within the greater interrelatedness we’ve begun to experience the past 3 years. This is a time to be bold in expressing your genuine Self, ready to dance with the emerging vision and collective work.

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
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Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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