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Spiritual Astrology: The Three Northern Hemisphere Spring High Moons

Spiritual Astrology: The Three Northern Hemisphere Spring High Moons

We have “Three High Moons” each Spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

This Aries/Libra Lunar Eclipse Full Moon is the first of the “High Moons,” and the next Full Moon, of Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio, will be the second “High Moon” of Spring, aka “the Wesak Festival.” What are these, and why are they important?

Let me begin by stating that this tradition came about from Buddhism, which developed in the Northern Hemisphere, since that’s where the Buddha walked and taught. That’s why these Full Moons symbolize what they do. Obviously it’s not Spring in the Southern Hemisphere, but the Wesak Festival has a global effect, regardless of whether it’s getting hotter or colder wherever.

The Three High Moons

So what are the “3 High Moons,” and what are they about? According to one respected source, the Full Moon of Aries-Libra brings the renewal of the life force for the year. That’s the first of the 3 High Moons. The First High Moon brings the power of the Northern Hemisphere Spring into a form of illuminated focus of Life in all its potential for growth.

This year that Full Moon was a Lunar eclipse which fell at 6 Aries-Libra, making it a powerful focus of “cosmic recycling” wherever we have 4-8 Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn in our charts. So the entire season holds the Light of a selective display of Self, taking shape as a renewed visualization, or receiving the results of prior visualizations. That eclipse will remove old parts of self, old ideals, and anything which would block our pursuit of our heart’s desire.

Some will turn away from old loyalties and desires because of “a conflict between old and new perspectives” due to a crisis of Love. The symbols of that Full Moon indicate the Light of an emotional/social emergent realization of self finding expression in a transfigured ideal. So those set the themes symbolizing “Life expressing Wisdom” coming forth for all of us this year.

The emergent Life Force arising then takes shape in a wisdom form at the next Full Moon in Taurus-Scorpio, known as the Wesak Festival. This second of the “3 High Moons” brings a new outpouring of the "Cosmic Buddha Nature" to everyone on Earth which renews the qualities that Great Sage brought to humanity to lessen suffering for all sentient Beings.

We are told at this great spiritual ceremony that “the Eternal Buddha Nature" offers the world a new infusion of Light, Dharma, and Love. Last year’s Wesak was a Lunar eclipse which fell at 15 Taurus/Scorpio, and this year the Wesak Full Moon happens at 4:49 pm PDT on April 23 at 5 Taurus/Scorpio, very close to the Full Moon Lunar eclipse at 6 Taurus/Scorpio in October 2023.

This past year’s wisdom involved the Light of an ability to go through crises while showing strength of character, expressed as an ability to see the world of the 5 senses and the mind as “the playground of God and Soul.” This was a totally future oriented Full Moon Wisdom. This year’s “Buddha Wisdom” will involve the Light of an ability to bury the past expressed as an understanding of the enduring elements of Nature and a sense of how changes only happen over long periods of time.

In the same tradition, the Full Moon of Gemini-Sagittarius is known as the Christ Fest. At this Full Moon the World Teacher of the Age takes the wisdom of the Buddha Nature and infuses it with Loving magnetism so that all may become more lovingly wise and wisely loving according to the lesson of the year.

Last year’s Christ Fest Loving Wisdom pulse has been active since June 2023, and had a theme of 14 Gemini/Sagittarius, with the Light of Wisdom showing us the way to a technique of telepathic attunement and “non-local knowing” expressed as a technique to find “the power of our spiritual ancestry.” At this great spiritual ceremony the World Teacher pours forth new forms of loving-wisdom into the world that offers all of us a great leap forward in awareness of Higher things.

This year’s Christ/World Teacher Festival will happen on May 23 at 3 Gemini/Sagittarius. This year’s Light of Wisdom will show us how to formalize certain knowledge which allows us to offer works of high beauty and structure to the world, expressed through our ability to see life as a game involving the need to concentrate on a sequence of moves and not get distracted by secondary matters.

When Do We Celebrate It?

From time to time, we have “rare peculiarities” due to the difference in the Tropical and Sidereal systems. As some of you already know, in the East they use a variety of speculative values to compute planetary positions, and so any Full Moon falling in the early degrees of a sign is considered to be in the previous sign. That’s why in the East sometimes they celebrate the Wesak a month later than we do in the West. I personally believe we should celebrate it as we do in the West, since when the Buddha lived, the planets were the same positions as they are today in the Western system.

In 2017 we had Full Moons at 22 Scorpio-Taurus which is the Wesak in the West, but our 2017 Christ Fest at 19 Sagittarius-Gemini was the Wesak in the East. In 2018 our Full Moon at 10 Scorpio-Taurus was the Wesak, but in the East it happened at our Full Moon at 9 Sagittarius-Gemini. As I offered then, I celebrated both of those Full Moons, so it really doesn’t matter whether it’s the Western Christ Fest or the Eastern Vesak. It’s all good!

The 2019 Wesak happened at 28 Taurus/Scorpio so it was the Wesak in both the West and the East. Obviously the 2020 and 2021 Wesak festivals were different in East and West, while the 2022 Wesak was celebrated May 15 in the western half of the Northern Hemisphere, and May 16 everywhere east of CDT. The 2023 Wesak happened at 15 Scorpio/Taurus and this year it’s at 5 Scorpio/Taurus, so in the East they won’t celebrate the Wesak for a month after we do.

Once In A While We Get A Double Dose

An extraordinarily rare anomaly happened in 2016, since there were TWO Full Moons in Gemini-Sagittarius! To me that indicated two different “vintages” of the World Teaching went out like a “twinned vibration.” The first was May 21/22, the second occurred hours before the 2016 June Solstice. I believe that has gave us two different ways the “Buddha Wisdom” of 2016 took shape, and since Gemini is a “twinned sign” anyway, we were given multiple ways to find the Wisdom between then and the Christ Fest of 2017.

In 2019, the Full Moon of Aries-Libra was another rare anomaly since we had two Full Moons in those signs, the first at the Equinox at 1 Aries/Libra, the second at 30 Aries/Libra. These “emergent life force pulses” took shape at the 2019 Wesak Festival at 28 Taurus-Scorpio, and was distributed as a world teaching at the Christ Fest via the energies of 26 Gemini/Sagittarius. So there were two life themes related to the first and third decans of Aries-Libra, while the wisdom was related to the third decan of Taurus-Scorpio, which was distributed via the third decan of Gemini-Sagittarius.

Summing Up

This year, the Lunar eclipse Full Moon of 6 Aries-Libra will take shape at the 2024 Wesak Festival at 5 Taurus-Scorpio, and will be distributed as a world teaching at the “World Teacher Fest” via the energies of 3 Gemini-Sagittarius. So all three influences are of the first decans of the signs, with the April Full Moon happening on the social-emotional level of those signs, and the May and June Full Moon operating on the actional-material level of those signs.

To recap, the life force generated at the 1st High Moon is concentrated into a form of loving compassion at the 2nd High Moon, and the “Christ Fest” 3rd High Moon distributes the loving wisdom poured out at the Wesak Festival in a new world teaching appropriate to human needs for that year.

Most religions believe in a World Teacher or Savior, knowing this Light Giver by such names as the Christ, the Lord Maitreya, the Imam Mahdi, Lord Krishna, the Bodhisattva, and the Messiah. So where Christ is invoked, imagine the name of the World Teacher of your faith, and attune to the Loving Wisdom of that Great Being, however you conceive of Them.

Even though it’s not Spring in the Southern Hemisphere, at the 2024 Wesak Festival check out to see what types of new Taurus wisdom forms begin to show themselves in your life, and move forward into a truth you’ve been carrying for a while. The Wesak is the time to renew and regenerate your life and magnetism through embracing the transformational process, grounding the “Natural” in the “Supernatural.” This will help us experience a deeper connection we have with others in our various Soul groups.

As the “Buddha infused” Wisdom coming forth obviously is related in some way to the Buddha, some will have to renounce lesser individual and philosophical considerations, and unite with others to deepen their life experience. Some will see that they have already been given a life renewal, with the power to go deeper into “All-That-Is.” Let go of whatever you need to let go of, and the void will attract what is more “true for you” in your evolved state.

This 2024 Wesak Full Moon will be both stabilizing and mobilizing, with the emergent Wisdom forms taking many shapes as the weeks unfold the themes of this year. This coming year will offer the Light of burying the past expressing as an indestructibility. With Mercury retrograde, the coming “Buddha Wisdom” will be backward and inward looking, with benefits from contacting the inner planes.

As Venus will occupy 24 Aries, the same degree as the Aries/Libra Lunar eclipse Mercury, it seems this year’s life and wisdom involve concentrated doses of spiritual energy coming into our lives. While there will be a lot of purification, there will also be tremendous rewards as we complete our ordeal and park our “Ark” on the shores of a new life and a new land.

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
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Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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