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Saturn Uranus Challenges: The Impact of Unexpected Events on Our Evolution

Saturn Uranus Challenges: The Impact of Unexpected Events on Our Evolution

Saturn, Uranus, Spiritual Tests and the Value of Unexpected Events in our Evolution

This brief piece came out of a discussion on social media. We were discussing how Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto work to facilitate individual spiritual growth.

Uranus is the creative “eruptive” pulse which originates in Spirit. Neptune is that which unifies and dissolves vast ideas and movements. Pluto is the Divine “economy of energy” which annihilates all which cannot withstand its purifying fires and at the same time preserves the “seed forms” which can replicate the life stored in those seeds.

These energies are transpersonal, and do not express in individual lives except through “the Sacred Seven” visible planets representing parts of our personality. Saturn represents the “Ring Pass Not,” or the boundaries we rub up against in every part of our lives. It is how we are structured and disciplined until we do these voluntarily and consciously cooperate with becoming worthy vehicles for our Higher Self.

All we are is constrained by Saturn until we learn to “make it our friend.” Because of the understanding and spiritual maturity we develop through Saturn, we expand our “Ring Pass Not” until we grow beyond our previous boundaries built through fear and are able to live our Dharma/Tao every minute of every day. Still, regardless of our relationship with our inner Saturn, the outer spiritual triad continue to operate on a “meta” level, with all together working their magic to make Spirit manifest through our “Sacred Seven.”

Uranus awakens, but also is unbound and refuses to be constrained. It can "explode sideways" and derail our best laid Saturn plans. That’s why self-discipline and an ability to understand what is exploding, why it’s exploding, and how the explosion relates to the expression of our individuality is key to manifesting Uranus transits in healthy ways. You can find out more how Saturn and Uranus combine to accelerate our spiritual growth by getting a copy of Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend, as what I offer there is a blueprint for realizing your Higher Self and living the love, wisdom, and freedom of your Soul.

Uranus awakens and synthesizes, Neptune blends and unifies, while Pluto purifies to make us more economical in our use of energy. These three work as one unified transpersonal spiritual field outside our human assumptions and anything we personally think or feel. They are an invisible influence.

As I offered, these “spiritual field energies” are translated into action by the Sacred Seven in our charts. By how the outer “forces beyond our individual control” operate, we are shown whether our inner planetary Lights are operating in healthy or dysfunctional ways. One can never have a malfunctioning Uranus, but its energy may be translated into dysfunctional action by our planetary responses to conditions.

It’s the same with Neptune and Pluto. Neptune represents the oceanic field of the sum total of human hopes and frustrations, joys and sorrows, tragedies and triumphs. When an individual is delusional, or has a slavish devotion to a belief system, it’s a Neptunian phenomenon which is expresses through one or more of their visible planets. In other words, there are Lunar delusions, Mercurial delusions, Venusian delusions and so on. If a person is a violent psychopath, it is often their Mars tuning into a larger Plutonic force field. If they are being coercive and controlling in a relationship, it’s Pluto manifesting through their Venus and/or Saturn. There’s always a worldly “step down” to the transpersonal energies manifesting.

Many times our spiritual tests come in unexpected ways. These are Uranian in nature, and show us how able we are to respond in a healthy way in the moment, free of fear with an ability to use patience to find clear understanding of that test. Many believe spiritual awareness involves the ability to “speak the truth” or “speak the Teaching” in a given moment. However, we are told that the quality of unexpectedness serves a much greater role in our development.

This teaching offers a view of how to view assurances when there is a need for direct action. Here is something I gave you once before a long time ago. It is something Morya gave us in “New Era Community” about the value of unexpectedness in our spiritual testing.

“Least of all does verbal affirmation interest Us. The significance for Us lies in the state of consciousness and action. As physicians observe the inner sensations and the fluctuations of the patient’s condition, and pay no attention to his whims, so do We pay no attention to verbal assurances but weigh the quality of action.

Ancient methods of testing are used by Us. The testing is of long duration and unexpected. Do you remember the exercises of Buddha with his disciples relating to unexpectedness?

Could unexpectedness test fear or falsehood? Precisely, unexpectedness. Necessity will not be the deciding factor. A thief before a judge seems a model of honesty. Look at him not before the judge but in the darkness of an alley.

Do not reject testings, for the solution of life’s achievement must be tested by the fire, as steel. Those who trust words are either inexperienced or are not steadfast. Experiment can pass into immutability only through unalterable striving.”

A lot to consider in just a few paragraphs. Remember what you learned and demonstrated through unexpected conditions. How did those events help you understand what was needed to bring you to where you are now? Have fun contemplating the possibilities.

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

I want to welcome all to drop by our Facebook page at Astrology Arizona and join the social media initiative going on there. Please feel free to contribute a topic, ask about a topic, or anything else related to our new group. See you over there!

Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

The title for this article was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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