Saturn, Spiritual King of the Coming Aquarian Golden Age of the 21st Century
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- Written by Robert Wilkinson

We are beginning to accelerate toward a huge turn of the century cycle while Saturn’s in Pisces, and when it conjuncts Neptune in Aries we shall be in the dawning of the “Spring” of the 21st century!
I last gave this to you several years ago before the Grand Mutation at 1 Aquarius in December 2020 which set a new Aquarian pulse into motion globally. I’ve rewritten and added a lot to flesh out and update the material I offered you then. I believe we won’t be entirely in the Age of Aquarius until the third quarter of this century, as we’ll still be dealing with the remnants of the old Age of Pisces ideas, assumptions, beliefs, and superstitions through the transition period between the Great Ages which has already been in motion for 250 years. However, even though there will be ghosts of old age thinking by mid-century, we'll be seeing the dawning years of a new civilization and approach to life, energy, matter, electricity, the Earth, and each other.
When I last gave this to you I had read an article where H.P. Blavatsky stated the Aquarian Age began in 1900. I also know that Sri Yukteswar put the entrance to the Dwapara Yuga as 1899. That leads to the question, how is the Age of Aquarius related to the Vedic concept of the Dwapara Yuga? It is said that the Dwapara Yuga is the "Era of Electromagnetic Remembrance," which certainly sounds like the Aquarian Age, given the relationship between Aquarius and electricity! Today we’ll revisit what Blavatsky said about this Era, and what it promises.
The article was titled “The Golden Age, Aquarius, and the Ringed Planet,” written by Carlos Cardoso Aveline and published in the Jan-Feb 2005 issue of Quest, a Theosophical magazine. He begins by stating “In the last paragraph of The Key to Theosophy, H. P. Blavatsky suggests that the earth could be "a heaven" in the twenty-first century compared to the nineteenth century,” and from SD Questions and Answers, ‘one of the several remarkable cycles’ coming to a close in the end of the nineteenth century was ‘the Messianic cycle of the Samaritan (also Kabalistic) Jews of the man connected with Pisces.’"
From the article,
And she explained: "It is a cycle, historic and not very long, but very occult, lasting about 2,155 solar years, but having a true significance only when computed by lunar months. It occurred [in] 2410 and 255 B.C., or when the equinox entered into the sign of the Ram, and again into that of Pisces."Geoffry Barborka, author of The Divine Plan comments: "Since 2155 year is the time period for the duration of each of the cycles of the age of Aries and Pisces, and as the Piscean age began in 255 B.C., the date of the beginning of the Aquarian age is 1900 A.D…."
The transition of astrological ages is a complex process, though, and its effects may take a few hundred years to become perfectly visible….. HPB made a bright prophetical statement as to the karmic content of this period:
Error is powerful only on the surface, prevented as she is by Occult Nature from going any deeper; for the same Occult Nature encircles the whole globe, in every direction, leaving not even the darkest corner unvisited. And, whether by phenomenon or miracle, by spirit hook or bishop's crook, Occultism must win the day, before the present era reaches Sani's (Saturn's) triple septenary of the Western cycle in Europe, in other words—before the end of the twenty first century A. D. (Collected Writings 14:27)
Saturn’s number is 7; a “triple septenary” would be 21, thus the 21st century. She mentions Saturn because Saturn is indeed the timekeeper for all cycles, both involutionary and evolutionary. Saturn is how we become mature spiritual adults, able to fulfill our purpose for being alive on Earth. The on-going “Initiation of the World” requires that Humanity, the planetary mind, begin to work cooperatively with the Earth and all Her creatures if life is to continue on its scheduled evolutionary track.
We have awakened to our Oneness globally, but there are parts of the planetary brain which don't want to wake up from the delusion of self-serving self-separateness. All who have awakened to the promise of a better world where we contribute what we can to the greatest good for the greatest number are strengthening the manifestations of the approaching new Age. That is feeding "the Tension of Opposites" helping us focus the energy of striving to sing our song in the Cosmic Choir which is Life.
The year 2020 gives us keys to understand this transitional period finishing the “Winter of the 21st century” and moving through 2025-2050, the “Spring” of the century. 2020 gave us three Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions in late Capricorn, a Saturn/Pluto conjunction also in late Capricorn, a Mars/Saturn conjunction at 1 Aquarius, and the Grand Mutation in December, also at 1 Aquarius.
Of these, the Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions set 12 year cycles into motion, the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction set a 20 year cycle into motion, and the Saturn/Pluto conjunction set a 33 year cycle into motion. These will be triggered and manifested each time there is a transit through late Capricorn and 1 Aquarius.
Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn indicates a great reorganization is going to happen through mid-century which will then end with their next conjunction in Pisces in 2054. This is a powerful structuring, “rule-making” influence of a Capricorn nature in play for decades.
Because both the Jupiter/Pluto and Saturn/Pluto conjunctions fell in the last decan of Capricorn, they will express as each having to take responsibility in some way in the greater "group work" corresponding to the emergent Aquarian ideal also set into motion in 2020. As America’s bard sang, "You gotta serve somebody."
The last decan of Capricorn represents responsible spiritual service. Saturn ruled the restructuring from its home in Capricorn in 2020, and continued to synthesize various elements of the vision into the structure when it occupied its other home in Aquarius in 2021, 2022, and 2023. Now it’s in Pisces, bringing emotional substance to the Aquarian energies in motion, and giving a vision or understanding to the Capricorn energies in motion.
Saturn helps us structure the body, feelings, and mind into a coherent personality which can serve as an adequate vehicle for the Higher Self in all of us. It is a slow process, as Saturn teaches us patience, planning, and perseverance despite outer conditions or inner conflicts. HPB believed our inner Saturn and the planet Saturn are “in one sense identical,” even if we must distinguish between the ways it expresses in the various worlds of our experience. In other words, what we learn from Saturn on the material level is different from what we learn on the spiritual level, even though in the final analysis it’s ALL Saturn!
As you know from my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend, Saturn rules all form of karma, Karma, time, and the structures we build and replace throughout our lives. It represents the results of past karmic patterns, but also what is termed Kriyamana karma, the new karma we create by our current choices in each moment. Saturn's quality of Divine Understanding allows us over time to use every opportunity to come to happiness and contentment with our essential destiny, or Dharma.
In the article, Aveline offers:
Master of concentration, Saturn has an important role to play in the ladder to heaven taught in the Mithraic mysteries of ancient Rome. It is said that this ladder has seven steps. The first one corresponds to "the sky of Saturn," that is, the spirit of that planet. In any sacred ladder, the first step upward presides over the transition between the lower ground and the way to heaven. The first step makes us confront the borderline between the material and finer dimensions of life. Thus, astronomically, Saturn is the planet of the rings and establishes the limit between the "domestic" and the "galactic" sections of our solar system….Saturn has many names, and in Isis Unveiled we read: “Ilda Baoth, the ‘Son of Darkness,’ and the creator of the material world, was made to inhabit the planet Saturn, which identifies him still more with the Jewish Jehovah, who was Saturn himself, according to the Ophites, and is by them denied his Sinaitic name. From Ilda Baoth emanate six spirits, who respectively dwell with their father in the seven planets.
These planets are, as HPB explains, Saturn, Mars, Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus, the same celestial bodies that form the Mithraic ladder to heaven. HPB acknowledged Saturn as the king of the golden age. In many different traditions there is a direct relationship between the awakening of the higher mind and the emergence of golden ages. In Buddhism and other religions, gold (or yellow) is a symbol of pine [sic] consciousness and spiritual soul. Any golden age is an age of buddhi manas, or spiritual intelligence, and there is a direct connection between this higher mind and Saturn.
In the twenty-first century, Saturn's influence and lessons help us recover at least parts of the golden consciousness that leads to a golden society. In our present cycle, it means the awakening of the sixth, intuitive subprinciple, within the fifth, mental principle, or simply the rebirth of a spiritual intelligence, a higher level of consciousness from which the next civilizations must emanate.
Because Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius, it embodies the discipline, patience, training, vision, persistence, and fixity of purpose any Truth seeker must have to fulfill their essential destiny. Saturn symbolizes the lessons we must learn to take our place in the spiritual field of builders of ideals of a greater good for all Life on Earth. As Fellowship is a keyword for Aquarius, Saturn’s time in Aquarius helped us build the structures of a greater good which were set into motion at the Grand Mutation at 1 Aquarius, launching new 20 and 200 year eras of human evolution!
The launch point of preliminary structures of the new Aquarian Era began to come forth when Mars conjuncted Saturn at 1 Aquarius on March 31, 2020. Those began to pervade the social and cultural spheres at the Grand Mutation. Since then, we’ve all been challenged to make Saturn your "Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend," as you gently, persistently, and wisely used patience and self-discipline to transform your responses and rise to a new vision or ideal.
Saturn’s virtues allow us to negate the old negative karmic patterns we have generated. By choosing how we want to express ourselves with goodwill, understanding, and effective expression, we’ll accelerate our personality integration so we can express our Higher Self in the future. As we learn to be mature and wise in our responses, we become our unique expression of "the corrective Force of Nature Herself," and ARE the love, wisdom, and intelligence we previously sought.
As we become the wise expression of Saturn in outer circumstances, we have the power to accomplish many things within the Ring-Pass-Not of each circumstance, and exemplify the traits which are needed in the moment and will heal the world. If you want to know more about your inner Saturn and what you need to change negative karmas to positive karma, claiming your power to fulfill your purpose on Earth, please get your copy of Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. As you make friends with this wise, understanding inner guide, you will find yourself feeling fulfilled in ways you never imagined before now! And remember, this is a work of many lifetimes, so relax into the adventure, since you have nothing to lose except your fear.
Reprinted on with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected.
© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson
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