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Pluto Retrograde: 3 Aquarius - Awakening or Rebel Independence?
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- Written by Robert Wilkinson
![Pluto Retrograde: 3 Aquarius - Awakening or Rebel Independence? Pluto Retrograde: 3 Aquarius - Awakening or Rebel Independence?](blank.gif)
Pluto represents the Divine Power of ultimate regeneration, and is the Lord of the Underworld we all must pass through at least once in our life if we are to be a purified vessel and become authentic to our core.
Through Pluto we know who we really are. Right now it’s stationary retrograde at 3 Aquarius. We have major global shifts ahead at the threshold of global change!
Pluto’s exact retrograde station occurs at 10:46 am PDT, 6:46 pm BST on May 2, though it’s been manifesting stationary energies for a few weeks! As is the case with all the outer planets when they turn stationary direct or retrograde, it marks a major “sea change” in those invisible Spiritual transpersonal energies. We are now beginning a review of our 2024 experience of Pluto in Aquarius which will take us back through 3, 2, and 1 Aquarius to 30 Capricorn at the beginning of September. Pluto leaves Capricorn in mid-November for a couple of centuries and slips back into Aquarius for the next 20 years.
Since early January, Pluto moved from 30 Capricorn to 3 Aquarius. It will retrograde back over that span between now and early October, when it goes stationary direct at 30 Capricorn. After that it will be in its “shadow zone” through early March 2025, when it will again enter an unknown zone humanity has not experienced since 1778-1780. It would seem that we continue to be in the heart of revolutionary times!
Pluto in the Power Zones
Between 2016-2018, Pluto transited the 5 degree “face” between 16-20 Capricorn where personal power gets translated into group energy through activities. In 2018-2019 Pluto transited the “face” between 21-25 Capricorn, where that power gets applied on the emotional or social level. Between 2021 and 2024, Pluto is transiting the face between 26-30 Capricorn, where that emotional or social power gets expressed in individual ways on the mental and spiritual levels of life. Pluto is done planting seeds in the first two zones, and this year finishes planting seeds in the third zone.
These zones were incredibly important in 2019-2020. Saturn occupied 21-25 Capricorn in Apr-May 2019 and Dec 2019-Jan 2020, after which it occupied 26-30 Capricorn in Feb-Mar 2020 and again from July through December 2020. During these times, Saturn gave structure and solidity to the Plutonic seeds already planted in those zones. Many long term seeds were “made real” when Saturn conjuncted Pluto at 23 Capricorn in January 2020, setting a 33 year cycle into motion.
Those “structured seeds” or “disciplined transformational pressures” were then sprouted and expanded by Jupiter’s transit of 21-25 Capricorn in March-April and 26-28 Capricorn between April and June 2020. We experienced another pass at the social-cultural Capricorn seeds when Jupiter retrograded through 21-25 Cap in June and July 2020, and it began a permanent expansion of the transformational action seeds of 16-20 Cap between August and October 2020, the transformational social/emotional seeds of 21-25 Cap in Oct-Nov, and the transformational individual spiritual seeds of 26-30 Cap in November-December 2020.
Pluto is now in the third degree of Aquarius in the Aquarius decan, favoring independence but also rebellion, being true to oneself but also with a potential for defiance. We’re still collectively sprouting the seeds of making a greater contribution to a greater good featuring cooperative efforts in building something which will last beyond us as per Pluto’s 2023 station at 1 Aquarius, the degree of the Grand Mutation of December 2020. That point in time where Jupiter conjuncted Saturn marked the end of 200 years of materialism and the beginning of 200 years of idealism seeking the greatest good for the greatest number.
When it retrogrades back to 30 Capricorn, as the Virgo decan of that sign it favors efficiency, adaptability, and discernment as to how and where things fit into a sequence of tasks or a larger picture. We are now in the final transformation period of our late Capricorn sector even as we have been experiencing Pluto’s initial entry into Aquarius. The is the next review of early Aquarius energies by Pluto!
The Sabian Symbol for Pluto’s Station
This degree represents a “threshold state,” showing us the limit of our future as we now review the past. Pluto is stationary retrograde at 3 Aquarius. As Pluto represents "uncontrollable eruptions" and it's on a degree of defiant independence and refusal to be bound by social norms, I'd say our world is in for some major social upheaval! Look to the second week of June, mid-to-late August, and the months of November and December to be most volatile.
The symbol for the 3rd degree of Aquarius is "A deserter from the navy.” In the original Jones notes published in The Astrology of Personality, Rudhyar says this symbolizes “ability to re-grasp past experience and turn it to account,” “sharp self-examination,” “awakened new fearlessness,” and “decision.”
We are told in the Astrological Mandala that this symbolizes “the individual’s self-realization through a crucial repudiation of a collective status which has become unbearable.” He says this symbol suggests that the crisis “is one implying an irrevocable change of status,” and is about refusing to accept “cultural patterns” related to society’s approaches “to the universe as a whole, and … from its particular relationship to the all-human collective Unconscious. (The Navy refers to the ocean, symbol of primordial and unconscious evolutionary forces.)”
He continues “He not only refuses to obey orders, he deliberately turns his back on his collective social status; he becomes an outcast,” and may “individualize his consciousness.” He speaks of “something with collective social value” is being destroyed, and here it is an individual who “steps out of … bondage to collective patterns and ideals,” thus “finding himself by means of a sharp renunciation” of something, “a crucial process of desocialization.” This symbol is said to be in the Span of Defensiveness, Act of Capitalization, and is the synthesizing degree of the Actional level of the Scene of Contribution.
Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this degree is one of “human independence carried to a point of extreme rebellion against things as they are, here emphasized in a disregard of all consequences for the sake of an immediate liberation of the spirit.” He continues “there is a demand for a more rewarding expression of individuality,” and he offers that “any late acceptance of full and personal responsibility for life better than none at all.”
He states “except as (we) create (our) own allegiances, (our) destiny holds no depth.” He offers us the keyword DEFIANCE, and says when operating in a positive way, this degree is “genuine psychological courage in a repudiation of all meaningless loyalties.”
So in the coming months, Pluto is offering us “seed forms” of opportunities to transform our lives by opening to repudiating all that is meaningless while generating courage which dares to pursue “a more rewarding expression of individuality.” As Pluto works “from the ground up,” we’ll see a lot more “eruptions” in people who don’t want to hold back any more. Those who are self-disciplined will find a more efficient focus outside of old roles, while those who are not self-disciplined will erupt in defiant or rebellious behavior.
With Pluto making this a hot spot, we must find the spiritual will and inner integrity which helps us honor the core principles we share with others across space and time while repudiating all meaningless actions. For the next few months, one of three things is happening; a) we’re looking back at the group work which has been developing since December 2020; b) we’re looking with new eyes at how to make that group work more efficient, or c) we can see how forces beyond our control have been leading us to a greater contribution to our world than we ever knew before and now it’s time to end meaningless gestures.
As I offered back at the Grand Mutation in December 2020, I believe those who are embracing a greater cooperative vision with innovative disciplines of activity are finding themselves in the groove with the Higher Law of the moment, in tune with spiritual Brothers and Sisters, building toward a greater idea. Pluto is sprouting the seeds of power related to the themes of building “spiritually iconic structures,” material and ideological, which will serve future humanity. Take a long view to see what’s been opening on the actional, material level in your life, accept your power to make a constructive difference by playing the part you’re meant to play for the fulfillment of the whole effort, and enjoy focusing your understanding, backed by courage, to find the life renewal promised over the next 20 years.
When Jupiter conjuncts Saturn, it expands that particular "Dharmic" Saturn influence for a generation. As we learn to use our Saturn to its best expression, we can master the changes and open to a more focused, freer purpose driven life. You can find out more about how to throw off chains of mental pessimism and fear in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. It will prove to be a valuable reference in being your highest Self in the coming era of tremendous changes for humanity and our world!
Here’s the link to a good talk I gave on the subject in June 2019 The Grand Mutation of 2020 – Two Centuries of Radical Change
A Look Back
During the 2019-2020 transits of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in late Capricorn we learned how to utilize those energies in organized ways. We still are! Of course, the three Jupiter conjunctions with Pluto (two at 25 Capricorn, one at 23 Capricorn) will be activated for many years to come, so there’s a lot to be learned about refining our senses, and becoming “psychologically enriched” by enjoying our play as we find a “transcendent security.
We launched multiple cycles of a new era when Jupiter and Saturn conjuncted Pluto. We’ve been through the two “Great Compressions” in Capricorn in 2019-2020, and the third and fourth Great Compressions in Aquarius, in early 2021 and 2022. While 2019 and 2020 launched multiple Capricorn cycles, 2020 and 2021 have launched phenomenally powerful Aquarian cycles which began to blossom in 2021 and 2022. This year’s Capricorn and Aquarius transit by Mars activated a new iteration of these energies.
Use your powers of precise focus to eliminate all which has nothing to do with the future group action you’re opened to since April 2020. We’re now moving from using power wisely in group situations into an era of using group power to contribute to a more “civilized” future. The past 3 years we’ve learned to be precise in how we use energy in our individual, mental, and spiritual realms. Our final exam in navigating power-oriented situations comes in September, October, and November of this year before we launch entirely into the Pluto in Aquarius era.
What’s would a great vision look like to you? That’s been sprouting since early 2023 and will take clearer shape in the future. Open to feeling your non-separateness with “All That Is” while becoming more efficient in doing your larger work. The vision is growing, and the coming period removes some inner and outer “rocks” from our garden of Life and Mind.
While Pluto does occasionally take us into the underworld of existence, it’s there where we look at our core, and purify all that is not Eternal. Pluto may accompany us through terrifying experiences, but it also is Lord of the Underworld, and so it is through Pluto that we become masters of fear, and it ceases to trouble us ever again. Welcome the depth experiences Pluto brings, since it is the Way to demonstrating your Spiritual Will which overcomes all lesser things.
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