Pluto in Capricorn Uranus Retrograde New Moon in Virgo
- Details
- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

August 30th ~ September 6th
Pluto returns to Capricorn once more
Once people enjoy the taste of freedom, there is no turning back. ~ Neil Bush
On September 1st (or 2nd, depending on where you are in the world) Pluto comes back to Capricorn to clean up some of the mess it left behind. In true New Moon in Virgo fashion, armed with mop and broom, Pluto aims to remove some of the leftover residue of the last 16 years of the Pluto in Capricorn era. We might ask ourselves: What has been the consequence of the decisions made, the levers of powers enacted, the use and abuses of power?
It may feel like we are on the verge of returning to a past that we have since outgrown, and many will not want to revisit. But now that we have seen the future with Pluto gradually weaving its way into Aquarius, there will be no turning back.
Change can feel both threatening and frightening. During these times of transition, there will be those who will hold on to all that they had previously known with a sense of desperation. But change can also offer us hope for improvement and excitement for the future. And sometimes we have to take a few steps back, before we can step into the future that is waiting for us. Pluto returns to Capricorn for only a brief reprise from September 1st thru November 19th. At that point Pluto will enter Aquarius for good, remaining there until 2043.
Pluto has to do with power, and who holds that power. In Capricorn, the power was being concentrated at the very top, where it was being controlled by the few. But when Pluto enters Aquarius, as it has been doing this year, the power shifts from the top, back down to the people. People lose their taste for tyranny, oligarchy and a lack of representation when Pluto enters Aquarius, and will no longer tolerate it.
The sign Capricorn is ruled by Saturn representing the old order. At the end of September, Saturn and Pluto will make a semi-square. And although this is considered to be a minor aspect, similar to the crescent stage of the Moon cycle, this is when the Saturn/Pluto cycle which began in January 2020 is being put to the test. That which had been grandfathered into the system during that initial inception in 2020 will be weeded out, once and for all, and the new will be cultivated in their place.
On September 8th, the Sun makes its opposition to retrograde Saturn shining a light on that which is standing in the way of progress and needs to end in order for a new beginning to unfold. The Sun will also aspect Pluto at the same time, reminding us that the choices we are making at this time can have huge karmic consequences. Stay tuned, there will be more on this next week.
Uranus stations Retrograde
When we least expect it life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny. ~ Paulo Coelho
On the same day that Pluto returns to Capricorn, Uranus will station for its retrograde phase which continues until January 30th. Planets are always strong when they appear to station. And then when it appears to retreat into its retrograde phase, its experience will be focused within. As an agent of transformational change, this event feels timely within the framework between Pluto’s last return to Capricorn, Pluto’s inevitable ingress into Uranus-ruled Aquarius. The retrograde phase of Uranus is a time of adjustment and internal change.
During the 5-month retrograde phase we will either be adjusting to changes that already occurred this past year, changes that are occurring, or mulling over and adjusting to the idea of creating changes in the future. Without this internal adjustment each year, the changes that occur in our lives would just feel like utter chaos and turmoil.
If you had some recent changes in your life, this is when you will most be able to make those internal adjustments to the new reality and circumstances you are now facing. If you are in the throes of change, and you are feeling way out of your comfort zone, this is when you are more likely to pull back, reset, and get yourself back on course.
And if you are hoping to make changes in the future, you might want to accustom yourself to the idea first. In this way, the retrograde phase is a preparation phase for the changes that are yet to come. By internally processing any changes, and what they may mean for you, it will be easier to anticipate the changes that are yet to come.
This is also when we are being asked to get in touch with our own inner truth. Your homework for the next 5 months is to remain true to your own authentic self. This in turn will also help you to realize your own true path. And anyone trying to pressure you to conform, or to be anything other that what you truly are within, will be even less tolerated than usual, and will be met with resistance. We need to make that connection with ourselves in this way in order to be able to fully evolve and grow.
Another note about the Uranus station: Planets are always stronger when they station. We notice them. Or rather, it feels like they make themselves noticed. The planet of the unexpected has the capacity to rock our world, both literally and figuratively. Uranus has domain over: electricity, lighting, energy, electronics, technology and anything high-tech. The internet, social media, sudden and unexpected events, anything that feels like mayhem or chaos. And whereas Saturn rules the past, Uranus rules the future.
The New Moon in Virgo
You cannot have innovation, unless you are willing and able to move through the unknown and go from curiosity to wonder. ~ Dawna Markova
Virgo is a Mercury sign. And this year, Mercury is just returning from its retrograde phase and beginning to pick up normal speed once again. And as it does so it will make a square aspect to stationing Uranus on September 6/7th. This is the 3rd time that Mercury will make this transit to the agent of change. Uranus by nature can be surprising and unexpected, and every time Mercury makes these squares, it can find us spinning like a top trying to adjust our plans.
The first square between Mercury and Uranus occurred at the Full Moon on July 21st. This Full Moon was in the last degree of Capricorn, which is the same degree that Pluto will be returning to on September 1st. As a reminder, this was the Full Moon under which President Biden withdrew his candidacy for a 2nd term, and endorsed VP Harris to step in. Mercury/Uranus is indeed surprising and unexpected.
The second square occurred at the Super Full Moon on August 19th, which was the first day of the Democratic National Convention in which Harris’s candidacy was formally established. This was when the candidates were unveiling their platform, with an emphasis on Freedom, and Not Going Back, two principles associated both with Uranus and the sign Aquarius. Mercury/Uranus breaks with the past, and looks to the future. Things feel new and daring and different.
The third square follows the Mercury-ruled Virgo New Moon, and occurs on September 6/7th. In this way it also invests the New Moon with these elements of change, and sudden shifts as we look to the future.
New Moons always bring potential to start anew. And the New Moon at 11º Virgo 04’, on Sunday, September 2nd, is certainly no different! In our own mundane lives, Virgo New Moons are really good for trying something new in the work space, such as starting a new project, learning new skills, simplifying and organizing your life and routines. It is a great time to begin a new health and wellness program, tweak a diet, or begin a new fitness program. And this particular Moon also has an affinity for new technology or gadgetry that will help to make your life simpler and get your work done in a more efficient manner.
Some possibilities for the New Moon in Virgo on Sunday might be:
- Starting a new health regimen. This can include making dietary changes, beginning a new exercise program, or simply following up with doctor’s orders.
- Switching up your daily routines. That can be as simple as eating at a different time, walking or driving a different way to work, or doing things in a different order. Even small changes can have extraordinary effects on your perspective when Mercury aspects Uranus.
- Freeing up your schedule, just enough so that you have more time to do something else. Something different that you’ve been wanting to do for some time.
- Rearranging things in your home or work space. Once again, even small changes can open you up to new possibilities and creative ways of looking at things.
- Taking a trip to the Farmer’s Market, filling up your refrigerator and cupboards with healthy whole food alternatives. And if you are so inclined, make it a point to learn a new recipe.
- Anything to do with food, diet, nutrition, organizing the kitchen and our recipe box. All those activities that support our health and well-being fall under the aegis of Virgo. If you have been something of a slacker lately, use the New Moon to get yourself back on track.
Virgo is a sign that strives for organization, and finding solutions. It is a sign that loves patterns, spreadsheets and efficiency. It is also a sign that continually strives for that ever-elusive concept of perfection, and so is naturally geared towards improvement, searching for better methods and practices. And the Mercury/Uranus square is egging us on, letting us know that we don’t have to keep doing things the way we always have in the past. And that there might even be some better ways of doing things, and creating better habits.
New Moons are great for seeding intentions or making positive affirmations that you might want to see grow over the months ahead. If you wish to do so, make your intentions or affirmations during the New Moon phase when the Moon is young and filled with potential. The New Moon phase begins on September 2nd or 3rd, depending on where you are in the world, beginning at 9:56 pm Eastern Time on September 2nd, 6:56 pm Pacific Time, and 12:56 AM on September 3rd in the United Kingdom. The New Moon phase ends with the Crescent Moon on September 6th/7th.
Some potential intentions or affirmations for this New Moon might be:
- I create order in my life and environment, which will make space for new creative ideas and inspiration to come in.
- May I use my voice to support those who do not have a voice of their own.
- May I honor Goodness, and the Goddess as Creator, through service to all that lives.
- Recognizing that health is the greatest of blessings, I will promote my own and other’s well-being.
- I stand in awe at nature’s bounty and wisdom, and its capacity to restore health and vitality.
- I strive for improvement instead of expecting perfection.
- I seek wisdom through service, strong search, questions and humility. ~ William Q. Judge
For the New Moon for your sign or natal house, click below:
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