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Pluto in Aquarius Signals Massive Global Change Pt.2

 Pluto in Aquarius Signals Massive Global Change Pt.2

Yesterday we began our look at the coming Pluto transit of Aquarius, and the radical transformations which happened the last time it was in that sign.

We also covered other spiritual planet transits of Aquarius which began major cycles of awakening and collective awareness into motion not many years ago. Today we’ll take a deeper dive into Pluto in Aquarius and what we can expect.

We begin by noting that both Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn. So Saturn continues to be the dispositor of Pluto for another 20 years. While Pluto was in Capricorn, Saturn transited Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, a total of 7 signs. While Pluto is in Aquarius, Saturn will transit Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio, a total of 9 signs, including Aries, Gemini, and Libra, all favorable signs to Aquarius.

Saturn’s sign shifts mark major differences in how Pluto in Aquarius will express that energy, as Aquarius backed by Aries is certainly different than Aquarius backed by Cancer. Besides these energy shifts, what other differences should we expect between Pluto’s past transit of Capricorn and its present and future transit of Aquarius?

Similarities and Differences Between Capricorn and Aquarius

As noted, Capricorn and Aquarius are both signs ruled by Saturn. Capricorn precedes Aquarius. Capricorn initiates structures which are organized as hierarchies of practical activities. So Saturn’s Capricorn qualities create earthly structures and systems, which is followed by Saturn’s Aquarius qualities which are impersonal in planning great ideal projects which will bear fruit in the future.

Saturn asserts power in the now as an individual “chief of the tribe,” whereas Saturn asserts power to guide the building toward a future ideal as a disciplined Master of their craft within “the jazz band.” Capricorn builds binding systems, while Aquarius revolts against the binding force of the system it just established. If Capricorn is a sign of personal power, Aquarius seeks a greater ideal of its power moved into collective levels.

According to Dane Rudhyar’s Astrological Mandala, Capricorn’s keywords are Crystallization and Group Activity. These are followed by the Aquarius keywords Contribution and Management. These signs are both about systems, and all systems have a structure which defines their purpose and mission statement, as well as their limitations. Aquarius is the “meta system,” the ideal which seeks to encompass all systems, all things, all views, all approaches, within the vision of the greatest ideal. It is Fixed Air as a cooperative ideal, where each member contributes to the greater good of the whole.

Capricorn is about the status quo and social traditions and rules. It is about personal power in a social setup. Aquarius is about thinking outside the box, looking ahead with an eye to how current systems can be modified to further a greater collective good. While Capricorn builds structures, Aquarius uses new techniques to improve on those systems. While both Capricorn and Aquarius are regarded as somewhat selfish, Aquarius is “selfish in the name of the group good,” and so the ideal vision serves the collective betterment rather than individual gain.

As can be inferred, as the Aquarian energies become more and more embedded in collective consciousness, we could see new structures, new laws, new rules, and new ideals which seek to “level the playing field” in the name of equality. This yields a greater tolerance for innovation and less clinging to old hierarchical models. Aquarius is like a jazz band; each steps up at the right time, and then fades back into the collective effort. Differences are valued over conformity, and so the synthesizing quality of Aquarius encompasses much more than Capricorn.

Nixon was a Capricorn; FDR was an Aquarius. Other examples of the differences are Elvis Presley was a Capricorn into fame and influence. Bob Marley the Prophet was an Aquarius into unifying people and creating a greater social good in Jamaica. Non-violent revolutionary Martin Luther King Jr. was a Capricorn. Non-violent revolutionary Gene Sharp was an Aquarius.

What Marc Edmund Jones and Dane Rudhyar Say About Pluto in Aquarius

Marc Edmund Jones in his Astrology: How and Why it Works, offered that Pluto in Aquarius “creates a characteristic intellectual epoch marked by a high sense of group potentialities. The native is inclined to see possibilities in everything around him, and to give them high publicity. Here is the psychological support for social sharing, represented by people born in the 1778-1800 period, and by the first great surge in immigration, and of urban and industrial development.”

Dane Rudhyar offer us this about the last time Pluto transited Aquarius. “Pluto's challenge was then directed to those who had upset the traditional order. As ideals had to be made concrete and workable, the revolutionists' triumph could be followed by harsh problems.

A conservative U.S. Constitution followed an idealistic Declaration; and in France, Bonaparte dreamed of empire after the chaotic years of the Revolution. The basis of the Industrial Revolution was laid down by various technological inventions, especially the steam engine (Watt). The message of Pluto in Capricorn is that ideals have to be translated into some form of large-scale organization if they are to be effective.”

So What Can We Expect While Pluto Transits Aquarius?

I would expect that Pluto in Aquarius from 2023 to 2043 will bring a global increase in the acceptance of Astrology across the world, and the emergent seeds of an increasing widespread sense of people understanding their part to play in working together for a greater good. I also believe it will bring a resistance to old control systems because of a long term shift away from materialistic hierarchical models and the emerging awareness of the interconnectedness of all of life after mid-century as a result of the Aquarian systems being built between now and then.

Obviously, Pluto in Aquarius will sprout the seeds of future technology, future medical breakthroughs and more, because of the holistic approach Aquarius takes. We’ve already had signs and signals of this before now through the awakened and increasing widespread acceptance of 4th and 5th Wave medicine. 4th Wave medicine involves alternative healing methods, while 5th Wave medicine utilizes nonlocal vibrational medical techniques, such as distance diagnosis and healing. The pioneering forms of using sound, light, and focused magnetism for healing should become more effective through the synthesizing quality of Aquarius.

As the coming Age is said to be the Dwapara Yuga, the “Age of Electromagnetic Remembrance,” I expect accelerated breakthroughs in all electromagnetic technology. We are already seeing dramatic advances in battery technology which will in turn lead to increasing use of renewable energy systems both for individuals and corporations. The old mechanistic models will give way to synergetic systems which in turn will facilitate further electromagnetic breakthroughs. The world of 2100 will be radically different than the world of 2000!

Still, remember that Pluto is an "invisible" influence which deals with seeds. In Divine mechanics, it is the Law of Economy of Energy. That implies Plutonic seeds will be planted to "see to the core" of all things within "the Oneness of All."

As noted in Part 1, Pluto is a purifying fire, and "Lord of the Underworld." While I expect the sprouting of the widespread seeds of a greater acceptance of Astrology, it also implies that many parts of the craft will be subject to Pluto’s pressure and purifying influence. I would think that the future-oriented visionary quality of Aquarius will discard some ancient superstitions which will be placed in "the astrology museum" and turn to the larger issues and developments related to human evolution, human consciousness (individual and collective) and broader transpersonal cycles of change as key to understanding “Aquarian astrology.”

I still expect a huge leap forward when Saturn and Neptune conjunct in Aries, the sign of pioneering new beginnings. With Pluto in Aquarius and Uranus in Gemini, I suspect we’ll see a huge series of openings re: new ideas, new approaches, new openness in the collective to do something new and different beginning 2025. That’s the point when we leave the Winter of the 21st century we’ve experienced these past 25 years and enter the Spring of the 21st century. We’re on the threshold of a new “Season of the Century.”

So Pluto will sprout the seeds of the emerging Astrological revolution, but I expect that we’ll have to wait for the next Jupiter transit or Aquarius before the expansion of "the Aquarian idea of astrology" will take root in popular consciousness. Those expanded views will not become canon until the next transit of Saturn through Aquarius 2050-2053. While we'll see many seeds of widespread growth in astrology relative to the collective, we'll be living with what we have for many years to come.

The growth of the emerging Aquarian energies accelerated in February 2024. The biggest leaps in widespread astrological growth will occur July 2026, Jan-Feb and September 2028, 2030-31, and the years after 2033, which brings us Jupiter in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, launching an expansion which will become part of the general working knowledge of astrology by mid-century. Of course this will apply across all of life's dimensions, so those new seeds which sprout at that time will have global effects in the years after.

That Jupiter/Pluto cycle will take us into mid-century. We will surely have a far different collective mindset after the next transit of Saturn through Aquarius at mid-century. since it will crystallize the energies of that Jupiter/Pluto conjunction. And even though we will see radical Aquarian developments after that, it will be the 23rd century before the last dregs of the Age of Pisces are dead and gone since echoes persist in collective memory for many decades.

How We As Individuals Can Do Our Best in Coming Years

As a life wave, we are evolving toward an understanding that we are not separate from anything on Earth or in the heavens. Collectively we are moving toward a new view of Life, interrelatedness, time, space, matter, energy, and co-existence, realizing that no part of life on Earth is separate from any other part of life on Earth. We are all part of one life. When we understand that, we find our part in the larger harmony of life where we all contribute our unique part to create a whole which is greater than we imagined.

Aquarius is unifying, like Air. It is collective, idealistic, and seeks the greater good for the whole. The only flaws are in the image and execution. If the greatest good is clear, and the means of managing energy is clear, then greater things are possible than is currently imagined.

Of course, humans being human, there are some factors which will remain across the centuries. Given that the purpose of life on Earth is to train the ego mind to serve the Higher Self, I'm not sure that ego will ever be truly gone, since it seems it's a part of our evolutionary curriculum that we learn to manage our body, feelings, and minds to become an adequate vehicle to express our Soul/Spirit. But hopefully, all our little ego minds will learn to cooperate to bring forth the greatest good for the greatest number, since when all of us prosper, each of us prospers.

Some asked me that if the twin fishes is the symbol for the Age of Pisces, what might be a fitting symbol for the Age of Aquarius? I offered that the glyph for Aquarius seems perfect, as it is parallel "wavy lines." If the "Aquarian Age" corresponds to the ascending Dwapara Yuga, the "Era of Electromagnetic Remembrance," then perhaps the wavy lines are emblematic of electricity, plasma, transmissible currents, and all the other dynamic "unseen things" being revealed as the centuries progress. They are "the waves of the water bearer."

We are headed for a less materialistic world. The Grand Mutation of 2020 ended 200 years of material focus, and began 200 years of focus on shared collective ideals which serve the greatest good for the greatest number. Still, with the powerful Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn in play for the next 29 years, the old systems will still be with us for a while.

This includes the concept of money. Some believe crypto currencies are the sign of the emerging Aquarian financial model, but I believe the old money system will be with us a while, and barter has been going on since the beginning of time. All money is an agreement that the thing we call money has a relative worth. Cryptos are the same. Just an agreement. But that agreement depends on the internet and electricity.

Yes, it's an abstraction just like "money," but it's still the same old model, where you trust someone to hold your thing of worth until you want the cash out. I have found it's always easier to get in than get out when someone else is the gatekeeper for my money. That makes cryptos another Capricorn model.

What I see is that because the focus is away from personal power and profit and moving toward a greater good, it would seem that the emerging Aquarian model will not allow investment bankers to be unregulated parasites. Same with cryptos, which are subject to massive ripoffs and generate massive pollution. Perhaps given the view of interrelatedness, we may see more “environmental pollution” fees.

In our personal lives and charts, the Capricorn and Aquarian conjunctions dominating the next decades all fell between 23 Capricorn and 1 Aquarius. We all have Capricorn duties to fulfill, as well as Aquarius initiatives. These are shown by where those conjunctions fell in our charts. While Capricorn shows us where we're training to take responsibility, Aquarius is the sector where we see a greater vision in our lives, or seek out an ideal view of the greater good. That will be the individual focus in the future.

All of us with any planets in Aquarius had those parts of us mature in significant ways between 2020 and now, and we’ve all had opportunities to learn how to push the limits of our “Ring Pass Not” into a broader view of our purpose related to those planets. As Aquarius is ruled by Saturn in the visible world, we all had to learn the value of discipline, patience, organization, patience, taking responsibility, patience, reasonable boundaries, and did I mention patience? This was happening where we have late Capricorn and early Aquarius in our charts, whether there's a planet there or not.

This will be the source of transformational power if we accept the challenge to become the living seeds of the future while Pluto transits Aquarius. Allow yourself to tap your deepest power to eliminate all which is lesser. Aquarius is the vision. The doors began to open in 2020, and have expanded in scope since then. This is the beginning of the next phase in the global transformational process. Having had our first points of contact before now, we’ve turned a corner as a world and humanity with significant new changes coming in 2025. Welcome to the first dawning of the Spring of the 21st century!

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson

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© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
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Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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