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Pluto: How This Generational Transformer Guides Us Through the Underworld

Pluto: How This Generational Transformer Guides Us Through the Underworld

Not long ago I offered a couple of articles about Pluto around the time Mercury opposed Pluto, and that generated a LOT of discussions on social media about everything Pluto.

I saved my responses to various questions, and today we’ll revisit those Plutonic topics, as Venus opposed Pluto is great for externalizing Plutonic social interactions!

We’ll begin with what Pluto rules. One person offered that it sounded like “Sheol.” I offered that when speaking of the realm Pluto rules, it's not Sheol. It is not a place of rest, though the task is not to be afraid of that place or how long we'll have to be there.

Pluto rules going to the deepest depths of one's core, eliminating all which prevents or distorts the sprouting of the "god-self." Pluto is the limitless pillar of Fire which cannot be flown over, dug under, or gone around. When all is devastated, annihilated completely, that's Pluto.

Beyond Pluto we have redemption. Redemption of life after death pre-dates every known religion, and I believe it is associated with TransPluto, who is Parvati to Pluto/Shiva.

Pluto rules seed forms. It is the force of "economy of energy," stripping away superficial patterns and bringing the best and worst for us all. We are collectively in transition away from 200 years of Earth focus to 200 years of Air focus. What has been will continue to struggle for dominance even as history moves forward into new collective ideas, ideals, and values.

This year has a complex of frictional energies between Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. This is a major point of shift between the old way and the emergent new way to come next Summer. Just realize that "new dreams" are entirely in the realm of the dreamer, and some new dreams of dominance will conflict with other new dreams of a better world.

Exaltations and Sign Rulerships

Pluto is exalted in Leo. The Lord of the Underworld grows best by expressing the stable Heart Fire of Leo. All planets have an exaltation. An exaltation is a planet's "grounds of greatest growth." It does not imply good or bad. It is merely the sign “filter” where a planet finds its greatest growth.

Mars does excellently expressing through Capricorn's discipline. Venus does excellently when She expresses Piscean compassion, forgiveness, and the ability to bless endings. Mercury grows best when in the sign of mental Synthesis, Aquarius. When the search for information and the ability to order all the pieces leads to an overview and a vast understanding, then Mercury's thoughts lead us to life rather than death.

As I explained in Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend, there are the traditional worldly rulers of each sign and they hold sway over all earthly things. But there is also a spiritual "rulership" such as Pluto for both Aries and Scorpio, Neptune for both Pisces and Sagittarius, and Uranus for both Capricorn and Aquarius.

I began exploring Pluto’s rulership of Aries due to Carl Payne Tobey and Rudhyar's work almost 50 years ago. Rudhyar definitely gave a spiritual rulership of Aries to Pluto. If you are interested in this subject, please revisit Dane Rudhyar on Pluto Ruling Aries which quotes from The Sun is Also A Star and you’ll understand more.

I believe that the three outers operate as a spiritual field and always work together on vast levels for all of humanity. AND they definitely set off changes in our lives! We are often "moved by invisible things" into life changing choices. In The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames I speak of my experience that when there are outer planet contacts between charts we/they operate as transformational forces in others' lives, whether we know it or not or are "doing" anything or not.

Pluto And Death

One discussion was about the ability to predict death in a chart and the ethics of predicting death for anyone. This was my answer:

Having studied this exact thing in the 70s, I can state 3 things with confidence: 1) Yes, times of death can be seen; 2) I was frequently right and often wrong; and 3) it is not a helpful thing to study or speak about.

In my direct experience, I have found there are multiple times when one "could" die. Whether we do or do not is determined by several things, including our willingness to grow, our willingness to do a mitzvah unselfconsciously and with no thought of reward, and our willingness to realize, even to the last minute, our ability to become a worthy vehicle for Soul/Spirit to express itself.

I believe predicting death is not helpful to either us or another in any way, since we should be living the best we are able here and now and not wondering or worrying when we'll die. If we live each day as though it were our last, at some point we'll be right but in the meantime we'll have lived well, loved a lot, and been of service to both us and our world.

Navigating Pluto Transits

Pluto, like Neptune and Uranus, spends years in a given house. However, as these are “invisible” collective transpersonal influences, they only express in our lives through the visible planets and are often associated with their “lower octave” counterparts.

Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto each operate through the 7 visible planets giving us 21 possible expressions of the spiritual realm into the earthly realms. As these are transpersonal energies, there are literally "nothing personal." Using Pluto as an example, the purifications, annihilations, and regenerations which accompany Pluto transits are always triggered according to the specific "department of labor" of the visible planet expressing the larger Plutonic pulse.

This is important in our lives because the seed forms accessible through Pluto are profound and can lead us out of fear into spiritual adulthood. Through Pluto transits and aspects we are given opportunities to examine the "underworld;” when it transits our 4th house, we see the Pluto influences in our early life" and if possible, find good seeds of our inner foundations to sprout which will sustain us in the future, since the 4th represents the root and the 10th represents the crown.

Pluto below the surface of our horizon gives us trips into the subjective underworld, whereas Pluto above the surface gives us public trips into the underworld. Pluto near the Ascendant requires constant self-purification and self-regeneration, whereas Pluto near the Descendant requires that we have patience when others are going through their own purifications and journeys into their own underworld. As I have offered in previous articles, if we have Pluto near an angle we precipitate Plutonic experiences in others, whether we intend to or not.

The Outer Planets Lead Us Into Alignment With the Spiritual Field

This era is one of a radical leap in human evolution. We have moved from linear 3D “measured reality” into a 5D world, where we are able to tune into the planetary brain/mind, as well as the universal Life field. We are all in training to merge with each other into a “non-local awareness” where we each get to play our unique part in the completeness of the whole.

We’re now collectively at a point of moving beyond the linearity of the left brain “reasoning mind” into an ability to move between the mental hemispheres with greater fluidity so that the mind can express the Soul and the Soul can express through the personality guided by the merged abstract and reasoning parts of the mind. This is a natural part of the evolution of the body during Lemurian times, the evolution of the feeling nature during Atlantean times, and the evolution of the mind during this current Root Race.

As a human race we had to develop reason so that we could progress to this level of understanding of things. Now the mind and "world as idea" has reached maxlimit (due to environmental collapse related to "extraction consciousness" as Tony Dickey puts it) accompanied by widespread despair at the disconnection between human nature and Nature. This is leading us to reduce mental dependencies on abstract theories disconnected from the biosphere and feel a more organic oneness with Nature.

I wrote about this back in 2012-2013 when humanity began to get more in touch with "feeling knowing" with a diminishing of reliance on pure rationalism. Of course, for all the good that has developed in many of us, there's also been widespread Neptunian delusion of "my opinion is as accurate as your facts."

Outer planet Neptune afflictions bring both enlightening waves of connectedness AND mass delusional movements. I suspect many won’t be able to see differently until 2025 when Saturn and Neptune’s entry into Aries bring new initiatives in collective consciousness. Action will definitely replace ambivalence!

More On Outer Planet Transits to a Natal Planet

I was asked about an outer planet transit to a natal planet, specifically Neptune on someone’s Sun and Mercury. I offered that Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto define the collective transpersonal spiritual field. Uranus awakens and individualizes; Neptune unifies within a collective atmospheric field. Pluto strips away the old, purifies to the core, and makes us more an authentic spiritual unit of force.

Neptune shows us what's "in fashion" across a collective group, whether national or global. Neptune visiting your Sun shows the collective atmosphere has finally "arrived" at your Light and now approaches your Mind (Mercury). This shows the collective is aligned with your Light and Mind. It can bring vivid dreams, a sense of what's going on far away, or images of collective ghosts and "cosmic memories."

While Neptune contacts can bring delusions, it can also bring inspiration. It can show self-loss in vague notions, or it can also make you the Light shining your perceptions on the collective. If you have a chance to get on stage, do it! If you get a flash of inspiration about something you need to say to the world, say it!

Related to Pluto transits, across my numerous articles on Pluto (which I have rising so know intimately!) I try to remind everyone that a) it's aspected by every planet pretty much nonstop throughout time, b) we all need to go into the underworld so we overcome fear and learn certain necessary things, c) yes, purification is needed or we'll have too many obsolete encrustations in our memory, d) some things need to be buried or put on a funeral pyre, e) Pluto is ultimately that which makes our lives work more efficiently, as it is the force of Economy of Energy, and f) from time to time, both good and bad seeds sprout in our lives, and we have to know when to pull certain ones and when to fertilize others.

As we accept the ongoing purifications, dissolutions and uniting, awakening to ever-newer potential, we become the embodiment of our “true function” on Earth, our Dharma/Tao. Once we integrate our personality, it’s nice to ride easy on the waves of Dharma/Tao after many youthful years of struggle. I can definitely say that my Pluto rising taught me that after dealing with hundreds of disastrous shoes dropping in my life, eventually there are no more shoes to drop.

One of the great life lessons is that what does not kill us (physically, emotionally, and mentally) will absolutely make us stronger if we choose to grow. And eventually we've cleaned up old messes we generated and as we haven't generated any cause of a mess since then, we are free to generate good stuff as we continue to learn detachment, dispassion, discernment, and how to generate "the will to good" aka "Bodhichitta," roughly translated as "Cosmic Soul particles."

Neptune and Pluto Generations

My grandparents were of the Pluto in Gemini generation. My parents were of the Pluto in Cancer generation. My generation has Pluto in Leo. The ones who followed are Pluto in Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius.

Because of the variable speeds of Neptune and Pluto, all Pluto generations have those who are what I call "Bridge Builders." These are the ones who have Neptune in an out of sign sextile or septile with Pluto. Like those with Neptune in Virgo and Pluto in Leo. Or Neptune in Scorpio with Pluto in Leo, Neptune in Sagittarius and Pluto in Virgo, or Neptune in Capricorn with Pluto in Sagittarius.

Each have an outer planet of those in the future as well as an outer planet of those in the past. They have the Pluto power of their generation, but the Neptunian idealism could be of several vintages. For example, Pluto in Leo had people with Neptune in Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio. The first group’s Neptune was of those who were older, while Neptune in Scorpio was of those yet to come, since that position mainly is found in those with Pluto in Virgo.

These long wave subtle transpersonal cycles affect entire generations and subgenerations. All three of the transpersonal Triad work together all the time. Even if one energy is dominant, it's never separate from the other two.

Neptune and Pluto are doing a specialized dance in the 20th and 21st centuries. In the past 90 years, they’ve been in only a septile or sextile relationship. In the case of those born between around 1943-1993, Neptune and Pluto were in sextile because Neptune and Pluto were approximately the same speed. It helped that Pluto was in perihelion for a large number of those years. Then they moved into septile during the Grand Irrationality which lasted from around 1993 through 2023 with a little variation in the final years when Pluto dropped out and Uranus joined the irrational party.

Almost everyone on Earth has either a sextile or a septile between Neptune and Pluto. We literally all "know better." That's the energy of the intensification which is calling each and all of us to live our Truth and fulfill Dharma/Tao as best we can. Here’s something which explains “The Grand Irrationality,” which I began talking about in 1995-1996. The Grand Irrationality is Over - 1993-2023 which is why they have stayed in septile or sextile since the mid-1930s and will only begin the quintile in 2037. A hundred years of septiles and sextiles is quite a run for humanity!

Someone wanted to know when Pluto last crossed Neptune's orbit. A search indicates that Pluto last crossed inside Neptune's orbit on February 7, 1979, and temporarily became the 8th planet from the Sun. Pluto then crossed back over Neptune's orbit again on February 11, 1999 to resume its place as the 9th planet from the Sun for the next 228 years.

This happens every 248 years, mas o menos. And it doesn’t always happen in the same zone, but when it is happening then Neptune and Pluto stay in the same aspect for many years at a time. When I checked, I found those years (1979-1999) Pluto was in perihelion in late Libra and Scorpio. It was clipping at 2.4 minutes a day at fastest, and spent a lot of days around 2. That's pretty fast.

The next time Pluto crosses inside Neptune’s orbit will be in 2227. And yes, Pluto will be back in late Libra. But whereas last time we had Neptune in late Leo and Virgo in a long term sextile, in 2227 Neptune will be in late Gemini trine Pluto. That trine lasts over 50 years, and spans (Neptune//Pluto): Cancer/Scorpio, Leo/Sagittarius, Virgo/Capricorn, and Libra/Aquarius.

And there you have it! I hope some of this has excited your imagination and has you thinking about the nuances of the outer planets and how they exert their spiritual influence in all our lives.

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

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Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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