Mercury Retrograde November 2024 - Toxic Thoughts Exposed
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- Written by Jamie Partridge

The final Mercury retrograde phase of 2024 lasts from November 25 to December 15, moving from 22° to 6° Sagittarius.
Mercury retrograde causes problems with thinking and communication, which can negatively impact relationships and even travel. The astrology of Mercury retrograde in November 2024 brings poisonous thoughts, abruptness, quarrels, unpopular ideas, criticism and mental stalking.
Mercury Retrograde Meaning
From Earth, Mercury appears to move backward in the sky (retrograde motion) three or four times a year for about 24 days. Mercury retrograde is generally problematic, affecting your thinking and communication. The most common effects include confusion, anxiety, disagreement, technology breakdowns, lousy news, travel delays and lost items.
Business negotiations may be in flux. Some crucial details may not yet be available, and others may be unreliable or dishonest. However, there are also positives, such as recalling fond memories or unexpectedly meeting up with people from your past.
The most critical point in the Mercury retrograde cycle is when Mercury stations retrograde. The few days around the exact retrograde and direct stations are the riskiest for decision-making, negotiations, communication, and transport. For more information, see Mercury Retrograde Natal and Transit.
Mercury Retrograde November 2024 Astrology
Mercury stations retrograde on November 25, 2024, at 22°40′ Sagittarius. The chart below shows Mercury opposite Jupiter and quincunx Uranus. Based on the aspect orbs, they are about one-quarter effective, so they only have a very mild influence.

Mercury Retrograde November 2024
The most significant impact on the astrology of Mercury retrograde in November 2024 comes not from another planet but from a star. So forget about the complicated-looking chart above and look at the sky.
The image below shows Mercury in the Constellation of Scorpius, not the Sign of Sagittarius as in the chart above. When the Horoscope Signs were invented over 2000 years ago, they roughly matched the Constellations around the ecliptic. However, since then, the precession of the equinoxes has moved the Constellations about 30 degrees forward.

Mercury Retrograde November 2024
Astrological influence comes from the physical Constellations, not the theoretical Signs. Stars emit energy, imaginary Signs do not. The Signs should only be used as a measuring device, as originally intended:
- 262°40′ (22♐40) – Mercury Retrograde
- 262°47′ (22♐47) – Alpha Ophiuchi, Rasalhague
- 264°21′ (24♐21) – Upsilon Scorpii, Lesath
The astrology of Mercury Retrograde in November 2024 is influenced by the constellations Scorpius the Scorpion and Ophiuchus the Snake Charmer. Fixed star Rasalhague overpowers any influence from fixed star Lesath, but they are quite similar anyway.
Mercury Retrograde November 2024 in The Scorpion
Mercury in Scorpius Constellation gives keen and penetrating thinking, a quick wit, sustained concentration, discriminative powers and the ability to overcome difficulties. It can make you clever, extremely resourceful, dauntless, forceful, impersonal, bold, obstinate, shameless, pleasure-seeking, suspicious, sarcastic, critical, subtle, tricky, skeptical, cynical, conceited, too secretive, resentful, mentally cruel. It gives a tendency to outsmart others, quarrel and oppose others’ viewpoints, use others, hold grudges, develop a get-even attitude and commit crimes. [1]
The Snake Charmer
Constellation Ophiuchus gives a passionate, blindly good-hearted, wasteful and easily seduced nature, with little happiness, unseen dangers, enmity, strife and slander. Pliny said that it occasioned much mortality by poisoning. This constellation has also been called Aesculapius and is held to rule medicines. [2]
In classical times Ophiuchus gave the power to discover healing herbs and the skill to cure the bites of poisonous serpents. It denotes prudence and wisdom. [3]
The Head of the Snake Charmer
Fixed star Rasalhague gives liberality, broad-mindedness, humanitarianism, philosophical ideas and tremendous visualization. [1] However, it also gives misfortune through women, perverted tastes and mental depravity. [2] Rasalhague rules the right side of the groin. [4]
Rasalhague is linked to infections caused by toxins, medical or hallucinatory drugs, stimulating food, too much good living, and overindulgence in alcohol. There is the danger of insect bites, snake bites or assaults from animals or rabid dogs. There are supposedly higher influences attributed to Rasalhague, although only very few people can attune themselves to them. [5]
With Mercury: Unpopular attitude and criticism through religion, philosophy or science; difficulties in marriage and quarrels fostered by others, trouble through opposite sex, not very good for gain. [2] Abrupt, keen and active mind, use of religion for business purposes, potential for dangerous situations that could lead to violence, criticized for unpopular ideas, at times not openly.
These persons have a stalking attitude that is purely mental. This becomes not entirely detrimental. They become attracted to certain communicative areas and will follow that particular interest for most of their lives. They are individuals, for example, who will investigate every bit of information on a celebrated author and collect all the books that the author wrote, reading every book and gathering every bit of information on that person. This does not become particularly distorted on the physical level, but they do mentally stalk a well-known person they admire. [4]
If Mercury retrograde November 2024 affects your Sun Sign, it is mentioned in your November Horoscope. See Mercury Transits for more details on how it affects your birth chart.
Mercury Direct December 2024
Mercury stations direct on December 15, 2024, at 06°23′ Sagittarius. This time, there is no fixed star conjunction but a significant planetary aspect: Mercury trine Mars.

Mercury trine Mars gives mental energy, quick and exact thinking, focused concentration, ingenuity, sharp senses, resourcefulness, a sense of adventure, and honest, straightforward, forceful and persuasive communication. Confidence in your thoughts and plans allows you to take calculated risks.
It favors reading, writing, making plans, studying, debating, asking for favors, public speaking, and sharing thoughts you might otherwise keep to yourself. You can draw on courage to defend yourself, your loved ones, or an issue you care about and to go on the attack if needed.
Mercury Retrograde November 2024 Times
- Los Angeles – November 25, 6:42 pm
- New York – November 25, 9:42 pm
- London – November 25, 2:42 am
- Delhi – November 26, 8:12 am
- Sydney – November 26, 1:42 pm
Mercury Retrograde 2024 Dates
- August 5 to 28, 2024 – 4° Virgo to 21° Leo
- November 25 to December 15, 2024 – 22° to 6° Sagittarius
- March 15 to April 7, 2025 – 9° Aries to 26° Pisces
- The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.174-175, 327.
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.54, 196.
- Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.22.
- The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.110.
- Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.69.
- The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.327.
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.195-196.
Source: here
My name is Jamie Partridge and I live on the coast of NSW Australia with three amazing kids. I’ve had an interesting life so far, with varied occupations ranging from nursing assistant to farm hand.
The original article is copyright the author listed above. Posted on ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by
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