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Mercury in Aquarius 2024: Signs of Metamorphosis

Mercury in Aquarius 2024: Signs of Metamorphosis

From 9:50 pm PST February 21 through 11:29 pm PST February 23, Mercury will transit the last two degrees of Aquarius, giving us this year’s Mercury activation of the Transfiguration Zone.

When planets transit this zone, it gives us direct experiences of “the cusp of the Age” and where the larger arc of human evolution is heading this century.

As I offer every year in the first article of a 3-part series, 29 and 30 Aquarius – The Entry to the Aquarian Age each year when the Sun transits this zone it brings opportunities of “illuminated transfiguration” and a “graduation into a new realm of Light/Life.” Because these degrees are the entry to the Aquarian Age, planetary transits through this zone gives us glimpses of the Age to come, as well as what’s up for the years between 2050 and 2190.

We most recently had Jupiter transiting through this zone three times in 2021, propelling us all to go through some sort of metamorphosis. This was important, as Jupiter represents our potential to shape our future patterns by our intentions. Jupiter gave us the opening, the vision, or the promise three times in 2021, which represented a triple amplification of the energy of transfiguration into realizing our oneness as Light Beings in a larger field of Light/Life! The first expansion by Jupiter was between April 28 and May 13 when it occupied 29 and 30 Aquarius in direct motion. It then retrograded through this zone between July 28 and August 13, and then crossed it yet again between December 17 and 28.

Those paths to expansion into types of transfiguration became “crystallized into worldly patterns” when Saturn transited that span between February 18 and March 7, 2023. These structures have been stimulated and brought forth with each inner planet transit since then. We’ve just been through the Solar transit for 2024, and now we get the Mercury transit. Venus will move through the TZ on March 10/11, and Mars will transit the span between 4 am PDT March 20 and 4:47 pm PDT March 22.

So Why is This Zone in Late Aquarius So Important?

As I explained in the article linked above, due to our global precession from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, we leave Pisces at the beginning of the first degree of that sign, and enter the Age of Aquarius via the last degree of that sign. By my calculations, at this point between Ages we are still at the first degree of Pisces and will enter the Age of Aquarius sometime in the early years of the third quarter of this century.

Since a Great Age is about 2160 years, mas o menos, it means each degree of a great Age equals about 72 years. Thus the transition between Ages runs around 210-360 years. We’re directly in the heart of that transitional era. As I’ve given you in other articles, I believe the New Age began to “pre-form” some of its bridging structures when Saturn occupied 29 and 30 Aquarius and 1 Pisces between mid-April and early August 1993 and January 1994.

Jupiter came along and expanded our growth in those late Aquarian themes in late January and early February 1998 and again in January 2010. Jupiter again returned in 2021 to give a new promise related to those late Aquarian themes, bringing a new expansive energy to long term forms which will serve to bridge the current Age and the coming Age.

This year is similar to 2020 when we got “anticipatory signs and signals” during and after Mercury’s 29 Aquarius direct station in March 2020 which was subsequently activated when Mars transited the Transfiguration Zone in mid-May 2020. Mercury, “the Guide of Souls,” going stationary direct on this degree had important implications for everyone on Earth. If you look at the sectors and planets in your chart associated with Gemini and Virgo, and the house where you have Aquarius, you’ll see where your transfiguration was taking place 2020-2022.

The 2022 transit activations crystallized as forms and long term structures when Saturn transited the last 2 degrees of Aquarius in late February and early March 2023. Those will continue to be set into motion by subsequent Mars transits, and expanded in newer forms at the next Jupiter transit in 2033.

Pluto eventually transits this span of degrees in 2041-2044, which will initiate the seeds of the Age of Aquarius sprouting in widespread forms and transfigure the core of humanity. This year we get Mercury’s transit at this time which will be followed by Venus and then Mars activating all of this year’s Aquarius conjunctions followed by this year’s Aquarian transfiguration energy.

So this is the next hint about the 140+ era to come at the end of this century into the 22nd. The last two degrees of Aquarius are “Butterfly emerging from chrysalis” and “The field of Ardath in bloom.” The former is a degree of transfiguration and “graduation into a new realm of being,” and the latter is one where “everyone may count on the inherent friendliness of the universe” and find the fruits of their more positive labors as "we all shine on, like the Moon and the Stars and the Sun, and we all shine on, on and on and on and on...."

In these degrees we find our ability to emanate our Light through our lives, find “an uncompromising faith in the promise of existence itself and in the wonders of a continuing creation,” as well as “self-illumination through exceptional service to others.” Here we transform the implications of our Light/Life through our new ability to self-transcend, and can experience ourselves as Lights within a greater field of Light, with infinite particles within waves showing the vaster unified field of existence.

Long Wave Age of Aquarius Evolutionary Points

While I do not believe that we will cross the threshold into the Aquarian Age until sometime between 2050 and 2060, from now on every time there’s a transit across 29/30 Aquarius, we’ll get glimpses of the Age to come, as well as what’s up for the years between 2050 and 2190. By 2163, humanity will be launched into several even more radical long wave Aquarian pulses. That year begins a phenomenal number of conjunctions in Aquarius which lasts through 2171.

Those years launch decades’ long cycles in various areas of Aquarius. February 2163 kicks off the run with Jupiter conjunct Neptune at 3 Aquarius, followed by Mars conjunct Uranus at 2 Aquarius, Mars conjunct Neptune at 5 Aquarius, and Mars conjunct Jupiter at 17. We skip forward to 2164, when Uranus and Neptune are both in Aquarius within about a degree of each other most of the year, hitting stations within 1 degree all year. That grouping finishes in early 2165 with Uranus conjunct Neptune at 7 Aquarius.

2165 also sees Mars conjunct Neptune at 9 Aquarius, and Uranus at 10. It makes conjunctions with both in 2167, and in 2169 is part of a grand cluster, at it joins Saturn and Neptune also conjunct at 16 Aquarius! That triple conjunction will set multiple cycles into motions lasting 36 years! This run of astonishing aspects culminates with Saturn conjunct Uranus at 27 Aquarius in 2170 and the next Mars conjunctions with Neptune and Uranus at 20 and 30 Aquarius respectively.

Imagine this is the future of humanity. This is the activation of another pulse of our transfiguration into becoming our unique Spark of Divine Light in a vast field of Light at this Cosmic Moment in Time.

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

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Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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