Medical Astrology - The Basics and a Little More Pt. 2
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- Written by Robert Wilkinson

As I explained yesterday, this material came from a discussion I had about approaching a combination of health issues in an organized way using astrology. Today we’ll go a little deeper into analytical factors and techniques when evaluating health issues in our chart.
As we covered yesterday, all disease arises from one or more of three causes; genetic, environment, and life style. If we examine how the health issue is related to these, then we can track the cycles of appearance, annoyance, and crisis in any health related matter.
Then, as I mentioned yesterday, once we know the problem, then we have to figure out the right healer. There are four groups of healers; Physicians and Surgeons; Adjustment specialists; Prevention specialists; and Spiritual healers, of which there are 7 schools. Some problems require only one of these, while other problems may require several of these in different disciplines.
All health conditions pose the question “What are you going to do about it?” Some things cannot be "cured." They must be maintained and improved however possible. This is where we must actively participate in wanting the cure more than clinging to the problem. And yes, many health problems must be addressed attitudinally first, since if we would cure or heal or become better physically than we were before, we must be diligent in pursuing the care plan.
Some Astrological Considerations
Astrologically, we first we must specify which health issue is affecting which part of the body. Second, despite the superstitions of the ancient texts, there are no "harsh" planets; each has its department of labor, and over our lives we learn what we must maintain and improve or suffer a health related result. While some texts assert that Mars or Saturn in the 6th house will bring afflictions related to those planetary rulerships, it could just as easily indicate the ability to get to “the heart of the healing matter quickly and precisely” via Mars, or sheer persistence in healing however we can via Saturn.
We work out our planets in our “real world” activities and interactions. It is the same with planetary health factors. For example, if we choose to exceed our muscle strength, our Mars will remind us that we need to cooperate with our body and not do things to hurt it. If we eat too much sugar, our Venus will remind us through “sugar blues” and maybe diabetes. Too much anger (Mars) afflicts the liver (Jupiter). In all health issues, there are probably other factors related to a second or third planet involved in a relationship with the afflicted planet or the afflicting planet.
Digging deeper, we have to look at the planet ruling the area of the body which is the focus of the medical question, as well as aspects to that planet as well as the planet which rules that planet in our chart. We also have to examine the planet(s) precipitating the health crisis, what it rules, and aspects to and from that planet.
Here it’s important to make a distinction between what the progressions represent and how the transits work. Progressions are internal. A progression indicates our internal positive or negative reaction to the outer event. I was asked if a progressed ingress into a mutable sign could be associated with an emergent health issue. I noted that progression are an internal shift, and progressed planets moving from a fixed to a mutable sign happens to several billion people in the course of a lifetime, so that's not a specific enough marker for any health related issue.
Transits are external factors. A transit is associated with all “real world” events we either act upon or react to. I’ve seen that in all health related issues, there is a precipitating transit which triggers the health issue. So we have to look at the natal chart factors, as well as the precipitating planet(s) and how it interacts by sign and aspect with the natal factors involved in the health issue.
I was asked if a planet transiting the 12th house would bring a health affliction related to that planet or the parts of the body it rules. I offered that the 12th house is one of harvests, for better or worse, related to the cycle completing itself since the last conjunction with the Ascendant. The 12th house is both fortunate and unfortunate “confinement” as a result of previous actions.
So Mars transiting the 12th could bring sorrow through misplaced Mars actions and inactions, but it could also bring quick resolution for something at the end of its process. Jupiter transiting the 12th may bring the results of excess, but it can also bring protection.
Transiting Saturn in the 12th is excellent for reviewing and getting a new understanding of one's purpose, what one has learned about purpose, as well as how expertly or clumsily we have related to our physical body since the last time. Saturn represents age, and age is a normal part of our Earthly evolution.
In any health issue, we must first identify the cause of each of the affliction, and determine how to go about alleviating the cause of the problem as well as the symptoms. If we are going to use holistic means to cure any number of things, it usually requires super diligence to improve the condition.
In my own experience, back in the late 1970s I helped several people get rid of cancerous tumors, but it only worked to the degree they were diligent in doing what they needed to do. I figure any healing is good healing, and the striving generates positive energy both for our individual future as well as the future healing potential of anyone else afflicted with the same health issue.
As you can see, there are both astrological factors as well as “real world” factors which can point us to causes, cures, and the timing of the emergence, shifts, crises, and resolution of health problems. Worked together to administer adjustments, cures, and preventions at the right time according to astrology, we maximize benefits and participate in the natural timing of health improvement, to whatever degree it’s possible given local and individual conditions.
In any case, pessimism about “health problems” shown in the chart is an unhelpful response to what is essentially a challenge to learn about ourselves, our strengths, our deficiencies, and participate in our own healing on every level. It is said that all health problems have an emotional and mental component. While this is true, it’s equally true that we inherited our genetic patterns which have their own insufficiencies as well as strengths.
While we have a limited ability to change our genetic patterns, we have more ability to change the environment we live in, as well as our responses to our environment. And of course we have complete control over our life style, and so can replace learned unhelpful habits with helpful habits, which improve our health over time.
Reprinted on with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected.
© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson
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