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Mars Conjunct Chiron at 16 Aries

Mars Conjunct Chiron at 16 Aries

About two weeks ago, on June 15, Mars made its second conjunction with Chiron in Aries. The one in 2020 fell at 10 Aries, and that degree was the theme of that cycle until the recent one at 16 Aries which will dominate the next two years. As the conjunction septiled Saturn, you can bet that the tests involving “picking up and delivering spiritual power” will heal us or others, sending us in new directions of self-initiative spiritually!

As Chiron is not merely “the wandering, wounded healer” but also the first, best mentor and teacher we could ever have, it helps us to “heal into our Higher Self” by mastering whatever lessons of science, philosophy, logic, healing, and yes, astrology we are offered. As Mars is conjunct Chiron in Aries, it implies that the next two years we’ll heal by learning how to take the initiative in healing ourselves or mentoring others in our own unique way.

Remember, Aries can only do what it does in its own way. As the first sign, it literally is inspired motion itself, moving on its own initiative toward whatever Light and/or heat it feels will bring the seed life to the surface, where it may acquire substance in Taurus. Chiron in Aries is healing and mentoring us in Aries ways; with Mars in its home sign of Aries conjuncting Chiron, it’s “flame on” to our healing, our learning, our teaching, and our journey from suffering in our woundedness to being a Master of breaking the link between the pain of life and the suffering of the lower ego.

The Sabian Symbol for the Mars Conjunct Chiron

This conjunction fell at 16 Aries. While I've given you a sense of this degree up to now in recent Lunation articles, this is where we go into depth. Of some importance is this is the degree where Mars went stationary direct in November 2020, implying that whatever “platform of initiating activity” we hit then will be a source of healing and/or mentoring or being mentored these next two years.

The Sabian Symbol for the 16th degree of Aries is “Brownies dancing in the setting sun.” In the original Jones class notes from The Astrology of Personality, Rudhyar says this is a degree of the “relationship between conscious and unconscious sides of life,” and “invisible assistance often entailing obligation to outer forces.”

In the Astrological Mandala, he goes on to say that this degree of "attunement to the potency of invisible forces of nature,” where “in the light of personal fulfillment….(we) may be able to establish a life-giving contact with natural forces” which constitute a part of the larger life of the biosphere, or Gaia. He offers that these nature spirits are part of the one life of the planet, and are “nonindividualized and unfree energies” within the planet as an organism that act as a “guiding and balancing-harmonizing factor” similar to a human endocrine system.

He goes on to say “when this Sabian Symbol reaches into the consciousness of (those who seek) meaning, it should be seen as an invitation to open (our minds) to the possibility of approaching life in a holistic and nonrational, intuitive manner…. It implies a call to repotentialization.” He states this degree falls in the Span of Examination, Act of Differentiation, Scene of Potency on the Actional level.

Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of “the essentially friendly relationships which exist between man as a persona and the totally impersonal forces of nature,” where the “cosmic integrity demands a continual reversion to pure source in the case of each segment of reality, and the universal activity provides a continual sorting and sifting of all things into convenience and order. He continues that “the dance of life” is “an unending rehearsal and exhibition of every special capacity of selfhood.”

He offers us the keyword INVIGORATION. He goes on to say that when operating positively, the degree is “simple good fortune together with unlimited opportunity as the direct fruitage of effort.”

So we enter a time of renewing how we “attack on the problems of life” (Mars) or take the initiative so we may heal into our Higher Self, or mentor or be mentored according to the themes related to the conjunction. As Aries is “what you see is what you get,” it may be that some will demonstrate their Higher Self by a taking a fearless stand on some basic principle requiring honesty and straightforward dealings.

So the next two years we will heal and be mentored by seeing things with fresh eyes and a willingness to embrace a new potential and the “friendliness” of life that allows us to contact the source. We should be invigorated by our communion with nature and those “energy distributing forces” that allow us to “rehearse and exhibit” our special capacities. This will help us see that what was awakened when Uranus danced on this degree in 2014-2015 has either helped us heal into who we are today or that we need to heal in some way to become the unique promise awakened at that time.

Chiron In Aries Will Dominate the Decade

The cycle created by this Mars/Chiron cycle will last through their next conjunction at 16 Aries in June 2022. This begins a much larger Mars/Chiron dance at this time in history.

This era was “pre-formed” by the Mars-Chiron conjunction at 29 Pisces in late December 2018. That’s a degree of things “coming apart” at the end of cycles, and it’s easy to see how many things ended in our world in 2019 and the first half of 2020. That conjunction influence ended and a new one began with Mars’ first conjunction with Chiron in Aries at 10 Aries in July 2020, initiating a long term Aries healing influence. That initial cycle lasted until about two weeks ago when a new cycle began at 16 Aries. These themes will last .through late May 2024, when the next Mars-Chiron conjunction will fall at 23 Aries. That influence lasts through their next conjunct at 29 Aries in May 2026. That means Aries is the way to heal for many years to come!

If You Want To Know More About Chiron

Chiron is a greater force within us than most understand. It is truly that part of us which mentors our personality traits so we can become integrated personalities expressing the Love, Wisdom, and Intelligence of our Higher Self. This article is a fairly good exploration of Chiron’s traits and powers, so please take a look if you want to know more about this amazing power within you to become more than you have ever dreamed of!

Chiron, the Wandering Wounded Healer and Metaphysician Guiding Our Hero's Journey

For more about Chiron in Aries specifically, I wrote this in April 2018 when Chiron first entered Aries. In it I gave you some personal anecdotes for what happened in my life the last time Chiron was in Aries, so if you’re interested in that take on this position, please revisit Chiron in Aries

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

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Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

© 2022 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

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