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It's the Autumnal Equinox 2024

It's the Autumnal Equinox 2024

- What's Coming in October, November, and December 2024 -

And also the Vernal Equinox down under!! The Autumnal Equinox occurs at 5:44 am PDT, 1:44 pm BST on September 22. This marks the end of Summer and the beginning of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. It is said that a chart done for the beginning of a season offers a snapshot of the cosmic and literal weather for the next 3 months.

The Equinox marks is the last day of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the last day of Winter in the Southern. If you’re wondering how I reconcile the seemingly opposing energies between the hemispheres, when you’re done here please take a look at The Mirroring of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere Year Cycles in Astrology. It may help readers “down under” see how the important points of seasonal change, though opposite in physical manifestation, actually have similar challenges at each point of shift. And yes, I'm already thinking of doing a small book on the subject, stripping the signs of their usual attributes and taking a more universal approach to the subject of the changes of the seasons.

There is an old tradition that offers us two times when "the year begins," one at the Vernal Equinox, the other at the Autumnal. Perhaps that tradition came from explorers who saw the seasons flip between the Northern and Southern, going from the beginning of warm to the beginning of cold as they moved up and down the latitudes.

This is an excellent time for looking at what has ended and what is emerging. We up North have done our Summer labor, and are reaping the harvest of what we've done and not done. In the Southern latitudes, they're beginning to plant the seeds that will grow over the next 180 days.

So if you're "down under," it's the beginning of Spring and beautiful weather. Just remember to have a little compassion for us up here when December 21-22, the Winter Solstice, rolls around and we're freezing while you're enjoying the beach!

Whether North or South, keep following through on the new roles, new initiatives, new feelings, new flow, and new ways of relating to others on more refined levels you’ve already begun to experience since Spring, since the season to come is the time to transfigure our future into more perfect forms. Regardless of where we live, what follows explores elements we all can expect to experience over the next 13 weeks.

The nights will now begin to be longer than the days for 6 months to come in the Northern Hemisphere, with lengthening days in the Southern. The Sun is now in Libra, promising enhanced and expanded relationships and social interactions. We can find new ideals, new ways of measuring and evaluating the balance in things, and new perspectives that offer us a well-rounded understanding.

This is a turning point, where what we’ve prepared for in Virgo emerges as some form of an archetype, where we are “made perfect” by a “dart of light” which freezes our spiritual form for the next period of time. This is where we see the light of transfiguration leading to a need to “joyously repair” something from the past. This leads to the deepening of magnetic connections and losses in Scorpio which feed our faith so that we may “break on through” to a greater vision, future, or truth in Sagittarius.

The charts for the Solstices and Equinoxes provide guideposts for what we can expect the following 90 days in the way of weather, both actual and symbolic. As this Equinox falls 5 days after the recent Lunar eclipse Full Moon, you can find the outer planet placements, aspects and configurations in those articles. That said, I’ll hit the highlights of the important factors in this Equinox chart.

The Autumn Equinox chart shows 2 planets in the first decan of their signs, 2 in the second decan of their signs, and SIX in the third decan (all the outer spiritual triad.) This indicates a three month period of activity with a HUGE preponderance of the individual, mental, and spiritual levels of existence and a balance between the emotional, social, and cultural planes of existence and the actional, physical, and material. Given the first decan planets include the Moon and Sun, these will focus the material areas of our lives while Mars trine Saturn, both in the second decan of their signs, will stabilize the emotional and social areas during the next 90 days.

Aspects and Configurations Shaping the Season to Come

As you know, in these active aspect sections I include barely separating partile aspects, since they are still in active operation. The outstanding feature of this chart is that all the planets have Mercury and Venus as their final dispositors except Neptune. That makes Mercury and Venus important as they influence the backdrop to what’s happening.

This chart has some powerful aspects in play. First, we see the powerful Grand Earth Trine between Mercury, Uranus and Pluto. As Mercury opposes Neptune, Neptune anchors a “Peace Sign” configuration which promises very favorable stability and understanding to all planets we have in the last Earth and Water signs.

We also have Venus exactly square Pluto, cautioning us to turn away from corrosive and undermining people, or people who have a destructive hidden agenda or who prevent us from getting the results we want out of life. As Saturn is semisquare Pluto, it makes Venus sesquisquare Pluto, creating three points of an “8 Pointed Star of the Need for Right Action.” This square, semisquare, and sesquisquare will most impact those with planets at the beginning of the Fixed signs, the middle of the Mutable signs, and the end of the Cardinal signs.

We also have the extraordinary configuration created by Mercury decile Venus and quintile Mars with Venus tredecile Mars, activating three points of a “10 Pointed Star of Quintessential Serendipity,” or “Serendipitous Specialization.” This opens 10 zones of interactive gifts and blessings to those with planets or points near 1 Taurus/Scorpio, 3-7 Gemini/Sagittarius, 9-13 Cancer/Capricorn, 15-19 Leo/Aquarius, 21-25 Virgo/Pisces, and 27-30 Aries/Libra.

This Equinox is remarkable in that the Sun makes only two partile or forming aspects: a trine from the Moon and a binovile to Mars. The first is stabilizing, the second shows there are revelations coming and going, emerging and disappearing to gestate for a while.

We also see the Moon at 2 Gemini, showing “Santa Claus is coming to visit” many over the next 90 days. As the Moon is trine the Sun we should all be able to see how the present is giving us a clear path to the future. That is literally the only aspect the Moon makes, so form will be profoundly affected by Mercury these next 3 months.

It's the Autumnal Equinox 2024

Jones Pattern, Dispositors, and the Lunar Phase

With continue to have a Splay Jones pattern with all the planets spread out widely with sharp focus in separated areas of life. As we had a Splay at the last Full Moon, you can find out more by going to The September 2023 Full Moon at 22 Virgo –Sabian Symbols, Evolutionary Configurations and more. You also may want to take a new look at Summer Solstice 2024 – What’s Coming in July, August, and September to see what was said about the season just past.

The Disseminating Lunar phase indicates this season will be focused on disseminating information, or evaluating, assimilating, and synthesizing information. This is the phase of “the Weaver,” where we give and receive information based in the realizations we got at the Full Moon phase. Share abundantly, and you’ll find yourself far more aware by January than you are now!

As the Moon is on a degree of receiving gifts from an unseen source, have faith that if you put out the food and drink for Santa and then leave the room, when you awaken you’ll find you’ve been given what is perfect for you. Enjoy the expectation, but remember to leave Santa alone to do what Santa does best. With Mercury ruling the Moon, the backdrop is about having faith in your training, test your strength, and have faith in how you do what you do.

With the element distribution, there is an emphasis on everything but inspiration, since we have 4 planets in Air, 3 in Earth, 3 in Water, and 0 in Fire. Find inspiration from within and when in doubt, be willing to be the one who “lights up the room.”

The coming season is one of coming to a type of philosophical completion and/or a holistic view of things. We have the Sun at the first degree of Libra and Venus, its ruler, at the last degree of Libra. Many will see how they have fulfilled paying dues in some way, where the past can now give way to a greater sense of play, focus, and preserving of all we venerate. Turn away from corrosive people, and if you lose someone in this season, it was time to split due to one or both of you having fulfilled the contract for better and/or worse.

Mars will help us to a greater sense of humor and sense of when it’s time to bust “ego pomposities.” We’re still in a season of renewal and regeneration, or things falling apart as we “rehearse before the battle.” Be as stable as you can be in the middle of the constant fluxes of 5 planets in Mutable signs, and be inventive to find stability, as only Uranus is in a Fixed sign.

See the vision of a transformed life and world being offered to you as you catch glimpses of a greater sense of community and connectedness. Open to a new archetypal role or vision, let yourself be transformed, and breathe easy as you see all sides of the bigger picture and demonstrate your skill as a result of your training before now.

Remember that since June, Saturn has been bringing us rewards “at the end of our day of labor.” We’re closing out some long wave patterns this season which will end during the Winter as we prepare for the “Spring of the 21st Century” coming in March with important life initiatives and radical transformations in the Spring and Summer of 2025.

Be discerning and willing to educate and be educated on the social and emotional levels of life as you pursue the information and vision you need to make the archetypes real. Cut loose from the past while being careful not to buy into deceptive seductions. Beware of superficial evaluations and assertions since they could have a way of turning from easy to difficult fairly quickly. This is a time to say goodbye while seeing our part in the greater play of Life.

As you do what you need to do, remember to experience yourself evolving as you move through the changes, since by taking a different view you will find new perspectives on what to do and when to do it. Use creative imagination to visualize your ideal and cultivate sensitivity to what’s needed in immediate situations. The “tension of opposites” in Virgo/Pisces holds a promise of productivity, ease of operation, and awareness of the highly specializing factors in motion as long as you don’t buy into misrepresentations.

The next 90 days are radical growth in a new adventure related to our freedom from old rules, restrictions, and limitations. We now move into a time of practical stability and unique interactive gifts and blessings. It’s all a rehearsal for 2025, so accept your gifts, be willing to give your message or offer your understanding while being clear when you’re in the wrong room. Let go of extreme people, and understand that if you lose someone, the karmic dues have been paid and the repairs are complete.

A new pulse of the Ageless Wisdom is now mentoring and healing those who are receptive to the new. Let yourself heal into your Higher Self, focus on your social potential, and embrace the dance of the adventure of the next season. Buena suerte, and Godspeed!!

Aum and blessings as we stand on the threshold of a new season of life!

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson

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© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

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Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

Posting on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce any content without written permission. The article's title was crafted by CrystalWind.ca.

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