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Creating the Future in March 2023

Creating the Future in March 2023
Mercury at 30 Pisces Taking One Last Look At the Dreamscape

Around 9:30 am PDT Saturday, March 18, Mercury will enter the final degree of Pisces where it will stay for about 12 hours until it enters Aries. As this degree is where we “dream the pre-formed future into manifestation,” get focused since you may catch glimpses of things to come! From here we move into action.

Why Pisces?

As we become more aware in this lifetime, we feel more than we used to. In astrology, the three feeling modes are Cancer (active personal feelings), Scorpio (fixed shared deep feelings), and Pisces (changing vast feelings we share with all others through all time). Cancer is what we experience in the moment. Scorpio is our attraction/repulsion magnetism. Pisces is where we feel, all there is to feel, beyond description.

We all have Pisces somewhere in our charts. Pisces is where we tap into the collective hologram, with its ghosts, superstitions, vague imagery, and echoes of memories of perceptions of echoes of memories of perceptions of echoes of memories…. Imagine the ocean of feelings that everyone has ever felt since the beginning of the race. There’s been a lot of feelings dumped into the collective subconscious which have not been cleaned up or resolves, and Pisces is where we pick up on random vague timeless feelings, usually from long ago.

Remember too that life was never that easy. In fact, it’s safe to say that life was fairly difficult for 99.99% of the human race, with wealth only alleviating a fraction of the pain. For example, you could have been worth the equivalent of a million dollars in the 14th century, but if you had a toothache, your options were extremely limited.

Pisces is also the sign of forgiveness, redemption, forgiveness, and the ability to have compassion for the generic human condition. It is the sign where if we choose to, we can break the link between pain and suffering. We entered into the field of timeless feelings common to the human condition when it was activated this year on January 26 when Venus began its transit through Pisces, culminating on February 19 when Venus occupied 30 Pisces.

This is the second transit of 30 Pisces for the year. Venus ideally brought value and appreciation to the dream, which is already being “captured” by Venus. This Mercury brings “Divine Mind” to the dream, and the Sun will vitalize the dream between 2:40 pm PDT March 19 and 2:24 pm March 20, when it enters Aries.

Whenever planets occupy the “the end of the end” of the zodiac it shows a coming together as prelude to the entrance into a new experience in the cardinal Fire of Aries. As there were very important conjunctions made by Jupiter and Uranus when they were at the end of Pisces, each year these larger spiritual cycles are renewed in specific ways.

You can find more about the importance of the last degree of Pisces in helping us “dream the future” into manifestation by revisiting The 30th Degree of Pisces – The Power of Dream Visualization to Create Our Future. 30 Pisces is said to be a degree of "archetypalization,' where we sound the "cosmic tone" that creates our future.

Sometimes What We’re Experiencing is the Past Helping Us Re-shape the Future

Pisces is where we need to pay attention to dreams, visions, and what could be past life echoes. We all have this sign somewhere, and it’s been in full action mode since January 26. It is the sign where occasionally we experience strange flashes of remembering other lifetimes so we can clear out old karmic residue by “returning to the scene of the crime.” When I say that, I mean that I've found that we must somehow re-experience everything that ever wounded us, whether in this lifetime or in other lifetimes, so we can become spiritual adults through healing those wounds so we may be of service in helping others heal their wounds.

When we re-experience an old wound, or form of suffering, whether from earlier this life or from another life, we are given the opportunity be conscious in changing our patterns of response. Through those choices we come out of a sense of powerlessness into power. By choosing to antidote the wound rather than suffer them, we break the link between pain and suffering, and create a pattern that will help us do it again and again in the future. This is part of becoming our spiritual ideal as discussed in Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. By replacing suffering with wisdom, we become the Higher Self we aspire to be.

So dream carefully while Mercury occupies the visualization zone, since your power to issue the “Creative Word” launching a new life experience is more powerful now than at other times of the year. Mercury is “the Guide of Souls,” giving us the power to use the material, emotional, mental, and spiritual substance at our disposal to become adepts in Life. This is the time to dream the future.

This is the end of the end even as the new beginnings of April develop. Enjoy the power to shape your future!

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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