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Collective Consciousness Moving Into its Shadow Zone - Neptune Tides in 2023

Collective Consciousness Moving Into its Shadow Zone - Neptune Tides in 2023

Neptune again occupies 25 Pisces, beginning this year’s transit of its Shadow Zone between 25-28 Pisces. What does this mean and why should we care?

First, it means Neptune will be in the 25-28 Pisces degree span between now and the first week of April 2024! Second, it means wherever we have 25-28 Pisces in our charts is now swimming in the great sea of collective consciousness, and the aspects Neptune makes to our planets adjusts our relationship to the collective atmosphere around us.

The shadow zone is defined by the span between where a planet goes retrograde, and where it goes direct after the retrograde period. In this case, Neptune went direct in late Nov 2022 at 21 Pisces, the same degree as its retrograde station in June 2020. It spent a lot of time near that degree, transiting it again in Jan/Feb 2021 and going stationary direct on that degree in December 2021. That period in 2020-2021 gave us techniques of “walking with our wisdom” and learning new ways of touching and being touched.

It now is moving through 25 Pisces on the way to 28 Pisces, where it will go stationary retrograde in late June. It will then retrograde back to 25 Pisces where it goes stationary direct in early December. That means the collective atmosphere will be focused on the themes related to 25, 26, 27, and 28 Pisces for the rest of this year into 2024.

Neptune shows us how to merge the sacred and the everyday in our lives. Neptune’s position in the sign it rules is related to the widespread spiritual awakening going on, as well as the widespread delusions and superstitions also haunting humanity. We’ve all had major opportunities to allow our Soul to strengthen our bodies, feelings, and minds, been released from old karmas, and found what nourishes us among our Spiritual Brothers and Sisters.

25 Pisces allows our Soul to purify our personality and eliminate everything from selfishness to Ahamkara (“lower ego I consciousness”), leaving us clean to embrace a new poetry of doing our Being at 26 Pisces. 26 Pisces was where Neptune went SRX in June 2022, bringing collective lessons showing all the value of doing what they must their own way. Since then we’ve been seeing, as Rudhyar put it, “the fallacy of totalitarianism.”

27 Pisces encourages us to use our creative imagination “to dominate circumstances,” and “brings the light of fulfillment that blesses work well done.” It is said to be a degree of consummation and a reaping of a harvest. After that we land at Neptune’s forward threshold at 28 Pisces, where we reap the abundance of our karmic efforts and each receives what we are due.

So this year, when Neptune goes SRX in June at 28 Pisces, it will retrograde back to 25, where it will go SD in December, and then re-trace this Shadow zone through the first week of April 2024. We’re now in a collective atmosphere which we last knew in 1859-1860. This implies that collective consciousness in 2023 is in a zone filled with turmoil historically. Given Pluto is also in a zone where it last was in 1776-1777, it would seem a “pre-revolution” is in the air! Neptune was also in this zone in 1695, and before that, 1531.

(As an aside, it is the US Pluto return of the Declaration of Independence. The Pluto return for the 19 Apr 1775 Battles of Lexington and Concord is at 26 Capricorn 41; for the 23 August 1775 Proclamation of rebellion it’s at 24 Cap 40. The Pluto return for the Articles of Confederation and Constitution, the actual attempts at creating a national government, will not happen for years.)

Looking Ahead

So allow your Soul to purify your personality and honor your need to do your thing in your own way, as do others. By April we’ll enter the unknown zone of 27-28 Pisces, where Neptune will occupy through late September before it again occupies 25-26 Pisces. We all now can feel with greater awareness, and have a greater Kinesthetic intelligence. Whether we are visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learners, the final one of these has contributed to our first two the past 2 years.

We now move into familiar collective consciousness as we again experience a purification of our personalities by our Souls. See the vaster tide of evolution in your life, helping your ship of personality move with the currents into a greater life and awareness. There are techniques of experiencing a greater Oneness with “All That Is” to be applied as we materialize the spiritual in our lives. Embrace your greater connectedness with Spirit, your Higher Self, your life Mystery, and others in your Spiritual field, since we’re preparing for a historic collective launch into a new Life energy in 2025!

A brief meditation: We are never separate from Life, Love, Wisdom, each other, or “All-That-Is,” for even one second. We are One Life Together. Open to your experience of Being that Life/Light/Love within the Unified Field. Neptune’s vast tides will help you navigate the great depths of Life and find your way to your own archipelago in the vast ocean of collective consciousness.

Soon we will sail into the fogs and mists of places unknown for 144 years. There is nothing to fear, Friends to be found, and service to be made manifest. Enjoy the journey!

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

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Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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