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Chiron Conjunct The North Node (And Our Healing Journey)

Chiron Conjunct The North Node (And Our Healing Journey)

February 16th ~ 23rd

Grandfather, Look at our brokenness. We know that in all creation only the human family has strayed from the Sacred Way. We know that we are the ones who are divided And we are the ones who must come back together To walk in the Sacred Way. Grandfather, Sacred One, Teach us love, compassion, and honor That we may heal the earth and heal each other. ~ Ojibway prayer (Prayers for Healing edited by Maggie Oman)

On February 19th, Chiron makes an exact conjunction with the True North Node at 16º Aries 45’. The Nodes of the Moon are where the paths of the Sun and the Moon intersect, so that the closer a New Moon or Full Moon are to these Nodal points will determine whether or not there will be an eclipse. Because of the centaur’s proximity to the Nodes, there will be a Solar Eclipse on April 8th that will also be conjunct our wise wounded healer. This is important, for whatever is taking place in the few weeks preceding and after the conjunction is helping to set the stage for the eclipse in April.

There are two nodes on this axis, a South Node and a North Node, currently in the signs of Libra and Aries. And whereas the South Node is something of a default for us, the North Node is where we are being drawn both collectively and individually, in order to find our true North, our greatest sense of fulfillment, and perhaps even the fulfillment of our true destiny. 

The last time Chiron was conjunct the North Node was in 2008, in the sign of Aquarius. And the last time Chiron was conjunct the North Node in Aries (0º) was 55 years ago on February 14, 1969. So this is a fairly rare occurrence. 

Chiron is not a planet. It is a Centaur, which is something between an asteroid and a comet. Drawn into our solar system from the Kuiper Belt, these centaurs temporarily take up residence in our solar system. With a very oblique and elliptical orbit, Chiron travels in the area between Saturn and Uranus (for the most part) and is something of a gateway to the outer, more transcendent planets. Because of this strange orbit, it spends varying times in each sign, where its shortest stay is in the sign of Libra, and its longest in the sign of Aries, which is where it is now.

Like a messenger from beyond, Chiron was drawn into our Solar System, to impart his wisdom and knowledge to those of us blind souls traveling here. Sometimes with Chiron we can feel like something of an alien, an outcast, misunderstood, and vulnerable. But when Chiron is strong, there is this deep wisdom and compassion which understands the weakness and vulnerability of the human condition for what it is, which is merely imperfect. There is something strongly compelling about the journey that Chiron points to, which is nothing less than the soul’s journey towards understanding, healing, acceptance and ultimately enlightenment.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and when we have a major conjunction in this sign, it brings a resurgence of raw energy heralding a Rebirth. And from where we stand now, and through to the Solar Eclipse in April, we are in this state of New Birth, like an infant fresh from the womb filled with this invigorating life force. 

Some of the trends begun when Chiron first entered Aries in 2018 are made all that much more relevant as the wisdom and understanding of Chiron crosses paths with the North Node and our own Soul’s Journey. This can include: 

  • Redefining who you are, which can include releasing old soul contracts (habits and tendencies) that are no longer valid for the person you are now becoming.
  • Pushing yourself to the forefront by focusing on self-care, self-healing and self-protection in a healthy way. Chiron in Aries is reminding each of us once again that we have the right to take up space.
  • The yearning for new Beginnings and a Rebirth can bring the urge to want to scrap everything and start all over again. This will be especially true if you have gotten off track.
  • Living your own best life, whatever that may be. And that can include releasing concerns about what others think about you and your choices. Aries brings each and every one of us the courage to simply be ourselves, with no apologies. 

Meanwhile Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius, continues to get personal with a Venus/Mars/Pluto conjunction this week. Venus enters Aquarius on Friday and makes an immediate conjunction with Pluto. Talk about intensity! The personal planets help to make that Aquarius paradigm relevant to us in our daily lives. Whether that means coming to appreciate cutting edge technology and discoveries that directly impact our lives; or coming to realize ourselves and society as being part of a much larger, albeit complicated, mechanism in which each of the parts are essential for the running of that larger whole. We’re all participating in this gradual process of evolutionary growth. 

And that can include things like how we interact with one another; how we do (or choose not to do) relationships; what excites our passions; who we love; what we love and stirs the cockles of our hearts. What we most value in our heart of hearts. Pluto is deeply transformative in the sign of Aquarius. And on some very personal level, our lives will be evolving as well. 

And just as we mentioned last week that Mars/Pluto weather can be tricky, Venus/Mars/Pluto can be even trickier. For it tackles us in places where we are most vulnerable. As Venus enters Aquarius on Friday, she falls immediately into the passionate embrace of Pluto, followed by Mars. This is deeply intense weather, riddled with obsession, and subsumed by our passions. There is a firm reminder here to not try and force things beyond their breaking point. And that can include trying to compel other people to do what we want them to do.

Aquarius is a sign of Freedom. And if we want to have the freedom to live our lives the way we want, we have to give that same respect to others to do so as well. And also know that with these personal planets so closely entwined with Pluto this week, we are being given some sort of insight as to what our own Pluto in Aquarius story is going to be about going forward.  

A human being is part of the whole called by us “the universe,” a part of the whole limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest—a kind of optical illusion of our consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our tasks must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of understanding and compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of Nature in its beauty. ~ Albert Einstein

For this week’s horoscopes, click below: 



Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 


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