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- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman
January 15th ~ 22nd
Change has a considerable impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better. ~ King Whitney Jr.
2021 is a transition year. There will be resistance. There will be some conflict. But it is now, in the month of January that we will feel like we are speeding along on this roller coaster of change. It is at these times that major progressive changes can occur in society and in our own lives. But it is also at these times that we can easily devolve into chaos. Hold on to your hats everyone! There are still a few bumps in the road ahead.
This weekend the Jupiter/Uranus square will be exact, which on its own terms can feel as if we are jumping out into the unknown without a parachute. But as soon as Mars entered the equation on January 6th, the weather became even more volatile and changeable. There are some times when change seems to be unavoidable. And some periods of change can feel down right tumultuous. This is one of those times.
Everyone in the world is subject to the vagaries of the planets. But when you ask why is it worse in some areas of the world as opposed to others there are many reasons for this. Countries also have their own natal charts. They begin with a foundation, a promise and an ideal. And when their charts are transited those foundations and ideals are tested for stability. There is another very important reason. And that has to do with human agency and free will. A seed cannot grow without all of the necessary causes and conditions. These need to be cultivated over time. And when the seeds begin to sprout and grow, you need to keep feeding them. What we get are the results of the seeds that were planted and then cultivated. But if you see a wild fire igniting, do you want to keep fanning the flames? Or do you try to remove the tinder, and look for ways to stop it before it gets out of control?
The unstable situation here in the United States has been cultivated for years, without any accountability. It didn’t appear out of nowhere. The question is now needing to be asked: how can we shove it all back in the bottle?
Whenever Uranus is involved we just don’t know what the consequences of our actions and decisions are going to be. And that applies to everything. Uranus is unstable and unpredictable and moves like greased lightning. Jupiter makes things larger, exaggerating and adding flourishes. Jupiter builds things up with righteous indignation, a sense of entitlement and a bit of arrogant superiority. We also don’t take Jupiter all that seriously. Jupiter activity can appear clownish and raucously rowdy. Like a frat party. But you throw it into a mix with Mars and Uranus and it becomes dangerous and explosive. And now that Saturn is bringing up the rear, we are learning why it is important to have some sort of accountability for our actions and decisions.
Jupiter/Uranus pushes us beyond our comfort zones. Things will feel like they are changing very quickly, up one day and down the next, scrambling to make decisions right away. The biggest issue is the unpredictability of this period. And with Mars in the picture the weather is also potentially explosive. However, it is specifically in these times of volatility that we are also being given an opportunity to ride the wave of change, in order to ultimately create a life that is a truer and more authentic expression of who we are. Stay at the center of the storm. Even though it will feel like we are leaping out into the unknown, know that the end result can bring incredible growth, opportunity and unexpected breakthroughs. It opens up doors, that had previously been closed. It just requires a little radical courage and wisdom in order to make that happen.
We are now having to expand and redefine who we are and how we fit into this new paradigm. Jupiter/Uranus can remove the obstacles that stand in the way of opportunity. It can thrust us out of the nest, lift us out of ruts, and let us know our true potential. There can also be a great feeling of impatience, anticipation and recklessness because of the exact Mars/Uranus/Jupiter picture this week.
Thunder repeated: The image of Shock. Thus in fear and trembling the superior man sets his life in order and examines himself. ~ The I Ching
Mars will be exactly conjunct Uranus on January 20th, and square Jupiter on January 23rd. Therefore it would be wise for all of us to pace ourselves, and tread lightly. And due to the Full Moon on January 28th, this unstable period is extended through to the beginning of February. Mars brings us the courage of our convictions when it joins forces with Uranus and Jupiter. But it also brings a sense of entitlement and righteous indignation. Mars/Uranus configurations are known for being explosive, and this can be especially so with Jupiter in the picture, as it can make things even larger and less contained. The days before and after January 20th (Inauguration Day in the United States) are particularly intense, which is when the Mars/Uranus conjunction will be exact.
But this is not the end of the matter. The defining transits for 2021 are the Saturn/Uranus squares, transits that do tend to be divisive but are also opportunities for progressive and evolutionary growth.
In the mean time, for the next two weeks:
Pace yourself: Look before you leap into anything! We can mitigate some of the effects of these transits by being more deliberate, while also being vigilant and alert. Reckless courage and a strong sense of adventure can feel liberating and exhilarating. It can also be dangerous.
Try to avoid fanning the flames: Avoid potentially explosive situations, and if you know something is unstable, either avoid it, or seek ways to stabilize it. Avoid unnecessary confrontations or arguments if it can at all be helped. And avoid edgy people. Especially if they are acting aggressively or unpredictably.
Avoid large groups: There is a tendency to be more impulsive in this type of weather, and do things without thought. We have less control over our own actions when we are swept up in large groups, and absolutely no control over the actions of others.
How to use this changeable weather to our advantage:
We’re energized: So use it positively. How can you channel this creative and excitable energy in a positive way? Rearrange the furniture, try something new, be a little daring (but not stupidly so); just don’t make any major commitments that you cannot undo later.
Change a habit: These transits can lift us out of ruts, and open up opportunities. They can literally free us up from self-imposed limitations. One way to address a habit that you want to change, is to begin new and better habits.
A change from the ordinary: When we dare to step out of our usual haunts and accustomed ways of doing things, it allows us to see things from a different angle. This is when creative and innovative ideas evolve. It shows us that we don’t have to keep doing things the way we have in the past, and that there might be better and more innovative approaches that could improve our lives and free us up for better things.
Your own brand: Mars brings you the courage to assert your individuality and promote your own brand. What changes might you want to make in order to live a freer, or more authentic life or lifestyle? What adjustments might you want to make in order to be the change that you would like to see in the world? What principles or ideals would you like to stand for?
For this week’s horoscopes, click below:
photo of volcanic lightning by Carlos Gutierrez
Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City.
© 2025. All content (articles, imagery, fair use) & design protected. Written permission required for copying. All rights reserved.
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