An Astrological Overview of July 2023
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As the editor of the Astrology Arizona newsletter, I compose an overview of each month. Today we take a look at the primary factors for the month.
The Overview for July
This year the month of July features a swirl of activity as we have THREE Yods, or “Fingers of God” in play due to Leo transits making quincunxes to Neptune and Pluto!
This means this month will feature “expansion through sacrifice” themes in early July via Mars, mid-July via Venus, and late July via Mercury which continues the Venus Yod. All of these will be “made clear” by the Sun around August 20-22.
July marks the first time in 30 years that Neptune has been in close sextile to Pluto. With Neptune at “the end of the end” of Pisces, and Pluto at “the end of the end” of Capricorn, it brings a strong sense of the past “coming to present” between now and January, when Pluto returns to Aquarius.
When we add Uranus in the last decan of Taurus, we have a very strong “double sextile/trine” which should favorably impact all planets we have in the last 8 degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. The Spiritual Field represented by these outermost planets are helping stabilize our late Earth and Water sectors, preparing us for an entirely new experience of Spirit and Life in 2025 when these Spiritual powerhouses shift out of Earth and Water into Fire and Air, joined by Saturn when it enters Aries.
July begins with all planets in direct motion except Pluto, and both Saturn and Neptune slowing down to go retrograde in the last half of the month. The late May T-square with Pluto sprouted the seeds of revolutionary social and spiritual developments related to the global transformations promised by Pluto’s entry into Aquarius. This month Pluto slips back into late Capricorn, showing the past will “come to present” between now and January, when Pluto returns to Aquarius.
This month continues to bring us more non-lunar oppositions, with Mercury opposed Pluto the second week of July, Mars opposing Saturn the third week of July, and the Sun opposed Pluto the fourth week of July. This year the inner planet oppositions to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will continue until the December Solstice, so expect a lot of worldly and spiritual realizations to come forth these next 6 months, along with oppositional situations requiring clarity about both poles to find ways to resolve that opposition.
The good thing going on is that Cancer oppositions to Pluto are trine Neptune, generating very positive energies of practical adjustment. The Virgo oppositions to Saturn beginning mid-month are favorable to both Jupiter and Uranus, generating specializing, productive, and interactive blessings regarding attracting what we want and eliminating what we don’t want. The Virgo oppositions to Neptune generate very positive late Cancer energy, and the Scorpio oppositions to Jupiter and Uranus generate very positive energies across multiple sectors. All in all, a very positive and productive period of intensification, enlarged awareness of the practical and emotional sectors of life, and a time of simple, stable preparation for a life renewal in January.
Though we approach the next Mercury retrograde beginning at 22 Virgo in late August, we’re still under the influence of Mercury’s direct station at 6 Taurus. Continue to cultivate good bridge building skills in group situations. We’re all bridging a gap in some way which is preparing us for Jupiter’s transit of the same retrograde span this Autumn. Please remember the major theme for the entire period of April 2023 through March 2024 is that old answers are inadequate to confirm the new conditions of existence, and old approaches aren’t adequate to deal with what’s happening. So find new approaches, new attitudes, new understanding, and don’t worry about the past; focus on finding new means to get things done.
With so much Cancer and Leo, the month should be a well-lit stage of current dynamic change and creative expression. Be willing to eliminate all which doesn’t integrate well with the new life you’re becoming; again, “expansion through sacrifice” is helping us squeeze out all which we no longer need. This month is about personality integration and release of heart energy, whether to make room for greater heart energies to come forth or to release all which would inhibit our hearts from manifesting.
As Venus spends the entire month camping out in the last decan all month, be light, bright, and creative! When Venus goes retrograde toward the end of the month, expect returns of all things Venusian! Some will find fond memories of friends long gone, others will remember old creativity which can be resurrected for current expression. Maybe the return of old likes, old loves, old affections, old forms of play, or old friends. Mars is very favorable to Jupiter all month; add Jupiter’s sextile, bielftile, and beginning quintile to Saturn the entire month, and it offers high productivity and a more powerful faith to those with planets between 6-14 degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
This month all the inner planets transit Taurus, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo, with Mars in Leo and Virgo blazing a trail and heralding transits of Mercury, the Sun, and eventually Venus later this Autumn. That means the outer planet occupied zone of Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Taurus, and Uranus in Taurus is now extended into Cancer, Leo, and Virgo, putting all the planets in about 2/3 of the zodiac, creating a “Locomotive” Jones pattern when the Moon is between Capricorn and Virgo which slips into a “See Saw” pattern by the end of the month.
When the inner planets transit Capricorn through Taurus and conjunct the outer planets, it’s a time to pull the energies inward, and when they’re outside the span between Cancer and Scorpio it creates different dynamics in how the energies express. Because the inner planets are now forming oppositions to the outer planets, we are seeing the externalization of those spiritual energies in the houses the inner planets are transiting.
Remember the first 17 days of the month are still under the influence of the June New Moon at 27 Gemini, helping us gain a different perspective as we reach out to a new life on the horizon. This will come to fruition after the July 2 Full Moon at 12 Cancer/Capricorn. The last 2 weeks of the month is under the influence of the July 17 New Moon at 25 Cancer, bringing a “mantle of power” or a blessing from Spirit which allows us to become a “spiritual leader” in our realm.
When Jupiter entered Aries in May 2022 we launched into a new era which became a dominant theme when Mars conjuncted Jupiter in late May 2022 at 4 Aries. That conjunction began a 2 year cycle of learning how to enjoy life more naturally on our own terms. When Jupiter revisited that conjunction point in late January it accelerated the growth of that energy, renewing its fiery expression. This month helps us understand and express those Aries themes in Leo ways showing us the creative and/or playful power of that conjunction.
Jupiter moving through Taurus gives a Taurus backdrop to planets we have in Sagittarius and Pisces, as well as the houses where we have these signs on the cusp. As it now rules Saturn and makes the productive sextile/bielftile all month, this should keep things slow and steady as we say goodbye to an old life and hello to a new one! Have faith toward mid-month, since opportunity is all around once we get back the blockage of Mars opposed Saturn.
Saturn is now retrograde and continues to bring deep and vast feeling energies to planets, points, or house cusps we have in Capricorn and Aquarius. Saturn’s station promises all of us “a call to renewal” wherever we have early Pisces. This is the beginning of a new life which will unfold quickly in early 2024.
Speaking of another long wave Aries energy in our charts, Jupiter launched a major healing and mentoring cycle when it conjuncted Chiron at 15 Aries on March 11. That began a long wave Chiron cycle which will last until the Summer of 2036. As an aside, when Chiron transits between Aquarius and Gemini, it moves relatively slowly and has conjunctions with Jupiter about every 13 years. However, it can take 19-20 years for the next conjunction after Gemini or Cancer. That means once the conjunction at 16 Gemini happens in the Summer of 2036, then we won’t have another conjunction of Jupiter and Chiron until the Spring of 2056 in Aquarius.
Because Jupiter rules Pisces, this month Saturn will have a steady Taurus feel. As Jupiter is heralding where Saturn will transit in a few years, we’re all getting a sense of corners to be turned later this decade when Saturn transits Taurus and makes the waxing square to the December 2020 Jupiter/Saturn conjunction point at 1 Aquarius. That conjunction ended a 200 year Earth era and began a 200 year Air era, and set the sociocultural conditions for the greater Aquarian 20 year era now developing.
Planets Slowing Down, Speeding Up, or Shifting Signs
This month Mercury is at maximum speed, though the Superior conjunction with the Sun on June 30 at 10 Cancer marked a point when it began to slow until it goes retrograde in mid-August. Venus is now slowing, preparing to go retrograde July 22 at 29 Leo, a degree of “longing for a new life” and we’re told, a “critical point in emergent evolution.” This will begin wherever we have 29 Leo, and opens an entirely new perspective on all things related to Venus in our lives.
Mars continues to accelerate after its direct station at 9 Gemini in mid-January. Jupiter now begins to slow, preparing to go retrograde in early September. Saturn and Neptune both are retrograde, and Uranus is gradually slowing through its retrograde station in late August.
In July we have three planets changing signs. This month the Sun, ruler of Leo and Cancer, will give us two (Cancer and Leo), and Mercury, ruler of Gemini and Virgo, will give us three (Cancer, Leo, and Virgo). Mars, ruler of Aries and Scorpio, will give us two (Leo and Virgo).
As noted, Mars continues to pick up speed by the week. It went stationary direct at 9 Gemini in January, with a theme of being a Zen archer, sure in your aim as a result of your training between September 2022 and February 2023. This will be a theme for this year and the next. Mars is now in Leo, helping us be more heartfelt in our expressions. The “explosion of energy” in Leo leads us to learning lessons of “significant form” according to Rudhyar. The power we experience from Venus and Mars in Leo anticipates the Leo vitality we experience when the Sun is in that sign.
This month Mars activates the house(s) where we have 25 Leo to 13 Virgo. Mars is happy in Leo, since that sign is in harmony with Mars’ Aries nature and is ruled by the Sun, which is exalted in Mars-ruled Aries. Mars in Virgo helps us practice precision, knowing what to do and when to do it.
Mars makes its Yod with Neptune and Pluto from July 3 to 11, so make sacrifices and adjustments accordingly. Release, show heart strength and nobility as well as playfulness if appropriate. When Mars opposes Saturn from July 14-23, be measured in your response and/or adjust whatever you need to in the way of responsibilities and restrictions. Stand for what you believe in while seeing “the clear light of high realization” expressed through your willingness to train yourself in some way.
We begin July with the Sun semisquare Mars, marking the beginning of the “Balsamic” phase of their cycle which began at their last conjunction in October 2021 at 16 Libra. So we’re now firmly in the harvest phase of their cycle, preparing for their next conjunction at 26 Scorpio on November 17, 2023.
The first 10 days of July, Mars is in the Aries decan of Leo, ruled by Mars with an extra dose of Mars. From July 10 through 26, Mars is in the Virgo decan of Virgo, ruled by Mercury with an extra dose of the Sun. The last 5 days of the month, Mars is in the Capricorn decan of Virgo, ruled by Mars with an extra dose of Venus.
Between July 1-10, Mars will prove agitating to those with planets between 26-30 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Between July 11-20, it will have the same effect on planets between 1-6 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. And between July 21-30, it will agitate planets between 6-13 of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
Except for the quincunxes made the first third of the month, Mars is in fairly good shape in terms of aspects. Even the opposition to Saturn is favorably resolved by Jupiter due to the Sun quintile Jupiter in play during that time. Mars will really do well at the end of the month, since it will tredecile Uranus just before it trines Jupiter.
As I’ve offered before, when Mars is within a degree of forming or separating from a hard aspect with a planet, slow down and show deliberation and caution in how you use force. Hard aspects to/from Mars always require that we moderate or antidote impulsiveness and impatience.
Sign Focus
This month the sign focus again shows a preponderance of Cancer and Leo. We begin the month with Mercury in Cancer, the Sun in Cancer, Venus in Leo, and Mars in Leo. By the second week Mercury is in Leo and Mars is in Virgo. The last week shows Sun in Leo and Mercury in Virgo.
So the first third of the month features two planets each in Taurus, Cancer, and Leo. The second week Mercury strengthens Leo while Mars introduces Virgo. That emphasis holds through the Sun’s entry into Leo the same day that Venus goes stationary retrograde. Then the Sun boosts the Leo and Mercury boosts the Virgo. This month has shifting sign emphases, because we begin with at least one planet in Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, and Leo by the end of the month Taurus, Leo and Virgo are the main players.
We’re Actors On A New Stage With A New Set
We’re still in the initial years of a new era in human evolution. The Grand Mutation of Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 1 Aquarius began a new 20 year Aquarian Era in December 2020, as well as a new 200 year era, moving global energies out of Earth and into Air. We’ve begun to grow beyond the materialism of the past 200 years and have entered two centuries of Air emphasis, with its qualities of relatedness, receptivity, versatility, movability, lightness, and cooperative ideas, visions, and ideals.
We’re still "under the beams" of the Solar Eclipses we experienced in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 and these “cosmic recyclers” continue to remove all that we no longer need in our lives. Take note of where you have 1 Cancer, 24 and 13 Sagittarius, 20 Gemini, 11 Taurus, and 2 Scorpio, since 1 Cancer aligns us with a larger reality, 24 Sagittarius helps us find happiness, 13 Sagittarius gives us a new identity and love, 20 Gemini removes what cannot be assimilated or communicated, 11 Taurus will help us remove “weeds from our garden of Life and Mind,” and the recent one at 2 Scorpio is helping us release attachments from the past as we enter a more complex social experience.
The May 2022 eclipses with Sun in Taurus have begun to shut down old value systems in that sector, as well as the Scorpio sector via the May Full Moon Wesak Festival eclipse. November’s Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 17 Taurus/Scorpio is helping us tap our spiritual power and focus it through “hearing our inner God” and allowing our Higher Self to transform our lower self and our worldly expression. The Scorpio Solar and Lunar eclipses are already leading us to say goodbye to the past, giving up some old ideals, and finding a new perspective on how and when to do things. You can find out more about the Solar eclipse and Lunar eclipse by going to any of the recent articles on how eclipses work.
The April-May 2023 eclipses have begun to work their magic on our Aries and Libra sectors for quite a while to come. The Solar eclipse at 30 Aries is sure to shut down some elements wherever we have that in our charts, and the eclipses later this year will be the last in the Taurus/Scorpio sector with another one coming in our Libra sector.
As we study how successive Eclipses have affected various areas of our charts and lives, we can get a sense of the utility of these “Cosmic Recyclers” in removing what we no longer needed in those areas, creating a void which attracted new life experiences. They invite us to look back, and then forward, to see the continuity of “letting go, taking in, letting go, taking in” across the years.
The Grand Irrationality
In July, the 7-pointed “Star of Destiny" I’ve termed The Grand Irrationality brings its 30 year run in our lives to an end! This month the configuration makes its final aspect when Mercury and the Sun both biseptile Neptune and shortly after septile Uranus. (Of course, there are a number of eclipses and other celestial events in play which featured this configuration, so it’s still active in what’s being shut down for years to come.)
All of the septile-series 7th harmonic aspects from the inner planets to the outer spiritual planets represent turning points at the hard edge of revolutionary change we’ve been going through for a while. Obviously, this is activated every time the Moon moves through one of the seven “hot zones” of this evolutionary configuration. All septile-series aspects are non-rational degree relationships representing “forks in the road of destiny” in any larger cycle. I have written extensively about “The Grand Irrationality,” a configuration which has been active since 1994, at my main website where I explain why all of humanity is forging its future destiny at this time. If you have a planet or point near any of the seven zones, your life is sure to be affected. In July the final sets of “hot zones” are around 5-9 Aquarius, 26-30 Pisces, 18-22 Taurus, 10-14 Cancer, 1-5 Virgo, 22-26 Libra, and 14-18 Sagittarius.
During the periods these 7th harmonic aspects are in play, if things get weird or crazy, be clear about the choices you’re making. While a lot won’t “make sense,” it doesn’t have to; just be clear about what you’re doing and why. Even though there may be interactions with unreasonable or irrational people, we still have the power to respond in productive ways.
As with “hard” aspects to and from Mars, if that planet (or really any planet) is involved in any non-rational aspect, whether one to our natal Mars or transiting Mars making a non-rational aspect to one of our natal, progressed, or solar return planets, it’s a time to be cautious during the period when the aspect is within a degree of forming or separating. Things have a way of getting strange during 7th harmonic aspects, so those are times to be especially deliberate and thoughtful in choosing our responses.
Primary Action Beats for the First Half of the Month
July begins under the influence of the June New Moon at 27 Gemini. Where that falls in our charts shows where we are learning to reach out to a new life to externalize something. These themes will be brought to fruition beginning at the Full Moon of July 3, which will help us explore the mystery of our purpose by seeing it as many different scientific experiments in the classroom of life.
The first week of the month shows the Superior Conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at 10 Cancer in a perfect sextile with Jupiter, showing maximum productivity as we expand into the promise of a new way of grounding our spiritual intention. Those sextiles are immediately followed by Venus square Uranus, requiring a bit of detachment as we turn the corner on how we want to live our new lives. On July 5, 6, and 7, we see Mercury square Chiron and sextile Uranus, with Mars beginning the Yod with a quincunx to Neptune. Healing through happiness is in the air, with a relatively easy flow as long as you make the adjustments indicated by Mars quincunx Neptune.
As the first week of July has the Moon between Sagittarius and Pisces, it should be a time to harvest many insights and go deeper into your power and self-discipline. Moon in Sagittarius is very favorable, and a lot should get done in fine style at the beginning of the month, as long as one takes into account the Venus square Uranus. Be detached, appreciative, friendly and dare to be innovative! Moon in Capricorn makes its own Yod early July 4, so be mature as you take responsibility. The Moon in Aquarius on July 4, 5, and 6 makes for a few bumps due to the fixed T-square in play July 5/6. When the Moon enters Pisces July 6, things should smooth out considerably.
The second week of July features the Moon in Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. Major aspects that week include Mars quincunx Pluto, Mercury trine Neptune, Mercury opposed Pluto, Sun square Chiron, Mercury quincunx Saturn, and Sun sextile Uranus. The Mars Yod will continue to be strong through the entire week so get focused wherever you have late Leo in your chart. Mercury in the opposition-sextile-trine is very productive and harmonizing; just see the potential despite the limiting conditions, don’t believe everything you’re told, and use your wisdom to “escape from a narrow destiny.”
Inventiveness is in the air, so make adjustments to your rules or plan and reorganize as needed. As Mercury’s quincunx to Saturn duplicates the Mars quincunx Saturn on June 1, by the adjustments and sacrifices which began then we’ll understand the process from a wider angle. Stay balanced and embrace the roles you were born to play!
The second week of July shows Mars entering Virgo and Mercury entering Leo on July 10. While there are favorable Lunar aspects on July 8, try to see things as “both and” rather than “either or” on July 9. A major T-square on July 10 with Mercury opposed Pluto both squared by the Moon brings us to some form of “philosophical completion” as we understand we’re done paying a certain kind of dues from the past.
This should smooth out when Moon enters Taurus July 10, as we have favorable aspects from then through July 12. There’s a mutable T-square made by the Moon in Gemini, Mars in Virgo, and Saturn in Pisces, so don’t get too spread out and keep a sense of humor. July 14 should be pleasant despite the adjustments required by Mercury quincunx Saturn.
Primary Action Beats for the Second Half of the Month
The second half of the month begins a very intense time, as Mercury squares Jupiter at the New Moon on the 17th which is trine Neptune and opposed Pluto, showing the beginning of a 2 week period of blessings, a form of relatively comfortable “transcendent security,” and deep connectedness during the time Mars builds to its opposition with Saturn the third week of July. The last week finds Mercury square Uranus just before it makes its Yod with Neptune and Pluto.
During the third week of July, the Moon moves from Gemini through Virgo, putting the focus on the inner planets in that span. There are productive Lunar aspects July 14, 15, 16, and 17 so things can proceed smoothly as long as the sacrifices indicated by Venus quincunx Neptune are made. Disregard the chatter while remembering we’re all striving to be part of a better, more “civilized” society and world. Overall, July 14-16 should be a pretty enjoyable weekend despite the adjustments.
The New Moon on July 17 at 25 Cancer will bring us all a form of “a mantle of power,” or a blessing which allows us to take the lead in some way. Just use your concentration and self-discipline to overcome any lurking insecurity this Lunation may bring up. The Moon’s in Leo for July 18-20, squaring Jupiter and then Uranus. Be detached, friendly and don’t get hooked into anything you don’t want to do.
The third week ends and the fourth week begins with a very intense period between July 20-23. July 20 the Moon conjuncts Mars and both oppose Saturn so if you’re overextended, back down and back off! There’s no harm in deciding things have gone far enough and it’s time to put our energies into something new. This is immediately followed by Sun opposed Pluto on July 21, but Moon trine Jupiter should give protection as we come to the depth realizations from the opposition.
After the opposition of the 21st, we immediately encounter Venus stationary retrograde with the Sun entering Leo on the 22nd. The Moon in Virgo creates a Grand Earth Trine which pulls in the Sun trine Neptune, activating 5 points of a Great Sextile in the last degrees of the Earth and Water signs. This is a very favorable harmonization of energy, so make the most of that weekend!
July 23 brings Chiron going stationary retrograde and Mercury square Uranus. A “healing review” begins then, and those who can demonstrate skill that weekend into July 24-25 will reap rewards which “certify their worth” while opening up new training to use spiritual power effectively in the future. It’s a transmutational period where the “animal” will be raised to a higher, more “ethereal” nature.
The Moon transits Virgo through Sagittarius the fourth week of July, filling in a vast unoccupied section of the sky and rounding out our experience. The Moon in Libra July 23-25 is a mixed bag of aspects with an offset T-square on July 25, during which the Moon enters Scorpio where it makes great aspects through July 27, including the square to Mercury conjunct Venus on the 27th. That period also sees Mercury making a quincunx to Neptune, creating a dual Mercury-Venus nozzle for the double quincunxes made to Neptune and Pluto.
July ends with the Mercury Yod, the Sun quincunx Saturn, and Venus retrograde quincunx Neptune, showing the effective span of the Venus quincunx to be in play from the second week of the month to the end of the month and beyond! The Moon in Capricorn at the end of the month creates very favorable evolutionary configurations that weekend so have fun while grounding Spirit!
August 1 brings the Full Moon with Sun at 10 Leo and the Moon at 10 Aquarius, Mars trine Jupiter, and Mercury opposed Saturn. That indicates the first half of August is about transfiguration, beginning anew, pulling back from old projections, and stabilizing future opportunities through a process of self-transcendence. It’ll be great for coming out of narrow or restricted views of things while promising great openings through embracing new attitudes and new approaches.
Evolutionary Development
This is the eighteenth and last month of the North Node in Taurus era, since the True North Node enters Aries on July 17! We’re now closing our period of greatest development through appreciation, value, and enjoying the best life has to offer and entering a time of developing through self-initiated activity and the ability to focus Spiritual energy in the arena best suited for us with others who we know in “the Cosmic Choir.” The first half of the month continues the Taurus growth and Scorpio release of keeping it simple and steady, showing what you know by releasing what needs releasing and attracting what needs attracting. The second half of the month, we begin Aries growth and Libra release, showing the need to be a pioneer by demonstrating balance, fairness, and a sense of justice.
As I noted at the beginning, Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries in late May 2022 began a 2 year adventure in opening to new ways of enjoying life and new freedom to be as authentic as we need to be. That cycle and other Aries cycles are already in motion, bursting into a bright flame thanks to the inner planet conjunctions with Jupiter and Chiron.
Our wise friend Saturn brought us to the threshold of radical transfiguration and entry into a greater field of conscious Light/Life in March, and now we’re in the deep waters of Pisces. This is a time of demonstrating a greater empathy, sense of connection, intuition, and compassion. Specific Saturn themes for July involve hearing the call to a life renewal while being utterly true to ourselves!
The Sun in Cancer is a time to see the Light of new allegiances and decisions which will secure our inner and outer base of operations so that we may express all we have gathered in a new burst of energy when the Sun enters Leo. This month squeezes us into a narrow but potent spiritual focus while also preparing to take a look back during Venus retrograde.
We now continue our third year of the new Aquarian era, having renewed that energy via inner planet transits for this year. With Jupiter in Taurus, it is finding new “expansive ground” which will sustain the process into the future. Move into the future, stabilize what you can, and make the most of the creative potential of this month.
The new 2023 Aquarian energies powered up the last five months, with rapid developments in March when Saturn entered Pisces and Pluto made its first appearance in Aquarius. As Jupiter is securing a lot at this time, embrace the future and don’t clutch as some things accelerate while we begin our review of Saturn’s lessons this year. This month continues our 2023 surfacing of the Aquarian vision, with a very dynamic Summer of Venus and Mars in Leo!
As we’re now at the beginning of the third year of a new 20 year and 200 year cycle, remember a new era has dawned. Have courage and take the initiative to leave the Earth and fly free into the Air of what’s opening as the Grand Mutation expands its promise into the Divine transfigured ideal of a more just truth and future. This month brings new information and perspectives of the new life we’ve embraced since March, so lighten up, play a little, and be willing to explore new arenas of effective activity where you can work and play with other Light Spirits, and take heart as we stand at the dawning of the coming Pluto in Aquarius era.
We have now collectively transfigured into a greater vision of the one Light/Life we all are together. Continue to find your heart strength and new forms of genuine happiness appropriate for who you are now, and who you are becoming relative to just a few months ago.
The 2022 Capricorn and Aquarius transits began a new chapter of utilizing forms of personal power in Capricorn to serve the emerging Aquarian ideal. A huge part of the past died in 2021 and 2022 and a new expansive inspired energy came in via the Mars conjunction with Jupiter in Aries. The past is over and we all have begun our trek into a new world of new potential, new adventures, and new ways to enjoy being ourselves while doing our work of Destiny. Open to the abundance of the process of growth, since we are all on a rocket ship to the stars!
Since I also include this in the newsletter, I’ll offer it to you here:
SUN – 10 Cancer to 8 Leo
MERCURY – 9 Cancer to 4 Virgo
VENUS –21 Leo to 29 Leo then back to 28 Leo
MARS – 25 Leo to 13 Virgo
JUPITER – 10 to 14 Taurus
SATURN – 8 to 6 Pisces
URANUS – 22 to 23 Taurus
NEPTUNE – 28 Pisces (all month)
PLUTO – 30 to 29 Capricorn
CHIRON – 20 Aries (all month)
TRUE NORTH NODE – 2 Taurus to 29 Aries
(Bold entries are the ingresses, stations, and lunations. Non-bold are significant aspects.) NEW MOON; July 17 19; Sun and Moon at 27 Gemini
NEPTUNE STATIONARY RETROGRADE; June 30 at 28 Pisces SUPERIOR CONJUNCTION OF MERCURY/SUN; June 30 at 10 Cancer VENUS SQUARE URANUS; July 2 at 22 Leo/Taurus FULL MOON; July 3; Sun 12 Cancer; Moon 12 Capricorn
SUN CONJUNCT SIRIUS; July 5 at 14 Cancer MERCURY SQUARE CHIRON; July 5 at 20 Cancer/Aries MARS ENTERS VIRGO; July 10
MERCURY OPPOSED PLUTO; July 10 at 30 Cancer/Capricorn MERCURY ENTERS LEO; July 10 SUN SQUARE CHIRON; July 12 at 20 Cancer/Aries MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER; July 17 at 12 Leo/Taurus TRUE NORTH NODE ENTERS ARIES; July 17 NEW MOON; July 17; Sun and Moon at 25 Cancer MARS OPPOSED SATURN; July 20 at 7 Virgo/Pisces SUN OPPOSED PLUTO; July 21 at 30 Cancer/Capricorn AAZ Meeting; July 22 VENUS STATIONARY RETROGRADE; July 22 at 29 Leo SUN ENTERS LEO; July 22 CHIRON STATIONARY RETROGRADE; July 23 at 20 Aries MERCURY SQUARE URANUS; July 23 at 23 Leo/Taurus MERCURY CONJUNCT VENUS; July 27 at 29 Leo MERCURY ENTERS VIRGO; July 28 FULL MOON; August 1; Sun 10 Leo; Moon 10 Aquarius MERCURY OPPOSED SATURN; August 1 at 6 Virgo/Pisces MERCURY ENTERS SHADOW ZONE; August 4 at 9 Virgo
Again, please consider joining Astrology Arizona to get all this and a lot more delivered to your email inbox at the beginning of each month. Members get to advertise their business on our website for free, there’s free access to the fantastic documentary Changing of the Gods, and discounts on recorded talks as they are available.
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Celebrated on the Spring Equinox, around March 20-21 each year. Ostara is a... Read more
Wolf Medicine
Wolf is the pathfinder, the forerunner of new ideas who returns to the clan ... Read more
Ostara Magic! Spring Equinox Rituals & T…
Easter gets its name from the Teutonic goddess of spring and the dawn, whose n... Read more