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All Planets Direct - Imbolc 2023

All Planets Direct - Imbolc 2023

January 27th ~ February 3rd

Today is your life, the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto. ~ Dale Carnegie

One of the fixed cross quarters of the Solar Year, February 1st-2nd, Imbolc, is the midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. A time of fertile potential, we too can see this as a time of potential in our own lives. Betwixt and between the cardinal points of the year, these cross quarters are times of transitory potential to what will and could be. 

When Uranus stationed for its apparent direct motion on January 22nd, all the planets now appear to be moving forward. And although retrograde or direct motion of the planets are not necessarily good or bad, when the planets appear to be retrograde it can stall our progress and stall our forward momentum. Therefore, having all the planets direct at once, can feel like we are being given permission to now proceed. All the pieces seem to come together, and obstacles seem to fall away. And perhaps we may even be given a glimpse of the potential promised at this cross quarter time of year.

This does not mean that we are necessarily going to come out of the gate racing. It can take some time for the planets to resume their normal speed once again. Mars has barely moved more than a degree since its station on January 12th. However, this weekend, the Sun will be trine Mars giving it a bit of a boost. This is when we can expect to see our motivation revived and our energy rekindled. This is probably one of the better times to begin new projects or take on new challenges, as the now forward momentum combined with the waxing Moon promises growth and achievement. 

There are a few twists and turns as well in the coming week, as we approach the Full Moon on February 5th. As is the case every year, a few weeks after the station of Uranus, it forms a square to the Sun. Changeable and unpredictable, this is usually when the restless yearnings and creative ideas that were percolating during the retrograde phase of Uranus are being unleashed. What makes it a little more volatile, is that the square coincides with a Full Moon this year. 

Don’t get me wrong. This can bring some much overdue and welcome changes. And we will feel the energy amping up days before-hand. The issue with Uranus is that it often brings some unexpected surprises, which can change the picture, and our circumstances. Our only recourse is to be open and flexible. The more we resist the changes that Uranus brings, the more difficult it is likely to be. But perhaps the most vexing thing about Uranus is its unpredictability. 

There can be good surprises as well with Uranus. Mercury makes its 3rd and last trine to Uranus this week from the sign of Capricorn. The first was December 17th, the 2nd January 7th, and now the last will be on January 29th. The 2nd trine coincided with the last Full Moon, which was also when Mercury was making its transit to the Sun which marked the beginning of the new Mercury cycle. The Mercury/Uranus trine was setting the tone for the next 4-month Mercury cycle. This week’s Mercury/Uranus trine is like the green light for that cycle to now proceed. 

What we can expect from this cycle, are new innovative ideas, flashes of ingenious insight, clarifying information, and the understanding that we don’t necessarily have to keep doing things the way we always have in the past. That there are alternatives. 

Positively Uranus weather brings us the willingness to take chances, to try new things and experiment with innovative ideas. Even if we don’t personally go out to seek the things of Uranus (excitement, freedom of expression, creative authenticity, and growing awareness) it finds us. Illuminating and inspiring, even unwelcome changes under the aegis of Uranus can bring a flash of sudden clarity and renewed excitement into our daily lives.  

For this week’s horoscopes, click below:


Image: “Spring Scattering Stars” by Edwin Blashfield


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 


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