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Horoscopes: January 27th Thru February 3rd

Horoscopes: January 27th Thru February 3rd

For the week of January 27th thru February 3rd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Even though it may take a while for your ruling planet Mars to resume it normal forward momentum again, there can already be something of a feeling of coming out of the gate racing. For now that Mars is direct once again, it is applying to a vitalizing trine to the Sun. And you are well positioned to channel some or all of that energy into something worthwhile. Sun/Mars brings not only the energy, but the confidence and the excitement to take on new projects, and face challenges with enthusiasm. And because Mars is in the sign of Gemini, it also gives you the courage to use your voice, to speak up, and not be shy about saying what’s on your mind, or asking for what you want. All the more so with Jupiter adding an additional boost to your sign as well! Sun/Mars gets us all moving and grooving a bit more. Whether that means taking on that physical challenge, or saying yes to that new project, you’re getting your own forward momentum back again. Sun/Mars is restoring your Aries zest for life. And we’re all really glad to see it. 


Now that your ruling planet Venus has entered Pisces, you may find yourself dwelling on what dreams may come. But not without also considering that in order for those dreams to become a closer reality, you’re going to need the funds and the confidence. This may have been something of a simmering issue on the back burner of your life these past 4 months, that you had probably found difficult to confront. You might even know what you were needing to do, but it just never seemed like the right time to do it. And it probably wasn’t. But now that all the planets are direct, you are going to be feeling more confident to look for creative solutions that could work out for all parties concerned. It will take a while for the planet Uranus to appear to move forward again in your sign, but when it finally does so you will begin to see opportunities to put some of those creative ideas, changes or solutions, that you’ve been mulling over, into application. And these in turn can pave the way for those dreams to find some sort of foundation through which to become a more practical  and achievable reality. 


Mars traveling in your sign since mid-August can be both motivating, and agitating all at the same time. Mars is a planet that wants us to DO something. It wants us to be active, and take charge and courageously try new initiatives. But with Mars retrograde from the end of October thru January 12th, the forward momentum of Mars was lagging and listing. Perhaps like there was nothing you could do without having to make some tremendous, and likely unwise sacrifices. However, Mars is now direct, and it is currently recharging your batteries. And in the process you could be made aware of some alternative ways of achieving your objectives without having to make all those sacrifices. One of the things that can become apparent is that there is hope. And that you don’t have to keep doing things the same way. Look for creative solutions that may not have been all that obvious or apparent before. Be open to the new, and look with hope and expectation to the future. It may not be exactly the way that you had thought it might be but it could bring you the solution you were hoping for.  


All planets are now direct. Combine that with a waxing moon and it could feel like all lights are now turning green, asking us all to proceed. The New Moon in Aquarius was something of a launching pad. With a sextile to Jupiter it was asking us all to think a little larger, and to reach even beyond our own expectations. This can and will bring changes in a number of people’s lives as a consequence. And as we stand here between the New and Full Moons this week, you may want to think about the sorts of changes you are willing and able to make, that will bring you the freedom to grow in the ways that you want and/or need to. What sorts of changes will bring you the relief that you need? And if you can’t do anything right now, what can you change in your perspective that will allow you to live with your current circumstances, until you are ready and able? Mars will finally (and thankfully) leave Gemini in March, and enter your sign, bringing you the courage and motivation to move forward with plans. In the mean time look for illuminating solutions to crop up from some unexpected places and sources. 


They say that patience is a virtue, but you may not have all that much patience this week. Therefore it is wisdom, not cowardice that asks you to hesitate before leaping into the fray, and you don’t want to leave any regrets behind due to hasty or impulsive actions. Despite this, there is an excellent Sun/Mars trine that you might want to take advantage of. This is the sort of transit in which confidence is restored, and motivation is rekindled. Therefore it is great weather to begin new initiatives, network, make contacts and take care of business. Just watch for the Full Moon in Leo on February 5th. For that is when the hastiness is more likely to take hold. Unpredictable and changeable, the Full Moon can bring unexpected consequences if we leap in without looking. At the same time the Full Moon can also be another link in the chain of events that have transpired over the past year. And with a little flexibility and patience, it can open the way to make just the sorts of changes you would want to see. We are all beginning to move forward again. May the momentum bring you where you need to be. 


The Full Moon of January 6th was trying to inspire you in a certain direction. Perhaps it was trying to reawaken some old hopes and dreams that you had previously abandoned or was ignoring. Perhaps it was a goal that just seemed impossible to fulfill, or an old hobby that you left to gather dust in the back of your closet. Something that once lit up you life, and still has the capacity to breathe a little excitement into your daily life. Like an awakening, or a sudden flash of insight, the excitement you may be needing now, can appear at the most unexpected times, and in the most mundane ways. Watch for it this week. For this is when the light is shining on that something that needs a little revitalization. That one person, experience or thing that will bring that feeling of excitement and renewal back into your life. And once you get realigned with whatever that thing may be, just know that your life will never be quite the same. 


For Libra, Pisces is a sign that you associate with those things that support your general well-being. That can include things like diet, daily health maintenance, and hygiene, but also things like your job, and how you can make yourself useful to others. So having your ruling planet Venus just recently entering Pisces can help you to reprioritize these areas of your life once again. And although Libra generally enjoys these annual ingresses into the house of daily activity and occupation, this time it comes with something of a vague (or perhaps not even so vague) awareness of things brewing behind the scenes. This may or may not have something to do with what was already simmering on the back burner last Fall. But even if what you are feeling now is merely vague and annoying, perhaps just irritating or uncomfortable, it is probably not something you want to ignore. Pisces is a strongly intuitive sign, tuned in to the subtle workings beneath it all. If it’s telling you something’s fishy, that there’s some tension behind the scenes, or something feels a little off, pay attention. Clarity will come, and when it does it will bring you all the answers you will need. In the mean time, tune in and trust your inner guidance system to lead you where you need to be. 


Your ruling planet Mars is now gradually (and finally!) picking up steam. And this week it receives a little extra help from a trine to the Sun, the supplier of our vital energy. Generally speaking, once Scorpio gets going there’s no stopping them. You all are a force to be reckoned with once that stalwart determination kicks in. And having a healthy Mars with some forward momentum can make all the difference. See if you can apply some of that forward momentum to achieving your goals. But before you proceed you might want to clarify your priorities. You don’t want to proceed if it means having to make some unwanted sacrifices. There’s also a lot of creative energy flying around. See if you can gather some of those creative insights floating around in order to arrive at a solution that will allow you to achieve your goals without having to compromise or sacrifice the things that are most meaningful to you. This is likely to be a year of transitions for a lot of people. Therefore make them the sorts of transitions that are equal to you, and agreeable to all parties concerned. 


Jupiter in Aries aims to instill hope for a better and more promising future for yourself and all concerned. And now that Mars is finally in its direct phase once again, it is investing your ruling planet Jupiter with an even greater surge of confidence and forward momentum. A trine between the Sun and Mars this week could be just the catalyst that will allow you to see positive solutions, where previously you only saw problems. As long as you keep your feet firmly planted on the ground, and don’t get carried away with crazy schemes, this forward momentum could help you to achieve your goals, perhaps even beyond your previous expectations. A lot of new and exciting notions are going to be floating around this week. Focus on those goals that are achievable, and that are right there in front of you. Be willing to try out some new ideas and ventures, but hash them out with others before impulsively committing. There is a quality of newness in the air, but you want to make sure that these are what you were looking for. They may even bring just the sort of solutions you were hoping for. 


There are a couple of important transitions for Capricorn in 2023. One of these is that Pluto is gearing up to leave your sign, and enter Aquarius. It will be back and forth over the year ahead, but this is an important transition for Capricorn who has weathered the whole Pluto in Capricorn era that began way back in 2008. Another transition is that your ruling planet Saturn will be changing signs in March, moving from Aquarius to the sign of Pisces. And as it does so, it will be bringing Capricorn along for the ride. One thing that may become more apparent is that it is not so much about good or bad, or about the past vs. the future, or us vs. them. When Saturn enters Pisces, it becomes about Us, and that we are in this all together; it’s about the Greater Good, and actually living our lives according to our highest ideals and dreams. It may seem like a long shot, or unrealistic. But if anyone is capable of finding ways to make their dreams and ideals a closer and practical reality, it’s Capricorn. We’ll be talking more about Saturn in Pisces over the next few months, but in the mean time look for illuminating and creative ideas to get you started in the right direction. 


2021-22 were interesting years for Aquarius. But 2023 could be even more interesting. For Aquarius stands at the cutting edge between one era and the next. Either you are being drawn along the general tide of societal change, or you are making your own grand transition, the tides are shifting, and Aquarius is being drawn along with the tides of change as well. Your ruling planet Saturn will be leaving your sign and entering Pisces in March, while Pluto will be dipping its toes into your own sign of Aquarius at the same time. Some of the conflicts and edginess of 2022 will dissipate, leaving a vacuum. But not without having displaced a few of you, leaving you wondering where you are, or how you even got there. While other Aquarians may be wondering whether or not they should have left and relocated as well. You are still in early times however. And what the outcomes are going to be in the end are still in the larval stage. But there will be some hints along the way. Look for some of those hints this week. But one thing is for sure. Your life is going through some sort of cosmic shift this year, and it may never be quite the same again. 


All the planets are now appearing to move direct, which feels like a green light to move forward with any plans and initiatives that had been simmering on the back burner. What is perhaps most promising, are that those plans and initiatives that had previously seemed impossible to solve or move around, may also finally be able to proceed. This is the sort of week in which new information can arise offering us creative solutions out of our predicaments. And thankfully so! We are not totally out of the woods yet. But at least you can begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel. In March, the planet Saturn will be entering Pisces, which can bring in a whole new cycle of experience for a number of Pisceans. Until then, there will be a lot of tying up of loose ends, and clearing out some of the remnants of the previous cycle that was. This is going to be a year of transitions for many. And now that the planets are all appearing to move forwards again, the pieces are going to come together in order to all the transition to begin. 


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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