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Full Moon Meditation Series - Pisces


Pisces - Full Moon Meditation

«I leave my father's home and returning back, I save.»
(February 20 - March 20)


This full moon meditation series is based on an astrological interpretation of the twelve labors of Hercules from the Greek myth.

The twelve tasks of Hercules are symbolic lessons for every human from the way of selfishness back to the Heart of God. As mortals we do not exactly know the way to the higher worlds but the path itself knows and leads us through sometimes dramatic experiences to our goal. So we travel "on the path until we become that path", from Aries to Pisces.

On his journey Hercules has to learn many lessons: Hope in Aries, Light in Taurus, Active Work in Gemini, Power to Choose in Cancer, Courage in Leo, Unity and Love in Virgo, Harmony in Libra, Self-Confidence in Scorpio, Harmlessness and Right Speech in Sagittarius, Purity in Capricorn, Unselfishness in Aquarius and now Obedience in Pisces. The sequence of the labors is like a picture in time and space for the working out of human evolution back to its source.


Hercules is called to his twelfth task:


One labor yet remains before the circle is complete, and liberation is attained. Proceed to that dark place called Erytheia where Geryon, the monster of three heads, three bodies and six hands is lord and king. Unlawfully he holds a herd of dark red cattle. Go and drive this herd to the Sacred City but beware of Eurytion, the shepherd and his two-headed dog, Orthrus. One hint I give: Invoke the aid of Helius.

Hercules goes to a temple and meditates before Helius, the god of fire in the sun. After seven days a chalice falls before his feet allowing him to cross the seas and reach the land of Erytheia. Not long after the disembarkation Hercules finds the herd of read-hued cattle. He is immediately attacked by Orthrus, the double-headed dog but Hercules lays down the monster with one decisive blow. Fearful shepherd Eurytion asks that his life be spared. Hercules concedes and drives the cattle away, turning his face towards the Sacred City. Hearing the news Geryon decides to pursue Hercules. Soon they stand face to face. When Geryon hurls a spear at Hercules, the son of god steps agilely aside and answers with an arrow that seems to burn the air as he releases it. The impetus of the shot is such that all three bodies of fierce Geryon are pierced and the monster fells down with a despairing groan.

Driving the sleek, red cattle towards the Sacred City is a difficult task. Again and again some cattle stray and Hercules has to leave the herd in search of them. At times he loses his way, but always returns back, retraces his steps and journeys on. Though wearied by this most exacting labor, Hercules at last returns.

"Welcome, O Son of God who is also a son of man," the warrior is greeted. "The jewel of immortality is yours. By these twelve labors you have overcome the human, and put on the divine. The human labors end, your cosmic tasks begin..."


Hercules, the servant obeys; he drives home the herd of monster Geryon's dark red cattle which can easily be recognized as humanity with its many desires. Geryon is a symbol of the three-fold personality (mental, emotional and physical), imprisoned in the dark land of Erytheia, the land of illusion, glamor and maya. The shepherd stays for a simple human being, who is for a long, long time closely attached to "the two-headed dog Orthrus", e.g. his emotional and physical nature. Through virtues, right thinking and good deeds we have to transform ourselves that we may safely arrive at the "Sacred City of Wisdom" like Hercules who "sailed the herd of cattle home through the tossing sea".

The symbol of Pisces is often pictured as two dishes joined by an indestructible bond which could be interpreted as the duality of our three-fold personality and the soul held together by the "spine".

Meditation on the seed thought of the month

  1. Remain in silence for some minutes.
  2. Sing three times: OM.
  3. Ponder upon the seed thought for 3 to 5 minutes:
    «I leave my father's home and returning back, I save.»
  4. Recite the following mantra:
    I am a point of light within a greater light.
    I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of love divine.
    I am a point of sacrificial fire, focused within the fiery will of God.
    And thus I stand
  5. Sing again three times: OM.
  6. Recite three times: May all living beings in all the worlds be happy.
  7. Remain in silence for three minutes, than end with:
    Peace, Peace, Peace.

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Sun in Pisces
18 degrees
Moon in Virgo
1 degree
Full Moon
Full Moon
13 days old
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