Full Moon Meditation Series - Capricorn
- Details
- Written by AndEl

Capricorn - Full Moon Meditation
«Lost am I in light supernal, yet on light I turn my back.»
(December 22 - January 20)
This full moon meditation series is based on an astrological interpretation of the twelve labors of Hercules from the Greek myth.
The twelve tasks of Hercules are symbolic lessons for every human from the way of selfishness back to the Heart of God. As mortals we do not exactly know the way to the higher worlds but the path itself knows and leads us through sometimes dramatic experiences to our goal. So we travel "on the path until we become that path", from Aries to Capricorn - and further to Aquarius and Pisces.
In Capricorn purity sets the standard tone. Purity is based on freedom from desire and a sense of right proportions. These are the very fundaments of liberation.
Hercules is called to his tenth task:
Unto Prometheus, O Hercules, you are asked to be a saviour. Go down into the depths, and there upon the outer planes release him from his suffering.
Hercules travels downwards into the binding worlds of form. The atmosphere grows stifling and the darkness becomes steadily more intense. After a long descent he arrives at the river Styx, which the deceased souls have to cross on their way to Hades, the Greek underworld. Charon, the ferryman is frightened at Hercules sight but sets him over. Entering Hades, a dim and misty region Hercules searches for the court of the king who rules the underworld. After treading many of the labyrinthine paths he approaches the king and asks for the right to free the suffering Prometheus. The king allows him to do so on the condition that Hercules conquers the monster Cerberus with his bare hands - a feat no one has yet performed. Satisfied with the response, Hercules proceeds and soon hears the piercing bark of the triple-headed dog. It comes to a fight and Hercules gets hold of the primary throat of Cerberus. At length,the strength of the monster vanishes and Hercules conquers the dog. Then he goes on to find Prometheus. When he reaches his place a horror scene opens before his eyes: Prometheus is chained on a rock and lays there in agonizing pain, groaning as if his heart would break. A fierce vulture is pecking at his liver all the time and a trickling stream of blood flows from Prometheus side. For ages he has suffered thus and yet he cannot die, being immortal. Quickly Hercules breaks the chains and sets the sufferer free. Retracing his steps Hercules returns as he had come until he reaches the world of living beings.
In Capricorn Hercules is called to "shine within the world of dark" and to bring illumination. The task laid before him is a test of his capability to serve the world. As a creature of light, Hercules descends into Hades - the hell - and nothing can resist him. He knows the methods of unarmed battle which consist of light, the words formed in this light, and the power of trust which springs from the heart. Hercules has developed in himself all faculties during the long and repeated wanderings through the zodiac. In reality Hercules is himself Prometheus whom he frees from suffering. As Prometheus he is the one who stole the "fire of thought" many ages ago from heaven and who has to learn its correct use.
Both, Hercules and Prometheus are symbols representing humanity. The task imposed on Hercules no longer concerns liberation from the lower spheres of personal desire. This limitation lies behind - being mastered lesson after lesson - and standing now in front of the "mountain", the path which leads to God. The first act of this greater path is to disregard personal attitudes. Personal love has developed from the caring for a spouse, a family, a circle of friends to cover now whole humanity. Every one of us is able to love humanity when we have experienced deep personal love. This has nothing to do with sentimentality, rather with the attitude not to accept any walls or barriers. It has to do with the ability to see people as they are: with all their faults and deficiencies and with all their strengths.
The sign of Capricorn is often pictured as a mountain goat placing its feet on the highest peak it can reach. Capricorn is the first of the three impersonal signs. The keynote exemplifies the truth "so goes the world disciple, initiate in Capricorn, on his way to serve humanity in Aquarius".
Meditation on the seed thought of the month
- Remain in silence for some minutes.
- Sing three times: OM.
Ponder upon the seed thought for 3 to 5 minutes:
«Lost am I in light supernal, yet on light I turn my back.» -
Recite the following mantra:
I am a point of light within a greater light.
I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of love divine.
I am a point of sacrificial fire, focused within the fiery will of God.
And thus I stand. - Sing again three times: OM.
- Recite three times: May all living beings in all the worlds be happy.
Remain in silence for three minutes, than end with:
Peace, Peace, Peace.
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