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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for June 14th - 21st

Your Complete Horoscope Guide for June 14th  - 21st

For the week of June 14th thru the 21st, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Many an Aries will be feeling a bit weary this week. Last week’s Mars/Pluto square could have taken a bit out of you as you found yourself adjusting to some heavy lifting. Expect things to be a little slow this week. That’s okay, and could prove to be just what is needed in order to recoup your energy and your strategies. They key here is about sustainability and manageability. So slow can be a good thing for now. Don’t mess with it. Let it be. And take things one day at a time. The rest will follow. At this time of year you will often find your focus on matters closer to home: family, community, a sense of belonging and stability. Now is a time to turn your focus inwards, in order to better understand your relationship both with yourself and the role you play in the outer world. Slowing down and focusing on these fundamental foundations of your life are important right now, and will help to better position you for the months ahead. And so you may be asking yourself: who are those that I know I can depend on to be there, when all is said and done? where do I find my sense of community and belonging in a world that often seems uncertain? Who or what can I truly depend on in the end? 


As your ruling planet Venus leaves the busyness of Gemini you may be feeling ready for some down time. Not doing so will leave you quite frazzled and at loose ends. And perhaps even a bit vulnerable. By the end of the coming weekend, give yourself some time out: surround yourself in beauty, go to an art show, listen to music, be inspired. Seek out those activities that connect with something profound, mystical or spiritual. Make Sunday a should-less day in which you give yourself permission to not get anything done. Allow yourself to dream and reflect, but don’t spend too much time on anything or anyone who drains you. Rather seek out those people and things that feed and nurture your heart, mind and soul. We’re about to take a dive into the dreamy waters of the Cancer season, and you will want to enter with the right frame of mind. At this time of year you will often find yourself wanting to catch up with friends, siblings and neighbors. Touching base with everyone will help to tune you in, but also allow you to connect on a much more meaningful level. But perhaps the most important questions you might want to ask yourself at this time of year is: what do you want to fill your mind with? what sorts of subjects and thoughts would you want taking up residence in your mind? what are you wanting to know more about? who are the people and things that feed your heart, mind and soul? 


There is a sort of dreaminess that is setting in this week, that could also prove to be something of a distraction, making it difficult to focus on the tasks at hand. But there can also be a purpose to these wistful daydreams and distractions. For sometimes we need to get lost in order to find ourselves again. And that can happen in a myriad of ways, but its ultimate purpose is for us to connect back with ourselves on some profound level. Doing so can help you suss out the important from the unimportant. We often find ourselves turning inward during Cancer season, which can help to facilitate that process of connecting with your true priorities. That can include things which may be very practical: what sort of plan can I create in order to make sure the bills are paid on time, and that there is enough to cover all of the necessities? But then there are those other priorities. Yes, we all need to survive in this world, and need to have all of those practical things sorted out. A lot of that is just common sense.  But you might also want to consider those things, people and activities that you would especially want to spend your valuable time, money and resources on, then figure out ways to make these also a priority going forward. 


Even before the Solstice on the 20th, the sign of Cancer is lighting up like a Christmas tree this week, as the inner planets, Venus and Mercury, and then the Sun enter your sign, bringing all things Cancer, including yourself, front and center. That includes things like home, family, community, nurturing those supportive relationships that bring greater stability and security in your life. Including returning to the familiar, the reliable and the known. Return to those things that support you, and that you know you can rely on, and most especially so, in times of uncertainty. What it also brings forth are the ways in which you support, sustain and nurture others. There is a certain reciprocity with the sign of Cancer, in which we take into consideration our roles as caregivers, as well as receiving care from others. At this time of year, you will find that you are capable of making a stronger statement to the world about who you are, the things and people that you do truly care about. And if you were wanting to make some sort of impression this would be a good time to do so. When the Sun is in your sign, as it is this time of year, it represents a new beginning, a rebirth if you will, and a time of renewal. May you begin it with your best foot forward, always and forever.


On Friday we have the superior conjunction of Mercury, in which Mercury is at its furthest point from the Earth in its orbit. This normally allows us to have greater objectivity. However in this Mercury cycle, the superior conjunction occurs while both are about to square the planet Neptune, a planet of uncertainty, and often confusion. We are all going to be wandering around in something of a fugue this week, either subject to disenchantment, or lost in a state of wistful distraction. Either way, it will be hard to focus and concentrate on tasks at hand. But once the Sun enters Cancer on the day of the Solstice (the 20th), you could find yourself taking a deep dive within. After the busyness of Gemini, this can sometimes feel like something of a relief. And it is not unusual at this time of year to find yourself retreating from the world and finding refuge in the cool and calming waters of Cancer season. This is a good time in which you might want to consider spending some quiet time alone in which to rejuvenate yourself. At this time of year Leo will often find themselves reflecting on the year that was, while tying up any loose ends. You may be feeling a little unmotivated. Recognize that this is a time of year for healing, reflection and introspection. Doing this important inner work is essential in preparing you for when the Sun enters your sign next month. 


Gemini season can often feel notoriously busy. And as we leave Gemini season this year it could seem even more so… distracted, overwhelmed at times, scattered and even nerve-wracking. Therefore it could come as something of a welcome relief to enter the cool and reflective waters of Cancer season by the end of this week. This is when we turn inwards and away from the activity of the outer world, and into our own hearts and minds. This is when things like feeding the imagination, or when matters of the heart, and our dreams are being marinated. But it is also a time of year for you to share the things that matter to your heart in the company of others. That can be with a particular community or a circle of friends. Particularly those who share common interests and ideals. Not unusual to gain benefit through friends or communities that you are a part of at this time of year, so that being part of a particular circle, or building up your social network, could be important. And will be all the more so after the Solstice on the 20th. Know that you can get so much more done and accomplished when you work with others at this time of year, than you possibly could on your own. 


There could be some elements of disenchantment earlier in the week. There is some sort of releasing and clearing that is needing to take place. This can be accompanied by a sort of reorientation. For disenchantment will eventually lead to a new reality. What that new reality is, is still yet to be determined, which can leave you in a well of uncertainty. But that should not stop you from setting new goals that you would like to see yourself achieve in the not so distant future. These could be professional goals, or a new best, but these could also be personal goals that you are trying to achieve. And as your ruling planet Venus enters the sign of Cancer late Sunday, you will find your heart becoming more centered on those personal goals that are becoming your lodestar for the months ahead. This can also be when you receive feedback about the ways in which you engage with the world at large: perhaps with a sense of familiarity, charm and a natural friendliness that draws others to you in support of your goals and reputation. And it would not be unusual at this time of year, and especially after the Solstice on the 20th, to receive some sort of reward or positive attention for a job well done. 


Many a Scorpio may find themselves crawling into this week, licking their wounds, or feeling utterly exhausted. Knowing when to stop, conserve your strength, and retreat will serve you well. There are limits, even for indefatigable Scorpio. And if you don’t decide to withdraw or retreat, it may just be decided for you. Rather than feeling frustrated, see it as an excuse to recoup your energy and well-being. After all you will want to take advantage of the upcoming Cancer season which begins over the days ahead. This is often a time of year in which Scorpio will consider going on a vacation, or at least some sort of jaunt that will take you out of the world for a bit. Think: an escape to the wilderness or somewhere beautiful; going on a trip with family, by the water, or to somewhere familiar and that you have been to before. And if you can’t get away this week, look for opportunities to at least escape in other ways: seek out sacred spaces; places that bring inner meaning to you; places of beauty and perhaps a little enchantment. This is usually a time of year for you to expand your mind as well as your experiences, which can include travel, but also opportunities to learn something new, or to travel spiritually or in your own imagination. Just know that in some way you are being asked to grow and expand your awareness and understanding. 


As Venus, Mercury and then the Sun enter Cancer over the next week, you could feel a bit like you are coming to some sort of crossroads in your life. It could even feel as if certain things in your life are coming to a conclusion once and for all. This might even leave an empty space behind. If that is the case, realize that empty spaces make room for other things to come. Also know that it is not unusual for Sagittarius to feel particularly introspective at this time of year. Instead of exploring the outer world, this is the time of year in which you could find yourself exploring your own inner world; your habits, your feelings, and your emotional well-being included. You may even find certain feelings or obsessive thoughts rising to the surface. Rather than attaching yourself to these feelings, step back and see if you can understand the underlying causes, while also giving verification for what needs to change in order to accommodate any transitions that have already occurred, or are to occur in the future. The Solstice is one of the Magical corners of the year filled with the anticipation of an initiation into a whole new order. And Cancer is a sign of growth and nurturing. Therefore nurture those things in your life that you would like to see take root, thrive and grow over the months ahead. 


Sometimes we have to get a little lost in order to find ourselves again. This can be literal, as in taking a trip to nowhere in particular, only to find that you had lost your way. But it can also just be in your head. For instance feeling that some how you had gone off track, or had been barking up the wrong tree. There is little we can do about decisions made in the past, and perhaps one of the lessons for the upcoming week, are about letting go of the dreams in the past that have come to a dead end, in order to make room for new dreams to come in and take their place. Dwelling on the past or on what could have been, can only prove be a distraction for what might be. With the Sun square Neptune on the day of the Solstice, we may all be feeling a little uncertain. Just know that clarity will come in its own time as it will. In the mean time with the Solstice comes Cancer season, which places greater emphasis for Capricorn on their closest and most meaningful relationships. With 3 planets in the sign of Cancer by the end of next week, you could have the opportunity to improve your love life, perhaps even meet someone new, and make meaningful connections with those that matter to you most. 


Aquarius people often thrive in Gemini season, which is probably one of the more social periods of the year for you all. So as we withdraw from all of the hubbub, the festivities, coffee klatches and fun and games, it could feel like a bit of a lull. For as we now enter Cancer season, this is often a time of year in which you find yourself needing to take care of your duties and responsibilities. This could be about work, but it can also be about those duties and responsibilities to yourself and others in your care. Cancer is a sign of nurturing, which can include taking care of others and making sure that their needs are being met. But there is also something to be said for self-care at this time of year. So you may want to ask yourself: what are those things that are needing to be addressed or taken care of that will better support my health and well-being? what are those things that will support my health and well-being? And what changes can I make in order to better nurture and take care of myself? That may also include readdressing those habits or activities that are undermining your health and well-being and preventing you from thriving physically, emotionally and psychologically. Doing this good work, and any additional tweaks you can make over the next month can serve you well for months to come afterwards. 


It may feel at times this week that you have little control over certain outcomes and that some things are just out of your hands. This can devolve into feelings of despair if not watched carefully. The truth is, that we are all in a critical period of transition, and whenever these occur, we can feel like we are just drifting along with a tide that we can’t seem to get out of. Know also that within that tide is not only a lingering sense of “Oh no!”, but also a deep well of inspiration for what might be. You may not know what that will be exactly. At least not yet. So in some way you are also being asked to have faith that you are being led precisely where you need to be, and that clarity will come in its own time. With the Solstice on June 20th, we officially enter Cancer season, which is usually a time for Pisces to restore that faith in themselves and life and love. This is a time of year in which you are being asked to just be your true self, and to find the best company and environment that will allow you to do so. And to rediscover things about yourself, and who you are, and those sorts of things that enliven your spirits, and bring you joy. This can include things like: delving into and indulging your imagination; spending more time with loved ones and children; and daring to look at the world with a sense of wonder. May whatever comes this way bring you bounds of joy and happiness.  


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

Posting on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce any content without written permission. The article's title was crafted by CrystalWind.ca. 

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